ForumsThe TavernStereotypes

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So, share the stereotypes for your nation/country/people and, is it true? And also, what does everyone think of stereotypes? Is it acceptable and why?

For Serbians, there's the stereotype that we eat nothing but pork and beef, we drink more alcohol than the rest of the world, we're all tall and masculine/skinny, usually pale, that every single one of us despises homosexuals and will beat up any homosexual we see and that Serbia's "infected" with gypsies.

The Drinking part is maybe true. We tend to drink a LOT of alcohol, starting from our 15's.
We eat a LARGE variety of food, not only meats. And no, not everyone in Serbia is a carnivore, we have a large number of vegetarians as well, though even they eat a lot of meat.
We're not all tall, just a majority. And most of us aren't even that skinny when we reach our thirties, but I have yet to see a 20+ year old that's not masculine.
We're pale only during the winter, during the summer it's scorching hot, and the sun burns eggs on rocks.
The ones that despise homosexuals are... Extremists, so to say. Most people back home are actually quite peaceful towards them and accept them with a wide hug and smile.
The gypsy thing is true, there's a lot of 'em all around the place.

Now, I don't really think stereotypes should be trusted, unless it comes from the person that's being stereotyped. Or if it's used as a joke. I find it hilarious, but sad, when some people tell me they were surprised when they went to some parts of Asia and didn't see people with "no eyes". It just shows how ignorant and stupid a person can be.

  • 37 Replies
3,337 posts

I don't really know the English stereotypes..

- I suppose everyone thinks we all speak the Queen's English, all posh, prim and proper. I can assure you while a lot of the people I know speak quite posh, the majority of England don't!

- We all drink tea. I drink tea a lot, but my best friend adores coffee and despises tea. Although, go into any cafe/restaurant in England and you can order a cup.

I don't know any other stereotypes apart from the really silly ones. Such as all Englishmen/ladies have bad teeth. And we do all day is make small talk about the weather. And we all worship the Queen.

And we all wear top hats and monocles.

13,817 posts

The fundamental New Zealand stereotype is that we are sheep-shagging folk who eat fush and chups. You are more likely to hear this if you ask any bast- friendly Australian.. like that nasty bugger named Pazx.

Australia. Sunny weather, great beaches, hot babes.

Yup, it's all true I guess.

Don't forget the Aboriginals and their petrol! I mean, the beer.
5,340 posts

Jews have big noses. For the most part this is also true, it's just genetics

i dont think so. you know where i live and i can say that most people here have regular shaped and sized noses.

there are many stereotypes here on pretty much every race (good or bad). but since there are so many im pretty sure most of the people here understand that they are nothing but jokes
155 posts

I am half korean, but im also part german. Unfortunately, my korean side is more well known throughout my school. A stereotype about Koreans or just Asians in general, is that we all have small, well... y'know. Private parts. NOT TRUE IN THE LEAST. just wanted to say that. its been bugging me for a while.

242 posts

I was born in Alaska, and thanks to Sarah Palin, we have tons of stereotypes. First, we can't see Russia from our house. Second, most people are normal Americans. We aren't hillbillies. One interesting fact, we eat more ice cream, and use more duct tape than anyone. Per capita that is.

242 posts

I think most of the stereotypes are about Asian-Americans. (-(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)-)

13,817 posts

I think most of the stereotypes are about Asian-Americans. (-(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)-)

It's all relative, buddy. Other places have Asian stereotypes too, but lack African-American stereotypes for obvious reasons.
1,075 posts

here in california they think we all go to the beach... XD
And they think because i'm asain means i'm smart (yes, but i'm very smart XD)

13,344 posts

we eat more ice cream

You have more ice and nothing better to do with it.

1,075 posts

i think the fact we eat more ice cream results in the obesity XD

242 posts

But we would us Alaskans eat ice cream if it's cold out a lot?

13,344 posts

But we would us Alaskans eat ice cream if it's cold out a lot?

Are you kidding? You wouldn't even have to put in in the freezer. You could just leave it outside without worrying about it thawing.

In fact, you could probably just pour sweet cream on the ground and wait a few minutes.

I bet ice cream is cheap in Alaska.

In Oregon where we live, everyone I meet from outside of state thinks we're either lumberjacks, hippies, hobos, or cross country runners.

Nope. Most of the Oregonians I know are rednecks. The only hippies I've seen there were in the cities.

I've never heard the stereotype about cross-country runners. That one is sort of a surprise to me.
35 posts

Yeah a lot of stereo types are on asians like all asians have to be smart

2,779 posts

When u mean stereo types do you also mean gender stereo types?

I was born in china and people believe we eat rice every day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, supper, etc on a daily basis. It's not always true because I'm asian and my family eats all sorts of foods like chiken, fish, sandwiches, etc. People always say "you are asian, you have to eat rice every day for breakfast lunch and dinner." Even though they don't mean nothing but rice. Plus, people see me at school in the cafeteria every day and they see me having a tray with anything but rice.

I heard that people in the USA are stereotypical when it comes to where I am from now: Canada! I am not a lumber jack or a farmer. I do not go sleding or eat bluber. We have prime ministers, not presidents. It's pronounced about, not aboot. And I think that the BEAVER is a proud symbol of our country. It's pronounced Zee! Not Zed! And Canada is the first nation of HOCKEY. I AM CANADIAN!!! (go to youtube and find a video similar to this)

One last thing I hate is how everyone believes that if your chinese you know chinese. True I'm chinese but I don't speak mandarin even though it's part of my culture. And my friends speak mandarin and they expect me to speak their language even though I have no clue. True I was born in China and spoke their language till I was 2 years old. Thats when I moved to Canada and learned so much english, I forgot 70% of my basic mandarin. I have nothing else to say Period.

5,952 posts

i live in new york so let me think of some...

1. rude
yeah, in general thats true. no one says sorry if they bump into you or anything. to be honest no one goes "oh i met the nicest person on the streets of nyc."
2. in a hurry
it always apears that everyone is a hurry, thats true. many of us have mastered the "im late so get the **** out of my way" look.
3. crime...
ok despite my name, not many of us are criminals. nyc has gotten much better recently compared to how it was before. granted, their are always the "bad towns" but come on, they are in every city, are they not?
4. awesome baseball team, the yankees!
true. no ands, ifs or buts
5. poor
no. just no. yes, their are some people on the streets who try and get money (some have gotten very good at it) and their are hotdog venders on almost every other corner, but over all we are alright. their are lots of big businesses and such. also, just because someone lives in an apartment does not mean they are poor.
a good amount of the population is like this. if you bump into them, they probably wont let you forget it.

so yeah.... one for america too?

1. fat
....their is nothing i can say really. yes, america has too many obese people, but not all of us are like that.

2. addicted to McDonalds and need hamburgers

3. lazy pretty lazy....

and thats all i have to say about that

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