ForumsThe Tavern{Sophistry}Armorgames Ads Protest!

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306 posts

I am trying to start a protest about the ads on Armorgames. There are a lot of inappropriate ads, and there are little kids that play on it Armorgames! Younger kids do not have a decent place now to play games without being exposed to profanity and pornography. If you feel the same, please express your thoughts here. If enough people protest, Armorgames may block offending ads, or at least let you select your level of ad exposure.

  • 87 Replies
534 posts

Oh, grow up. If you're that sensitive you should probably try to avoid the internet completely.

Porn is bad. Also I people need to be carefull for who they advertise because those people may be advertising something bad.
5,552 posts

Porn is bad.

How so. What makes it bad?

It was mind scarring and I pretty much made me rethink the possibilities of getting married. I tell you it was scary.

I don't know whether to laugh, facepalm, facedesk, or take this as sarcasm. It sounds so childish and...irrational that it just can't be sincere. How would seeing porn make you rethink marriage?

Anyways, going off topic, so yay for repeats.

534 posts

How so. What makes it bad?

Must I answer that question? No I would rather not.

Every website is responsible for what they advertise and what those other people advertise could have some bad things being advertised by these people.
5,552 posts

Must I answer that question? No I would rather not.

Then don't claim it's bad if you're not going to back it up.

some bad things being advertised by these people.

Unfortunately "bad things" is very vague and relies upon personal interpretation.

Now, let me repeat myself again.


4,752 posts
Grand Duke

For some reason this topic reminds me of this.

On the topic: don't like the ads? Use ad block.

13,657 posts

Then don't claim it's bad if you're not going to back it up.

I can only assume it is related to religion. If it is not, then yes, I would like to know what's so horrible about porn as well.
Porn isn't good or bad, porn is porn.

Every website is responsible for what they advertise and what those other people advertise could have some bad things being advertised by these people.

A website is responsible for what is advertised, if such things leads to malicious programs or is otherwise breaking their own rules. And this isn't a responsible towards the user of the site, but responsible towards themselves, so they don't lose customers.
If a toothbrush is advertised on AG, they would not be responsible for someone choking on said toothbrush. They are just allowing the ad-service to advertise through their site for money. So, if you want to call anyone responsible for the ads, go for the people that are actually buying ad-space, or even better, the people actually advertising.

More so, you can't use chain reactions as a valid reason for this being wrong. If I on AG click an ad that leads to an MMOG that I sign up for, and there get harassed, it wouldn't be AG's issue either. Not just because it is not even remotely related to them, but also because you made a decision to throw away all paranoia and click an ad, trusting it will not be harmful to you or your computer. That is, you are making a conscious choice to click the ad, you are hereby taking charge.
It is another issue with the pop-ups, of course, but they shouldn't be on this site anyway, and as far as I know, AG is doing all they can to keep them away from their site to satisfy the users.
1,606 posts

Every website is responsible for what they advertise and what those other people advertise could have some bad things being advertised by these people.

If you were to trace every ad to another site agian and agian and agian, I bet you would be able to get a salt shaker company ad linked to ag.

Also seriously this is a 13+ site, when I was 13 I already knew pretty much everything about porn and sex, so there was no "life scarring" stuff anymore, it was just there and you learned to deal with it, the internet is the internet and you shouldn't try to control it, the internet is like a whole other world (which is loosley based on thr RL) and you never try to control what is on this world, so why try to control this one?
It was mind scarring and I pretty much made me rethink the possibilities of getting married. I tell you it was scary

If you never were exposed to something, then the first time you get exposed to it is mind scarring, or to put it in a nicer tearm, you have just discovered something new. I just got my mind scarred today when learning quadratic equations, it will permanently be a part of my mind, and it is something new, there's no problem with it.
Also it made you rethink the possibilities of getting married? Did that open the option or close it off? But either way I really don't see how that could influence your decision on marrige since it really dosen't relate at all, unless your really thinking into the future.
1,826 posts

Now I've noticed it, i'm also for ban of these ads.

2,027 posts

How is porn scary? People don't dress up as porn stars in horror movies do they?

I'd watch that. Just saying.

What does that have to do with this?

Someone mentioned that one of the sites an AG ad linked to had another ad to something inappropriate, what you quoted basically said that ads can lead you all over the place and you can't control every single page you can reach through them.

Exactly. Just like Guns aren't bad, it's the people who use them that are bad

Except porn doesn't hurt anyone. What, you're saying only bad people watch porn? If that was the case the porn industry wouldn't be as big as it is.
3,139 posts

Not necessarily, you don't have to be 13 or older to go and play a game on AG.

This brings back the responsibility of the parent argument again.
ArmorGames advertises itself as a 13+ site. Meaning you have to be 13 to sign up for an account AND you have to be 13 to play the games. Now, they can't stop under 13s playing without an account, but they've done their job by stating that you should be at least 13. Thus, if someone under 13 comes on, and sees an animated side-boob, then it's not their fault.

As for an ad popping up, clicking it, seeing another ad and clicking it and then suddenly you're on beastiality porn or something - that's your fault. Just because the ads pop up, doesn't mean you have to click them.

How is porn scary? People don't dress up as porn stars in horror movies do they?

I'd watch that. Just saying.

I second this.
13,657 posts

Not necessarily, you don't have to be 13 or older to go and play a game on AG.

You don't have to be 13+ to get an account either, for one.
Secondly, considering the forum (which is pg13) is viewable to everyone, whether they have an account or not, I will continue to consider this site fully pg13, which means a 9-year-old has nothing to do here, and complaining and an uncle (as in another case) about the games being too violent is like saying "I took my child to see a 18+ movie, and there was sex and violence and nudity! I want my money back!!"
*cough* Which again comes down to responsibility in the guardian/parent/caretaker, but I think my rage with that should be apparent.

You do know you can't ban "those ads" without removing all the ads from that firm, right? Which means AG will be without ads, which means they have to get money from somewhere else... Preferably the people that can't handle a bit of skin in an ad that completely follows the rules and rating of AG.

I second this.

I might even watch horror movies for that.
For... research... Yes...
1,094 posts

It was mind scarring and I pretty much made me rethink the possibilities of getting married.

On your profile it says you're 16... You sure about that?

Porn is bad.

This is questionable. For you it's bad, for the next person it's good, for the person after it's neither.
Do you have any reasons why it's bad?

I don't know whether to laugh, facepalm, facedesk, or take this as sarcasm.

[lame pun] What about facebook? [/lame pun]

Not necessarily, you don't have to be 13 or older to go and play a game on AG.

Considering this website is rated pg13, technically, it means that you have to be. It doesn't stop anyone, of course, but it's not AG's fault if someone younger than 13 sees a somehow inappropriate ad. And even if they do, what's the big deal? The sooner they accept that nude bodies and all that is nothing but nature, the better.

I might even watch horror movies for that.
For... research... Yes...

It'd be a good topic to write on, indeed..
13,657 posts

It'd be a good topic to write on, indeed..

Is it sad that I might be able to justify watching porn for my education?
And is it worse that I am now actually wondering how it could be justified?
Considering I on my second semester had a course on genres, horror movies would also be alright, and probably more likely for the supervisors to agree on.
Anywan, tangent.

Let's just say it all again:
Do you have an issue with how the site does stuff that is entirely in their right and not breaking any rules, find a way to customise your internet experience so you avoid those things you have an issue with, without having to screw the rest of us over.
It would be a win-win. You don't have to look at ads you can't handle, the rest of us don't have to start paying to use this site, because ads. That way you are also shielded on other sites, and you might also avoid getting viruses if you go to some questionable sites by accident.
Combine with a scriptblocker, and you will also be unable to play the games unless you make a conscious decision to do so.

Something else: if no one complaints about the "ohnoskin"-level ads, it will make more of an impact when complaining about ads that actually needs to be removed, thus making it more likely that an admin will see the point and go take contact to the ad-provider.
And then possibly place it in the Support/suggestion section where people will consider it an actual protest/suggestion/complaint, instead of a topic where people whine about ads and other people tell them to man up and do stuff themselves.
(Or email the staff. Because they rarely visit the forums anyway).
87 posts

I'm not saying the people that made this website are dumb, but hasn't it occurred to you that could say they were 16 when they were really 7? So they could be seeing things to make them spend their savings. Just saying.

87 posts

How is porn scary? People don't dress up as porn stars in horror movies do they?

I'd watch that. Just saying.I might even watch horror movies for that.
For... research... Yes...

Yes for resexrch is what he/she meant
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