ForumsWEPRShould we pay people to have sex?

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I decided to bring up this topic because I found it interesting and I couldn't find any good topics. Some men and women want people to provide them money for their contraceptions so they can have sex again and again and again. I was like "wow! why should we have to pay you to have sex?"
So what do you think?

  • 41 Replies
9,504 posts

Which makes people feel like there's no chance of anything happening, so they keep repeating their actions. This is the same attitude that makes teenagers think they are invincible, and that usually ends up with them in jail or splattered across the road after a drunken 80-mph crash.

You seem to not understand what I am talking about. When I am speaking about contraception, I am talking about condoms.

All of which are funded by the government. People complain (rightly so) about the economy being firmly lodged in the septic tank, but they want the government, which controls/destroys most of the economy through taxes, regulations and so forth, to pay them for using contraceptives or put out money to fund them in public "health" institutions. Where's the money going to come from? Taxes? Keep raising taxes to pay for garbage like this, and pretty soon nobody will have any money for the government to tax away.

Guess how much of a budget Planned Parenthood gets from the government! Very little. You're bringing the issue away from the topic we are discussing and venturing into other controversial topics. There are other threads for this you know. Removing contraceptives from Planned Parenthood is going to provide a very insignificant change to our "tax problem" you seem to be complaining about. You must look towards other areas of administration, because Planned Parenthood and contraceptives are definitely not the root of it!

RISK of pregnancy?! "Risk" denotes a negative effect. Since when is pregnancy a risk? The last time I checked, that was how humans and all animal species reproduce and propagate, thereby avoiding extinction

Because, if you think about it, births require a crapton of money. Aside from that, many people are unfit to care for a child. Then you have the issue of population. When a teenager or an unstable adult, one thing you definitely do not want is another child. You'd be deeper in the red than blood giving a C-section to the Koolaid Man. You know what has an A- chance of preventing this? Contraceptives! Yay!

If reproduction and the avoidance of extinction is such a bad thing, why is there such a mad scramble of activity and media attention when some critter in a zoo gives birth? From all that, you'd almost think that something good had happened.

Unlike humans, these animals in the zoo are probably endangered species. It is a good thing that these animals are reproducing, because their population is far too low.

So why is human pregnancy suddenly such a liability? Is it because people don't want to accept the consequences of their actions? Is it because people today are scared crapless of commitment? Or is it because people have become their own pathogen?

1)They do not want consequences of this action period.
2)They are not emotionally, morally, financially, and intellectually ready for commitment on this level.

And then to finish, they throw away and destroy their own future, a.k.a. children, either by aborting them or by imparting to them a gene structure that has been compromised by disease and randomly mixed genomes.

And so now you see another couple reasons why people of this age do not want pregnancies. You've done your own hole.

1. Abstain from sexual relations until after marriage.

Ain't gonna happen, not to a bunch of hormone-raging teenagers. They are driven by nature and from their body's hormones to engage in sexual activity. So respect this by allowing them to do so while protecting them from STDs and pregnancies by providing condoms and the like. And why after marriage? Is marriage some sort of magic ritual where all the problems go away afterwards?

1.1 Marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a Holy union.

Doesn't stop the part about homosexual acts. Also capitalizing holy is giving me red lines in spell check.

2. Once married, remain faithful to your spouse.

Remain faithful even when spouse is being unfaithful? The sooner my spouse does something unforgivable to my standards or isn't pulling her own weight to OUR family, I'd kick her out of my house that I'd most likely buy with 80% of my own income.

3. If you have children, teach them the above points.

I'd tell them to not be so closed-minded around the issue of sex and pregnancy, teach them safety precautions about said issues, and make them feel open about the ideas so they will be open and comfortable from me providing them condoms when they have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
1,826 posts

Bladerunner; i would personally like to thank you for thinking about women.

Yes, contraception in the form of the pill not only helps avoid pregnancy but it also regulates and [is supposed to] reduce blood flow and pain during period. *Watches most of the boys squirm*

Personally i think denying any woman who wants the pill for this reason is disgusting. + this is why it should always be free and readily available.

I heard these pills make woman fatter give them some woman related health issues
3,139 posts

I heard these pills make woman fatter give them some woman related health issues

Doesn't pretty much every pill anyone take have a side effect?

Sure, you can gain or lose weight being on the pill.
Have a horrific period and tell me which you'd prefer.
From personal experience, gaining a pound or two seems like a very fair deal if it cuts out the crippling pain i get the joy of having one out of the four weeks in a month. The reduce of blood flow is beneficial as is the regularity. The pills a life saver to most women. Weight gain, although not great, is seriously welcomed over what life would be without it ;]
1,826 posts

Have a horrific period and tell me which you'd prefer.

Eh I'm a guy.
3,139 posts

Eh I'm a guy.

That was my point.
88 posts

i dont thuink that its good or normal at all only ******s do that :/

9,462 posts

If we as a species are to continue, there must be a return to the morals that we once adhered to, which in this case, would be:
1. Abstain from sexual relations until after marriage.
1.1 Marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a Holy union.
2. Once married, remain faithful to your spouse.
3. If you have children, teach them the above points.

Marriage in that form is a relatively recent concept. Having multiple wives that are basically property was far closer to the "traditional marriage" and the "morals" that are dealt with. Marriage changes and adapts, unlike some.
1,094 posts

1. Abstain from sexual relations until after marriage.

Try telling this to a teenager. They'll most probably just chuckle. And it's more of a win for them, they have a great time, while you're spending half your life looking for a suitable partner. No offense.

1.1 Marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a Holy union.

What about homosexuals? Do they not have a right to enjoy sex because they are not of different genders?

2. Once married, remain faithful to your spouse.

Seems reasonable enough, but if the spouse is unfaithful to me, why should I continue being faithful to her?

3. If you have children, teach them the above points.

Why would I tell my children not to have sex before marriage when not even their father did that?

First of all, that is exaggerated.

If you go to Beijing, you'll notice that there's a slight too many people on the streets.

RISK of pregnancy?! "Risk" denotes a negative effect. Since when is pregnancy a risk?

As 2 or 3 people posted beforehand, it can cause a handful of problems, financial and risk of death the biggest.

...People constantly engage in self-destructive actions, like random sexual relations...

Mind explaining how sex is a self-destructing act?

...weakening the species as a whole by spreading disease, weakening genetic immunities, and inbreeding.

1) Such diseases can be stopped most of the time with contraceptives.
2) Genetic immunities can also be stopped with contraceptives.
3) What does incest have to do with sex for pleasure?

As answer to the OP, I think people should pay for contraceptives. It doesn't even cost a lot, and stops a lot of bad stuff from happening. Of course, there's always the chance of failure with pills and such. Or condoms can break.
5,043 posts

First of all, I would like you to stop being a Rush Limbaugh.

Second, I think that we should provide contraceptives for free, and in fact not just provide them, but actually pay people to use them!

Sorry, but what?

We are currently at the point where the population couldn't sustain much more of a strain, so if we started paying people to either use contraceptives or just not have sex, we would be able to get this issue under more control.

That's a horrible idea. This would just create more debt. Even a few dollars provided to whomever ON TOP OF paying for contraceptives would amount to a mother **** load of money. That's a mother **** load, so you know it's a lot.

If you believe contraceptives should be provided by the government for free, READ THIS. Out of all the reasons people don't use contraceptives, contraception being unavailable is NOT one of them.

There are absolutely no issues with the price of contraceptives. Everyone can easily afford contraceptives, even the lower class. I know people who are trailer trash, and even they can afford condoms and other contraceptives.

It doesn't matter if contraceptives work or not, or whether we need more people using them or not, because it's NOT about price. It's NOT about availability. It's ABOUT responsibility.

Here's the deal, MOST people can always afford contraception. Those who can't always afford contraception can wait until they can afford contraception (it's not hard). But let's pretend that there are people who, for one reason or another can't afford contraceptives, ever. Let's assume that these people are the ones who need the free contraceptives. If we were to force the government to give out free contraceptives, then EVERYONE would expect free contraceptives. Why pay if they can get them for free? This means everyone who used to pay for their own contraceptives are now forcing tax payers to pay for them. They'll also get more contraceptives because they're free and there will be no prices stopping them from buying more than they need. This is a waste of resources and money.

But if someone REALLY needs a condom bad enough, there are health clinics out there that provide condoms FOR FREE

That is why no amount of reasoning behind the importance of contraceptives justifies government providing free contraceptives. They aren't hard to obtain, they aren't expensive, giving away tax funded contraceptives would create massive amounts of debt and waste resources, and it's possible to obtain free condoms from local health clinics.

If 5 out of 100 people can't afford contraceptives, you can't promise free contraceptives to all 100 people just to protect the 5. This is why the government doesn't provide free food. The government does provide food-stamps and welfare checks, but hey! Look! Welfare! There's money that can be used for contraceptives.
9,462 posts

Sorry, but what?

He's talking about the recent rant Rush Limbaugh had calling a girl by the name of Sandra Fluke a ****.

Rush Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke a "****," Ignites Political Wildfire
[Real Audio & Video] Rush Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke a
1,322 posts

Some people bring up the whole deal about how birth control does more than control birth. It's regulatory in women's systems and is inhibitory to certain disorders... like maybe cysts and such. If you make birth control free for women on the basis of it cleaning up acne and preventing ovarian cancer, then I'd like free acne meds and a bottle of red wine occasionally to help me prevent prostate cancer.. There are certain people who are at an elevated risk for these disorders while there are others who have a very minimal risk. I'm sure that with genetics, family history, and a professional physician's personal opinion taken into account you could prove you're in need of these drugs for these issues. I'd much rather see this paid for by insurance or welfare of some kind than I would see the government just giving everyone free condoms, birth control, and morning after pills. There is a difference in someone who has a legitimate chance of contracting something and someone who just wants free crap. I saw on the news how they talked about some woman who lost an ovary b/c she had a tumor start growing on one b/c she had to stop her birth control regiment from not being able to afford it. Maybe Strop could enlighten us as to the prevalence of such maladies... but I personally have only ever heard of one woman losing an ovary b/c of random tumor formation.... and that was the one on the news. I know it happens a lot more frequently than what my previous statement would imply, but does that really constitute us forking out money to make these products available to EVERYONE?

1,795 posts

This argument could go either way. Some peoples' mindset is that a lot of people will want to do it. BAD. So bad that they'll do anything. So, if people are really that desperate to sleep with someone, why not get a profit?

On the other hand, doing that is immoral and perverse.

8,257 posts

On the other hand, doing that is immoral and perverse.

What part exactly? Sleeping with someone, or making a profit of other's need to do so?
1,795 posts

What part exactly? Sleeping with someone, or making a profit of other's need to do so?

Both. Sleeping w/ strangers just for money? Also, paying to be on top of a naked girl, f**king like rabbits?
8,257 posts

Both. Sleeping w/ strangers just for money? Also, paying to be on top of a naked girl, f**king like rabbits?

Umm.. this isn't even part of the topic. The payment doesn't refer to prostitution, it refers to contraception. I think you should read the comments on the first page...
Showing 16-30 of 41