Battlefield 3, is a great game to play. I love playing it with friends, but for me it's no fun any-more flying around in my Jet, shooting people with my Rocket Pod's because some idiot at EA/Frostbite decided it would be best for players if they could unlock everything for a measly 2100 MSP!
Battlefield 3, is a great game to play. I love playing it with friends, but for me it's no fun any-more flying around in my Jet, shooting people with my Rocket Pod's because some idiot at EA/Frostbite decided it would be best for players if they could unlock everything for a measly 2100 MSP!
I really like Battlefield 3, I don't really have a favourite class as I switch through them a lot. I don't understand why everyone who makes a server says no shotguns, at ranges of more than a foot they're terrible and that's coming from a guy who has got more kills with the 870 (shotgun) than any other gun he uses.
I have premium and feel like a VIP . It's just a shame that I couldn't download the new map pack this morning, oh well I'm sure they will fix it soon.
I don't understand why everyone who makes a server says no shotguns
The servers I play on usually have the maps seine crossing, grand bazaar, and operation on rush. Imagine those maps ruled by automatic and semi-automatic shotgun. It's hell.
has its downfalls and qualities. Downfalls, Bad Campaign, Over-powered guns and might need an UPDATE FOR SOME GLITCHES. Qualities, Great graphics, realistic sounding guns, Good array of vehicles and decent Co-op missions. get extra guns for completing co-op missions.
Other than that i think im done. these are just some factors.
i don't get why you guys keep saying that the BF3 graphics are better than CoD graphics, if you just look at the barrel of a mini gun it's not even round it's you can see where they put a line then a corner and it doesn't look round, and i know what i'm talking about because i have an HDMI for it and the downloaded HD content for BF3 unless you have do something to activate it but CoD has better graphics
i don't get why you guys keep saying that the BF3 graphics are better than CoD graphics, if you just look at the barrel of a mini gun it's not even round it's you can see where they put a line then a corner and it doesn't look round, and i know what i'm talking about because i have an HDMI for it and the downloaded HD content for BF3 unless you have do something to activate it but CoD has better graphics
~manly man
BF3 graphics are better then cod on PC on console they might be worse because cod is made for console bf is made for pc so they have to downgrade the game so it will play.