ForumsPopular MediaWalking Dead Season 2

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2,917 posts

Well someone had to do it.




"I wish ___ would die"


  • 51 Replies
3,523 posts

He was a mirage, but still.

His actual body was never seen again. Well except for his hand...

And I need to know what Dr. Jenner said.

I think it's either that the government and military have collapsed and that there is no hope of rescue (which is already kind of obvious) or that everyone is already infected.
15,595 posts

Rick broke the news to them. He told them what Jenner said.

2,917 posts

**** d_dude, you totally called it.

And apparently Andrea's guardian angel is the frickin' grim reaper.

1 posts

This Show is awesome One of the Beat show I have ever Seen

2,226 posts

I don't watch it a whole lot, but I watched most of the end of Season 2 yesterday and it was pretty cool... they're starting to go a little Resident Evil like on us though with that hooded lady with the zombie slaves.

626 posts

I watched the talking dead and apparently shes a big character in the comics named mchonne.. shes black :P

909 posts

I had to watch the season (2) finale a couple of times. Watching the character Shane "turn" was great! Here's the brief recap of the show so far:
season one: Sherrif Rick wakes up to hell-on-earth in the hospital, alone after being in coma and left for dead by his deputy Shane. Shane's been taking care of and falling for Rick's wife, Lori and watching over Rick's son, Carl. Rick meets up with some of Shane's group in Atlanta and finally with the rest of the group minus Daryl's brother, Merle who Rick handcuffed to the roof of the department store when he refused to &quotlay well with others". T-Dog went to the roof with the key but dropped it into a pipe and this is the last we saw of Merle. Only his hand was later found. The group caravans to Atlanta's CDC where the doctor tells Rick, '"Everyone carries the virus and eventually "turns" into zombies"'. Season one ends with the automatic explosion of the CDC as time runs out after the generator stops.

season two: Opens with the group getting stuck on the freeway and incountering their first "herd" of zombies. Everyone hides and seems to escape harm until Carol's daughter, Sophia is grabbed by a zombie and she flees in terror into the woods. Rick catches up to her but shows her where to hide as he lures the zombies away from her so he can and later does kill them quietly. Rick returns to the hiding place but Sophia's gone. He doesn't realize she's missing until he returns to the group and one mad mother, Carol. The group is taken in at a local farm after Carl is accidentally shot. The owner is a veternarian and with a respirator will successfully save Carl. Shane shoots and leaves-for-dead the man who, shot Carl, went with Shane to show him where to find the respirator and has also put "turned" loved ones and friends and neighbors into the barn at the vet's farm. The shocker is when Sohpia staggers out of the barn when Shane takes matters into his own hands and busts the lock and chain on the barn. He and Andrea, Glenn, T-Dog and Daryl shoot the 29 other zombies coming out of the barn first. Everyone stops shooting and starts crying when the last zombie emerges and is obviously Sophia. Rick knows he's the only one who can put-her-down.
This season ends with the intoduction of two key events. The first is the mysterious cloked woman who rescues Andrea and the final scene of a prison.

This season was more dark and serious than the first but the show is based on a comic book that is mentioned on "The Talking Dead". You can access both with and I'll provide a link as soon as I relearn how.
Personally I like this show. It shows how society can degrade following a pandemic or any invasion for that matter. Priorities, morals and ideals change as food, water and shelter become scarce. It would be great if we could just shoot all of the zombies but the reality is:
#1 The dinner bell is ringing for the zombies with every shot that's fired.
#2 You will eventually run out of ammo even if you're saving all of the brass and reloading the gunpowder yourself.
#3 Keeping the gunpowder dry in humid conditions.
#4 Finding the time and location for keeping your weapons clean and loaded while fleeing for your life while a herd is hunting you down.

I'm sorry Dale but hearing you whine about the old days of democracy was really getting on my last nerve so you just had to go. Other than Sophia the character I'll miss the most is Shane, so far. I reserve my right as a woman and a parent to withhold my choice for the next one that turns that I'll miss the most.

4,220 posts

Shane had to die. He was tearing the group apart, and not only that, he was losing his own humanity. I mean seriously, he murdered Randall just to lure Rick out into the woods and shoot him. He murdered Otis, and even with justification, that was the moment he turned. He had to die, plain and simple.

1,676 posts

Shane had to die. He was tearing the group apart, and not only that, he was losing his own humanity. I mean seriously, he murdered Randall just to lure Rick out into the woods and shoot him. He murdered Otis, and even with justification, that was the moment he turned. He had to die, plain and simple.

I couldn't agree more. Many people liked Shane because of how he &quotrotected" the group at times. At some points, Shane was right about Rick. Rick usually made bad decisions, and Shane kept getting worse after Rick commanded the group to do something, or if Rick wanted to do a rescue mission. I like how Rick is a complete bad *** now. Shane turned Rick into something he's not, but I like the way he acts now. Rick is finally taking charge, and not taking any excuses. He got sick of Shane always fighting with his decisions the whole way, and so he shot him. I don't think Rick cares what the rest of the group does anymore. If they want to walk off and away from the group, Rick will let them. It was stupid how his wife got mad at Rick when he told her that he killed Shane. When they were still back at the farm, she practically told Rick to end Shane's life because she started to realize that Shane was dangerous, but then she changes her mind all of a sudden, and now she probably doesn't feel safe around her own husband now since he told her, and the rest of the group that he killed Shane because he had to, and it was the right thing to do.

@Wajor59: You don't have to use guns all the time... I know that in large groups, zombies are dangerous, but they move slower than when a human runs. All you really need is cleverness, and a sharp/blunt weapon to bash their heads in after one shot to the head. I think that's what I would rely on most if I was in the zombie apocalypse. I would use guns... but I would rely on a machete or something else more than a gun. Honestly, a lot of problems can happen with guns, as you explained in your statements. I'm a quick guy, so I'd probably be the guy who goes alone on trips to get supplies for the rest of the group, like Glenn, form the Walking Dead series. I would want to be a reliable teammate, and not be a weak link.

I don't watch it a whole lot, but I watched most of the end of Season 2 yesterday and it was pretty cool... they're starting to go a little Resident Evil like on us though with that hooded lady with the zombie slaves.

Yeah. What was up with that? That left me very confused. I hope they don't stretch too far from the story and make it into something really weird.

And I need to know what Dr. Jenner said.

If you haven't already figured it out, it was the last thing that d_dude said. Dr. Jenner told Rick that everyone was already infected. I suppose that you don't turn unless you either die with your brain/head still in tact, or if you get scratched or bitten by a zombie. It's kinda odd, but its new. I like it.
909 posts

It was stupid how his wife got mad at Rick when he told her that he killed Shane. When they were still back at the farm, she practically told Rick to end Shane's life because she started to realize that Shane was dangerous, but then she changes her mind all of a sudden, and now she probably doesn't feel safe around her own husband now since he told her, and the rest of the group that he killed Shane because he had to, and it was the right thing to do.

Here's what I think Lori's thinking:
She's pregnant. She's going to think more emotionally vs rationally just 'cause. She might be thinking she might "turn" herself while pregnant or that the baby might be born infected? She could very well be mad at herself for not carrying out her over-dose of The Morning After pills? She hasn't been playing-with-a-full-deck since the CDC.

She keeps treating Carl as if he's back in 1st grade and not keeping a close enough eye on his activities. She gives him way to much alone time and it shows with Carl sneaking off from the group, stealing one of Daryl's handguns and heading down to the creek. That stunt almost cost Carl his life and sanity and honesltly he hasn't been the same since. Lori might be just as shocked to hear it was Carl that had to put zombie Shane down?

She kept secrets of her own from Rick and I think it shocked her to find out Rick kept at least one big one about his conversation with Dr.J? She might be thinking how many more secrets is he keeping from her? When he figured out, on his own, that she and Shane had had "a thing" for each other in his absence he kept that to himself until she told him. I thought that was the best way for a gentleman to handle it.

She also got upset with Rick when he told her he had shot Shane but she listened attentively as he explained the trap Shane had set and that he, Rick, was aware of it but, "I let him push me."
Your absolutely right about Lori suggesting Rick should do something about Shane's changing attitude as he began saying how he was a better leader for the group, a better husband for Lori and a better dad for Carl, etc. She was getting stressed that Shane might do then the very thing he did do to Rick.

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm thinking Lori will be next but I really should start reading the comic still, it's fun to speculate.
2,917 posts

Yeah. What was up with that? That left me very confused. I hope they don't stretch too far from the story and make it into something really weird.

That inst stretching far from the story at all. It is a main part in the comics. She is a black lady. The zombies on her chain are her boyfriend and his best friend.
10 posts

I was not expecting the last episode to be the way it was. I am excited for what next season will hold. They will be back on the road. They lost a couple of people when they were fleeing the far

15,595 posts

They will be back on the road.

More like in a prison.
1,370 posts

Now for the long wait so long to wait for the next season...
Anyone who reads the comic is just ruining for themselves just wait and stop ruining it for everyone else by commenting spoilers.

15,595 posts

Anyone who reads the comic is just ruining for themselves just wait and stop ruining it for everyone else by commenting spoilers.

The comic came out first, so it makes more sense to read them first. The show isn't following everything in the comics though. And I don't think anyone has posted any spoilers, it's stuff that was shown in the last episode.
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