ForumsWEPRIllegal Immigration (US)

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421 posts

Your thoughts on ILLEGAL immigration. Any solutions? I think it is wrong.

  • 37 Replies
534 posts

Can i just throw out the fact that you guys [regardless of stating otherwise] have some beef with the mexicans.

It is not because we have some beef against them it is because a majority of illegals are mexicans. About a year ago Fox news did mention that the mexican border is not the only place where illegals come from. They talked about the Canada and other countries that have come here illegaly other than Mexico. If we had some beef against Mexicans we would say that mexicans shouldn't live here at all.
883 posts

Well Native Americans have a different view on Illegal Immigration. They call it Europeans.

3,152 posts

Can i just throw out the fact that you guys [regardless of stating otherwise] have some beef with the mexicans.

Well, Mexicans are the largest ethnic group of Illegal Immigrants to the United States. I have nothing personal against Mexicans. It may surprise you, but I am half Mexican and half Caucasian, so please don't imply that i am racist against Mexicans.

not many jobless americans will take a 5 dollar an hour, back breaking farming job, so no

Just because you wouldn't take those jobs, does not mean that other Americans wouldn't. Remember, not all Illegal Immigrants take "back breaking farming jobs". Take a look at this. It gives a list of employers in the state of Arizona who may employ Illegal aliens. (I am not saying it is 100% accurate, it should just give a general idea that they do not take jobs that "Americans do not want&quot. Check your own state, you may be surprised to find that some illegals have better jobs then some US citizens.
16,287 posts

Just because you wouldn't take those jobs, does not mean that other Americans wouldn't.

maybe the guy who is eating from a trashcan to survive, but your average jobless welfare loving american will not
572 posts

well if it was cause they were slaves i would be happy

58 posts

not many jobless americans will take a 5 dollar an hour, back breaking farming job, so no

Ah, but there's the rub. Labor is, like any other commodity, priced on a supply/demand basis. Most "back breaking" work in the states pays more than $5/hr. In fact, that number is lower than the federally mandated minimum wage. Simply because corporations and farm managers don't want to pay a living wage does not make it alright to sneak people into the job. If they paid a more attractive wage, they'd have more applicants. True, they may have to charge more for the end product, but that's true for anything from farm goods to computers. Labor is a cost in all industries. As a matter of fact, since I am a US citizen, they almost certainly would not offer me the $5/hr job, whether or not I would take it.

I live up north, and in my area many illegal immigrants work in restaurant kitchens. I have ten years experience working in a bakery, and another three in restaurant kitchens. I can't find a job even washing dishes, because illegal immigrants allow the restaurants to pay an artificially low wage which, as I mentioned, I will not be offered. I thought I could even sneak into one of these kitchens since I knew one of the cooks, but when the kitchen manager discovered that I speak only English and German, the position was suddenly filled despite that I knew they were short handed that night and I was willing to start immediately. So now I'm having problems paying my mortgage and feeding my family.

Don't tell me that illegal immigration doesn't hurt anybody.

Which is not to say that I don't sympathize. I know the struggles of trying to improve one's lot in life. But when my kid can't eat, my desperation and anger overwhelm my sympathy.
339 posts

i think they can come here legaly if they want to but i think the people that Sneak over the border have somthing to hide.

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