I've been using the lmg's more, and the only one I think is worth using is the one with the fastest fire rate. Can't recall the name, but it has around 850rpm. I use it with bipod and extended mags, great for closing down areas and clearing rooms. With that fire rate very few weapons can beat it at close range. Got around 10 kills within 20 seconds on metro yesterday with it.
Or when the opposite team is pinned down, use your recon class in one of the crowded hallways, throw down a motion sensor, and snipe as you get a steady stream of points.
Or when the opposite team is pinned down, use your recon class in one of the crowded hallways, throw down a motion sensor, and snipe as you get a steady stream of points.
You know that small tunnel area on operation metro rush? The one after they destroy the first set of m-coms, it has a bunch of pipes with smoke in it. I layed at the end with my sniper and got around 8 kills before having to reload, so I retreated. I think I would've done better if I was using support, but I can't ever get kills during the first set of m-coms with the other classes; everyone is so far away.
I remembered the name of the lmg; it's the M249, and it has 900rpm.
I tried out the M60 and PKP last night (since I haven't used them for months), and they seem good for long range. Slower fire rates so it's more steady, but they don't fit my style of play.
Every time I play with the M249 I just go Rambo mode. Such as last night on damavand peak rush. I flanked the building that has an m-com (third set I believe, the one before the tunnels), and wiped out everyone in there. Had to be around 10 people in there and they couldn't stop me.
There are problems with it. Horrendous problems, shotgun with frag rounds? Jesus... But then, how long has it been since we've seen an FPS without bad balancing in one or two weapons?
This whole CoD or Battlefield arguement? Please. It depends on what you want. CoD is fine for switching off your brain and shooting annoying 10 year olds for a few moments.
Battlefield is an emmersive game. You have to think about it. Work well with your squad and plan things out. Your tactics are alot more important in battlefield than they are in CoD.
Anyone who plays both games will also understand the whole 'camping' arguement. But they should also understand that in CoD or Battlefield TDM, sitting in one spot doing nothing but shooting anyone who walks past IS camping. On conquest or Flag games? It's defending. Tactically.
That's one thing battlefield players get and CoD players don't.
In my personal opinion? Battlefield all the way. CoD is just getting slow and repetitive.
Balanced months ago. I haven't seen anyone run frag rounds since.
I do, but it's more to get a server to begin to descend unto chaos, then I equip Flechette onto my DAO-12 and rain fire.
I have a 360. I'm so alone . . . from AG users at least.
Wow, another Xbox 360 player.
But then, how long has it been since we've seen an FPS without bad balancing in one or two weapons?
True, but you can see the difference in gun power between updates. Here's the system for Dice:
V.1. Usually Balanced, with a but of deviation or some very powerful or bad.
V.2. Gun becomes either too Overpowered, or Nerfed to the extreme.
V.3. Gun is made balanced and is decent to use again.
V.4. This is very rare, and normally balanced guns skip from V.1. to V.4. Where they change a couple things, and keep it up to speed, with the gun being very balanced.
That's how I classify weapons basically, OCD with categorizing.
Well, that sucked. Right when I pressed submit my internet crashed...
I've been using the F2000 a lot recently. When BF3 first came out it was the best gun to use, but after a few months they nerfed it. I started using it again because it's in my top five for most kills on Battlelog.
It has some bad vertical recoil, but using the foregrip reduces it. For the second attachment I usually use suppressor or laser sight. Suppressor so I stay off the mini-map when I want to flank, and laser sight for small maps. It already has great hipfire because it's a bullpup, but the laser sight makes it better.
A month or two ago using foregrip and suppressor would actually make the gun worse, but I guess they fixed it.
I've also only been using the A-91 for the engineer class. It's a bullpup as well so great hip fire, it has a fast fire rate, and is very accurate. I usually use it with foregrip and heavy barrel, sometimes I'll attach the laser sight on small vehicle maps likes Seine Crossing.