ForumsWEPRnew type of political party invention

20 7226
37 posts

I am indiffrent and for diffrent parties and i am trying to think of a name for it and what parts of these to leave out.

Ok it goes like this a certain percentage of income roughly 22.5 percent of total income to taxes so that there are no more debates about how much is taken away from how and there will be deductions for certain things like getting laid off and having multiple kids.
also presidency would not be the same the terms would be restircted to a reasonable amount.
another thing is exporting and importing we would go more by a laissez-faire system except we would check when ever it is shipped out of the country to see what it is so noone ships bombs or nukes out of the country.
The army would stay the same they kick *** and if you don't like in some foreign country cause you know this too be true and yes we are very ingorrent and stuborn. sorry if you're from England, France, or some other country I hate like Pakistan and Russia cause you kick *** too. now lets figure this out what else too add on and get rid of and see what we got what to name it and final note absolutely press, religion, and freedoms of citizens will not be touched unless they have killed someone then we can take away only there freedom when they are in jail or custody of the state and begin

  • 20 Replies
15 posts

I agree with most of it. The presidency I think should have original 4 year terms, but 3 terms and not 2. This gives the president a bigger chance if they are already improving the economy. Cause I think after 2 terms I don't think a president could improve the economy that much. In 3 terms the president could cut the deficit in half.
Now for the down side. In 3 terms a president could dictate a country and change the terms. A president could turn a first world country into a third world country. Also a president could execute millions without anyone doing anything, but of course that would cause a revolution.

5,043 posts

Ok it goes like this a certain percentage of income roughly 22.5 percent of total income to taxes so that there are no more debates about how much is taken away from how and there will be deductions for certain things like getting laid off and having multiple kids.

Basically you believe there should be a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage? This is debatable because there are many people who believe in a progressive tax rate.

another thing is exporting and importing we would go more by a laissez-faire system except we would check when ever it is shipped out of the country to see what it is so noone ships bombs or nukes out of the country.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but how much do you know about importing and exporting? Do you know the procedures that are involved in loading and unloading products from ships? Do you understand how much risk there is and do you know if businesses are aware of said risks? Do you believe you have a better understanding of what these risks are than the businesses? Do you believe you have a better understanding of the risks than the towns in which the ships load and unload their product? Do you understand how much risk these people are willing to take?

I ask these questions because politicians create laws restricting and regulating areas that are outside their expertise. Very rarely do politicians do a sufficient amount of homework regarding their policies. Even after the homework is done, politicians seldom ask for feedback from those who will be effected by the policy they wish to impose. It's important for politicians to get feedback because this feedback allows politicians to understand how much risk these companies are willing to take. I'm not saying that politicians shouldn't pass regulations merely because a company feels there is no need for the regulation, but it's important for the politician to understand where the company stands so that he may compare how much risk the companies are currently taking, what the effect of this risk taking entails, then adjust appropriately, rather than assuming they are taking a lot of risk, willing to take a lot of risk, or whether these companies already have policies that are built to keep people safe. Politicians very often overlook these things.

The army would stay the same they kick *** and if you don't like in some foreign country cause you know this too be true and yes we are very ingorrent and stuborn.

There's not a single administration foolish enough to admit to acting off of ignorance and stubbornness. It's one thing for, say, the Bush administration to be ignorant without realizing it, but it's another to actually accept ignorance as acceptable and to act anyway. This kind of mentality is BS.

If we look at the number of donations given to presidential candidates from those serving in the military and military veterans, we'll see that Ron Paul is the most supported. The reason people from the military support Ron Paul is because Ron Paul is ANTI-WAR. This kick-*** military you support don't want to fight pointless wars.

sorry if you're from England, France, or some other country I hate like Pakistan and Russia cause you kick *** too.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here.
37 posts

I'm not saying ignorence is exceptable i fully agree with you i'm just pointing out the current state of our soilders and i agree i was trying not to ramble but i was gonna say how we need to more justify our wars i stand with the Affganistan war but when we have unnescecarry bases in foriegn countries then we need to remove those and not waste our resources and i am saying that those other countries are well good at fighting because they have helped us gain millitary position through the years. on a final note i think that we should have politicians in certain areas of their expertese i would have no field cause i am planning to become a cop and eventually a lawyer. and it is also why i am allowing people to edit the laws and who is in control.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ok it goes like this a certain percentage of income roughly 22.5 percent of total income to taxes so that there are no more debates about how much is taken away from how and there will be deductions for certain things like getting laid off and having multiple kids.

Why would that stop debate?

also presidency would not be the same the terms would be restircted to a reasonable amount.

A person is already limited to two terms.

another thing is exporting and importing we would go more by a laissez-faire system except we would check when ever it is shipped out of the country to see what it is so noone ships bombs or nukes out of the country.

Good grief, people already try to detect those things. And I disagree; laissez-faire might or might not be a good thing economically.

The army would stay the same they kick *** and if you don't like in some foreign country cause you know this too be true and yes we are very ingorrent and stuborn.

So the army won't change, and from your horribly phrased sentence, pardon, it presumably will take an active foreign intervention role. How is your party even different from the hawks in Washington?

I hate like Pakistan and Russia cause you kick *** too.

So you hate them for being strong militarily? Wow. Tough luck. Not only the US can have a strong army. What a bummer isn't it? What shocking news?

absolutely press, religion, and freedoms of citizens will not be touched unless they have killed someone then we can take away only there freedom when they are in jail or custody of the state and begin

Constitution already guarantees that.

In effect, you have quite a few Republican tendencies when it comes to policy making, rehashing the same old views which have been circulating in the political arena already. How is it even going to be a new party?

Oh wait. I forgot politicians are quite adept at taking old crap and marketing it as new crap. Carry on.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Bummer, posts are coming in and flying out. What the.....

i think that we should have politicians in certain areas of their expertese i would have no field cause i am planning to become a cop and eventually a lawyer.

We already have Ministers of Finance, Defense, Environment, etc etc. So why rehash again? And again?
37 posts

i'm saying we get rid of congress entirely. the bill of rights and consitutiion stays the same. also when we plan on going into a war we wiil have to have other millitary support yes i have a tendency to go to the republican side but I also think we would need to run controlled experements to certain countries. so now aviously laissez-fairre by popular demand is out on another note something I forgot to add is the tax season won't exist because the whole flat rate will come out of you're check automaticaly. the drinking age will be lowered to 18 cause if you can choose to die for you're country and vote for it. I'm pretty sure you have the decission making skills to drink.

37 posts

P.S. I have always known other countries are strong and most have been strong for the past 3 centuries the only one that wasn't centuries ago is us. and thank you both of you for not being idiots

15 posts

Hey bro. This isn't going to work.

1,627 posts

i'm saying we get rid of congress entirely

Then what the hell is supposed to take its place!? What you are suggesting, if Congress is taken away, is practically a limited monarchy.

the drinking age will be lowered to 18 cause if you can choose to die for you're country and vote for it

First thing that I agree with you on.

Ok it goes like this a certain percentage of income roughly 22.5 percent of total income to taxes so that there are no more debates about how much is taken away from how and there will be deductions for certain things like getting laid off and having multiple kids.

They already have something like this. The problem is that so many rich people use loopholes to get out of paying taxes. Also, if you get laid off, you don't pay any income tax, because you have no income!
9,439 posts

What you are suggesting, if Congress is taken away, is practically a limited monarchy.

Technically it would be a dictatorship.

The problem is that so many rich people use loopholes to get out of paying taxes.

It's something about that they aren't making direct income, but get dividends from their stocks and such, which have lower tax rates. Raising taxes on stocks isn't very practical because it would deter people from investing, which means companies can't grow as quickly.
1,627 posts

Technically it would be a dictatorship.

No, because the courts would still have a framework.
1,826 posts

Do whatever you want to do just don't try to police the world

9,439 posts

No, because the courts would still have a framework.

Well it wouldn't technically be a monarchy because that's based on lineage. Limited dictatorship then. Kind of a contradiction.
37 posts

ok the power controll i will figure out later all i know we need to get rid of the congress cause if we would create a law it would just go through every state with represenitives so yes a limited monarchy with an elected president then? ok and so now we need a way to get the rich taxed i don't know if we're cactus experts but i'm prety sure we will be able to spot a rich prick when we see one. so when someone makes money off of a stock we tax it the same way as a check unless for retirement reasons which we would have to throw in about a 6 page contract clearifing any loop holes so people like Donald Trump won't find one?

9,439 posts

so when someone makes money off of a stock we tax it the same way as a check unless for retirement reasons

Most of the wealthy people will simply file as retired and keep getting the cash.
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