@partydevil- what you said about comming to the USA, if you get a citizens visa for a while, THEN you getcitizens ship, it would work better because you can get a job, a house, school, etc. under a visa Sorces-My friend did this
The reason people in the US will probably always hate on immigrants is because immigrants will usually work for less, therefore they get the job. Or the immigrant is just willing to work vs a lazy American who will go out and spread word against immigrants.
The sad part is, America is failing and people are still choosing us.
It's a bit hard to change laws regarding immigration here, we are the melting pot. Land of the free, American Dreams, etc. You're going to piss off someone when you change law, and if you don't, you're going to piss off someone there. While I admit there should be more done, if you want to call them useless, feel free to step up and immerse yourself in politics.
Actually, I ment to say I spelled it wrong and that it was an understatement. Git a little carried away with my typing.
well, people emigrated into the usa in the past. people emigrated alot in history so whats the big deal about it?
Mainly the whole VIP argument and the stealing jobs thing. I am kind of on both sides, and I think the citizenship thing is a bit too complex, but the real issue here is hometown laziness. I also don't think that illegal immigration would be that big of an issue if there wasn't the constant drug smuggling across the border. I'm sure that issue would still exist, but it wouldn't be as big. And once illegals get here, they either turn to crime, low-paying farm jobs, the occasional housecleaning job, or the drug trade. There is always that rare chance that they could land a gateway job and get a higher education, but that doesn't happen enough to make an impact on the debate.
Oh yay. I love this topic. Not even an understatement.
Your thoughts on ILLEGAL immigration. Any solutions? I think it is wrong.
Just throwing this out there to begin with - illegal immigration can be viewed as wrong, yes and in the UK/Ireland where they let every soul in and make our economy and the job market suffer, well that's equally as bad, eh.
Now since we're dealing with America. Do i think illegal immigration is wrong? No i do not. Why do my views differ due to the country? Well, Americas immigration laws are ludicrous. I mean, if you're not married or related to an american citizen, your chances of getting a visa are so minute it's unreal.
I lived in America briefly on a J-1 visa, which allowed to me to legally live and work for a short period of time. I have a social security number and i paid taxes to the American government. This type of visa was only available to me because i'm a university student and i was only permitted to use it on my [long] break from classes. I was given an extension to stay in the country but not work due to the fact i was in a relationship and living with an American at the time. I took a scholarship test and got accepted into Boston College. (I was living/working in Maine). As you can imagine, a free ride through college had me delighted, but no. Even though i'd lived and worked temporarily, even though i was in a committed and very long relationship and even though i had been accepted by a college, i was still denied a visa to entitle me to study.
Considering i helped the economy by paying my taxes, paying my rent and of course buying local produce and purchasing items from American stores and considering the fact i was in a loving and mindblowing relationship you'd think they'd allow me to move eh? No.
But of course if i had of moved house, not gave in my new address and lived illegally for ten years, i would have been instantly given citizenship and perhaps i'd still be engaged and happy.
Illegal immigration in America is the way to go. Good luck to future illegal immigrants making a better life for themselves.
I mean, we had to address the problem. We can't allow illegal immigrants over the the border all give them jobs all the time. Yes, I do agree that Mexicans are extremely hard workers and will work for little to nothing to help their families, thus helping our economies. But they aren't "taking our jobs" . They are simply filling in the spots that Americans wouldn't do themselves because of pride, laziness, imcompetence or other reasons. That is the only posistive aspect of the massive wave of illegal immigration has brought to America. Other than that, once they are inside the States, they reproduce, usually at young ages and they are very care-free about it and disregard responsibilities when they have a child. This makes this hard for most blue-collar Americans because we pay taxes into a socialist welfare system that assists these illegals. We are paying for illegals to be here, and the more and more that are in here, the more money out of the hard-working classes of the States.
they reproduce, usually at young ages and they are very care-free about it and disregard responsibilities when they have a child.
I think that's way too judgmental for a sentence with no statistics. I've just finished reading the statistics, and sure there's a lot of illegal mexican workers in the US, but who are you to judge that a mexican person disregards responsibilities as soon as they have a child?
Illegal Immigration... Whats that saying? Immigration that is Illegal!
I live in Arizona (not southern, northern Arizona), and I can tell you, that the evidence of illegal immigration is visible. Every time I am checking out at Wal-Mart or Safeway, there is almost always a Hispanic family (that cannot speak English) that is using a WIC card.
Illegal Immigrants are escorted (for a small price of between $1,000 to $20,000) past the US Border Patrol and into the United States, by members of Mexican Drug cartels. This process is called Human Trafficking. Frequently, the Drug Cartels smuggle drugs into the United States... Since they are going to all the trouble, they might as well make another $100,000 or so.
Dozens of people are killed annually by illegals. Check this out. Shows a list of the deaths that could have been prevented by the proper laws being passed by Congress.
Many people let there feelings get in the way of what is right and wrong. I feel bad for the people that want to get here to the US. There is a right and a wrong way to do it.
Illegals tie up the valuable jobs needed to lower the United States unemployment rate. They are a burden to the economy. They use government funds to buy food, (they are not citizens, they do not deserve welfare from the states) they send their kids to school, further increasing the burden on the education funds problem.
Illegals tie up the valuable jobs needed to lower the United States unemployment rate. They are a burden to the economy. They use government funds to buy food, (they are not citizens, they do not deserve welfare from the states) they send their kids to school, further increasing the burden on the education funds problem.
that is just not true
not many jobless americans will take a 5 dollar an hour, back breaking farming job, so no