ForumsWEPRShould we pay people to have sex?

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534 posts

I decided to bring up this topic because I found it interesting and I couldn't find any good topics. Some men and women want people to provide them money for their contraceptions so they can have sex again and again and again. I was like "wow! why should we have to pay you to have sex?"
So what do you think?

  • 41 Replies
3,139 posts

Some people bring up the whole deal about how birth control does more than control birth. It's regulatory in women's systems and is inhibitory to certain disorders... like maybe cysts and such. If you make birth control free for women on the basis of it cleaning up acne and preventing ovarian cancer, then I'd like free acne meds and a bottle of red wine occasionally to help me prevent prostate cancer..

Matty, you've seriously never had a period. The side effects are few and far between and in the long run for the average woman birth control helps a lot.

Sure, the government shouldn't be firing pills and condoms around [mainly to kids] like it's free candy at a carnival, but i seriously don't think guys can have a "Nope, shouldn't give girls the pill" attitude. Cysts and whatever other rare side effects aside, it helps.
1,094 posts

On the other hand, doing that is immoral and perverse.

Well, obviously it's perverse... But immoral? If every person that ever said that would have sex only once, they'd rethink immediately. There is nothing immoral with having sex with the person you love. You needn't make an "eternal bond" just to enjoy something that has been done by everything living since the beginning of time.
Unless, it's prostitution. That you may consider immoral, but people have to make money somehow. Not that I support it.

Matty, you've seriously never had a period.

I'd be worried if he did...
280 posts

Kinda odd topic but if it was a like both ppl like rack other than FREE but if a loser guy can't find anyone he goes to a strip club and finds a girl pays her as much as she wants then they hit the bed

37 posts

hey I'm against this law not be cause of the pill but because of abortion, if you have ever seen the studies, of fetal devolpment you would know that it's human life and i am not religios just spiratual the diffrence "Religious is looking for a god to believe in. Spiratual is understandin." but if you have ever seen an abortion IT IS SICK i don't care about the pills hell some of my closest friends take them. It's more the public would be providing for abbortions. And people are starting to relieze exactly what they do.

534 posts

Okay I was wondering for a while why some people were saying I was being like Rush And I found the reason. So no I didn't really here this from him actually I heard this on some other news and also a few years ago my preacher mentioned that when a pregnant woman goes through abortion, they know that they can do it again then the perwson gets pregnentand does another abortion therefore we are paying that person to have sex.
Sorry for any misspellings or any other problems, this computer is acting up on me.

5,552 posts

if you have ever seen the studies, of fetal devolpment you would know that it's human life

By what definition? In order to say that, you have to define human life. You then have to distinguish between potential vs actual.

i am not religios just spiratual the diffrence "Religious is looking for a god to believe in. Spiratual is understandin."

...not even close.

Religious: : of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>

Spiritual: : concerned with religious values

Merriam Webster

Perhaps you meant Spritualism?

but if you have ever seen an abortion IT IS SICK

And so is the removal of a tumor. Or a heart transplant. It depends on your viewpoint.

And people are starting to relieze exactly what they do.

Aborting a fetus, which is a organism which has the potential to grow into an intelligent, thinking human being, but which cannot yet survive on its own and is a literal parasite to the mother as a result of a biological function?

I would think most people know this.
534 posts

And so is the removal of a tumor. Or a heart transplant. It depends on your viewpoint.

You ever seen a video of an unborn baby trying to excape death? I have. The baby looked very alive and seemed to have a brain. That means the baby could "THINK."
5,552 posts

You ever seen a video of an unborn baby trying to excape death?

No, I have not.

The baby looked very alive and seemed to have a brain.

Two things.

1) As I have not seen one, I can't say whether or not you're just attributing movements to it, whether it was making those, and it certainly wasn't consciously making those movements.

2) Of course it had a brain. At least, a developing one, and it would depend on how old the fetus was (or baby, if you are planning to argue that using the term fetus is a distancing tactic) as to how developed it would be.

That means the baby could "THINK."

Just because something can move doesn't mean it can think.

We're getting a bit off track with the abortion talk, so I'll address your earlier post which you made while I was typing my previous one.

my preacher mentioned that when a pregnant woman goes through abortion, they know that they can do it again

Because the thought that goes through EVERY women's mind is, "Oh, I got an abortion. LET'S GET PREGNANT AGAIN!" *facepalm*

No. They're probably a lot less likely to get pregnant again, although I am feeling pretty lazy and don't want to look up statistics. If you care to, see if you can find how many abortions women who have at least 1 abortion have on average.

then the perwson gets pregnentand does another abortion therefore we are paying that person to have sex.

1) What's the cost of a pill which does this?
2) What's the cost of an operation which does this?

3) In the case of an operation, the patient is paying for it anyways.
9,462 posts

You ever seen a video of an unborn baby trying to excape death? I have. The baby looked very alive and seemed to have a brain. That means the baby could "THINK."

I would like to see this video you're speaking of. From what I have looked into when most abortions are done the brain has not developed yet.

This is the upper limit of development for a "baby" in most abortions.
9,462 posts

but if you have ever seen an abortion IT IS SICK

Have a look at this video, in it we see a woman having an abortion on video.

5,552 posts

This is ridiculous why does this belong on a game site??

1) Way to be off topic.

2) Because this is the forum for where people can debate/talk about stuff like this.

3) What makes it ridiculous?
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