I hope you haven't fallen for this age-old trick and actually clicked on the link. However, if you have, welcome. This is where ideas, plans, and dreams are built. (More to come)
What if it gives you a false memory? Oh... Inception!
i meant that you can see only memories if you can remember a bit of them. if you can not remember a memory then you can not see it, even if you try to remember it. a computer can not load what is not there. and i do not know a way to implant memories...
Also, it sort of reminds me of a world made by Willy Wonka... Everything is made of candy!
If you could make a new musical instrument, what would you make?
How about a saxophone designed specifically to be played through the nose? A talented multitasking musician would no longer have to choose between his epic sax solo and his beautiful voice... he could embrace them both at once!
my ideas all have video games in then, so here they are: -a video game console that sucks you into it and your playing as yourself, if you die you take no pain then just respawn. -a room with 80 inch TVs surrounding you on all sides making it so you are always aware of your surroundings 360 degrees whlie playing a video game. -an MMO where you can do anything you want, and is 100% ran by users (but additions and new things come regularly by the creators) -a TV that talks to you while your playing a video game to tell you whats around you, and lots of intel. you can ask it a question and it will give you an answer. - a shapshifting controller that has AC, heated handles, and other features that it can make if you tell it to. -finally, a 3D virtuall console that can play any game, and has automatic internet access.
-a video game console that sucks you into it and your playing as yourself, if you die you take no pain then just respawn.
That wouldn't be too different from virtual reality, except technically you'd be immortal if you stayed in the game forever. Unless the game died or the power went out. Then you're screwed.
-an MMO where you can do anything you want, and is 100% ran by users (but additions and new things come regularly by the creators)