Based on a conversation with another friendly AG user about Mila Kunis, I was wondering which of her movies are people's favourite? For me, I'd have to say Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But ofcourse she does have many great roles in a lot of movies, so I'm imposing a rule: Please only respond with your aboslte #1 favourite, and ONLY ONE movie in your answer.
I really liked her in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Book of Eli. She was good in that 70's show (where I first noticed her) but these movies solidified her for me
She was good in that 70's show (where I first noticed her) but these movies solidified her for me
I don't believe that she needed those movies to be solidified. She always plays the same basic Jackie character in every movie she's in. At this point it's basically a cameo role.
I don't believe that she needed those movies to be solidified. She always plays the same basic Jackie character in every movie she's in. At this point it's basically a cameo role.
Have you ever seen book of Eli? She is definitely NOT Jackie in that movie.