ForumsThe TavernMost Inspirational Historic Figure

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Who is the most inspirational historic figure to you?
By historic, I mean a prominent person who most people would know.

I actually don't know who I would choose, which is why I'm looking for other's opinions...

  • 20 Replies
2,301 posts

Mary Wollstonecraft - She wrote the book A Vindication of the Rights of Women and paved the way for basic human rights for us.
Vindication is pretty cool, and it is certainly one of the most well-known feminist writings, but I find the text a little dated in terms of values expressed. And it's not really fair to say she paved the way, at least not alone: The Book of the City of Ladies. by Christine de Pizan is certainly older (and a better read).

william shakespear, by far best writer, playwright and poet world has ever seen.
By far? I don't know, I like John Milton... ah, but my heart lies with you, at least in part: The great artists inspire me as well. Vergil, Homer and Vyasa are my big three. But still, I don't find much inspiration in historical figures. I find more in the real people whom I've met.
511 posts

I like some small stories I read from Nietsche (a German poet/writer). He has one quote I espacially like. It goes like this:

"I have my way, you have your way, as for the right, the good and the straight way. They do not exist".

5,838 posts

I'm not entirely sure how to define 'inspirational' for myself; I wouldn't really say that any figure past or present inspires me too much.

As a Brit I could mention someone like Churchill but despite doing great he had many flaws. Darwin could be inspirational; but he spent a long time studying barnalcles; definenlty not something to inspire me.

I read the Qi book of the Dead a while back and was engrossed by reading about richard Feynemann. He did an amazing job in physics and did it in his own way. Which seems to be a good way too look at life.

242 posts

To me it's Martin Luther King JR. He is very important. I'm not Black, but I think he is a very good historic figure.

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