Which makes people feel like there's no chance of anything happening, so they keep repeating their actions. This is the same attitude that makes teenagers think they are invincible, and that usually ends up with them in jail or splattered across the road after a drunken 80-mph crash.
You seem to not understand what I am talking about. When I am speaking about contraception, I am talking about condoms.
All of which are funded by the government. People complain (rightly so) about the economy being firmly lodged in the septic tank, but they want the government, which controls/destroys most of the economy through taxes, regulations and so forth, to pay them for using contraceptives or put out money to fund them in public "health" institutions. Where's the money going to come from? Taxes? Keep raising taxes to pay for garbage like this, and pretty soon nobody will have any money for the government to tax away.
Guess how much of a budget Planned Parenthood gets from the government! Very little. You're bringing the issue away from the topic we are discussing and venturing into other controversial topics. There are other threads for this you know. Removing contraceptives from Planned Parenthood is going to provide a very insignificant change to our "tax problem" you seem to be complaining about. You must look towards other areas of administration, because Planned Parenthood and contraceptives are definitely not the root of it!
RISK of pregnancy?! "Risk" denotes a negative effect. Since when is pregnancy a risk? The last time I checked, that was how humans and all animal species reproduce and propagate, thereby avoiding extinction
Because, if you think about it, births require a crapton of money. Aside from that, many people are unfit to care for a child. Then you have the issue of population. When a teenager or an unstable adult, one thing you definitely do not want is another child. You'd be deeper in the red than blood giving a C-section to the Koolaid Man. You know what has an A- chance of preventing this? Contraceptives! Yay!
If reproduction and the avoidance of extinction is such a bad thing, why is there such a mad scramble of activity and media attention when some critter in a zoo gives birth? From all that, you'd almost think that something good had happened.
Unlike humans, these animals in the zoo are probably endangered species. It is a good thing that these animals are reproducing, because their population is far too low.
So why is human pregnancy suddenly such a liability? Is it because people don't want to accept the consequences of their actions? Is it because people today are scared crapless of commitment? Or is it because people have become their own pathogen?
1)They do not want consequences of this action period.
2)They are not emotionally, morally, financially, and intellectually ready for commitment on this level.
And then to finish, they throw away and destroy their own future, a.k.a. children, either by aborting them or by imparting to them a gene structure that has been compromised by disease and randomly mixed genomes.
And so now you see another couple reasons why people of this age do not want pregnancies. You've done your own hole.
1. Abstain from sexual relations until after marriage.
Ain't gonna happen, not to a bunch of hormone-raging teenagers. They are driven by nature and from their body's hormones to engage in sexual activity. So respect this by allowing them to do so while protecting them from STDs and pregnancies by providing condoms and the like. And why after marriage? Is marriage some sort of magic ritual where all the problems go away afterwards?
1.1 Marriage is defined as one man and one woman in a Holy union.
Doesn't stop the part about homosexual acts. Also capitalizing holy is giving me red lines in spell check.
2. Once married, remain faithful to your spouse.
Remain faithful even when spouse is being unfaithful? The sooner my spouse does something unforgivable to my standards or isn't pulling her own weight to OUR family, I'd kick her out of my house that I'd most likely buy with 80% of my own income.
3. If you have children, teach them the above points.
I'd tell them to not be so closed-minded around the issue of sex and pregnancy, teach them safety precautions about said issues, and make them feel open about the ideas so they will be open and comfortable from me providing them condoms when they have a boyfriend/girlfriend.