ForumsThe TavernStereotypes

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So, share the stereotypes for your nation/country/people and, is it true? And also, what does everyone think of stereotypes? Is it acceptable and why?

For Serbians, there's the stereotype that we eat nothing but pork and beef, we drink more alcohol than the rest of the world, we're all tall and masculine/skinny, usually pale, that every single one of us despises homosexuals and will beat up any homosexual we see and that Serbia's "infected" with gypsies.

The Drinking part is maybe true. We tend to drink a LOT of alcohol, starting from our 15's.
We eat a LARGE variety of food, not only meats. And no, not everyone in Serbia is a carnivore, we have a large number of vegetarians as well, though even they eat a lot of meat.
We're not all tall, just a majority. And most of us aren't even that skinny when we reach our thirties, but I have yet to see a 20+ year old that's not masculine.
We're pale only during the winter, during the summer it's scorching hot, and the sun burns eggs on rocks.
The ones that despise homosexuals are... Extremists, so to say. Most people back home are actually quite peaceful towards them and accept them with a wide hug and smile.
The gypsy thing is true, there's a lot of 'em all around the place.

Now, I don't really think stereotypes should be trusted, unless it comes from the person that's being stereotyped. Or if it's used as a joke. I find it hilarious, but sad, when some people tell me they were surprised when they went to some parts of Asia and didn't see people with "no eyes". It just shows how ignorant and stupid a person can be.

  • 37 Replies
2,074 posts


Sir, you fail.


Anyway, first of all, are stereotypes meant to be arbitrary? In other words, do people think [group of people] are ["stereotype" here] for no reason?

e.g. Society thinks Asians are smart. PROBLEM: this is talking about a group of people as a whole. So, a majority of those people would have to be smart in order for this to not be arbitrary/true. And then there's another problem. There is no definite definition for 'smart', 'lazy', etc. But oh well. If society's thinking is wrong, there isn't much we can do to it.



Reasons why stereotypes are/could be arbitrary:
Since when was society stupid enough to come up with some sort of -apparently random- statement such as "Americans are lazy" (not true) or "Muslims are terrorists" (DEFINITELY not true; extremely racist too). Unless every single American or Muslim is [stereotype], then stereotypes could possibly be sort of random.

Reasons why stereotypes are not arbitrary:
Maybe the "Asians have small eyes" thing could be true. There could be a possibility that if you randomly selected someone from Asia, there eye area could be smaller than a certain size. I dunno.


NOTE: If you are offended by ANY of this, then I will ask a moderator to delete this post.

15 posts

Stereotypes are just caused by what the media show on TV and by the lack of intelligence of those people who never think that what they are watching at TV could be false or racist.

339 posts

I live in Florida so I get stereo typed as a red neck (I guess I kinda am one) we get stereo typed as crazy smelly in-bred right wing gun nut black haters that drink too much beer

5,952 posts

Stereotypes are not things that most people do in a group or race. The best example is of your "Muslims are terrorists" one. Obviously this is not true, but since their are a few who are terrorists

5,952 posts

Ah sorry. Typing while ridding the bus wasn't well. We hit a bump and I clicked submit by mistake.
Stereotypes are not things that most people do in a group or race. The best example is of your "Muslims are terrorists" one. Obviously this is not true, but since their are a few who are terrorists and many people know this, it stains the Muslims name forever. This is a stereotype, not just facts about the majority.

63 posts

In america, the sterotype is that everyone is a rich snot. Sometimes that is true, but not always.

No, I do not think that is an acceptable stereotype, because I am ALL against stereotyping.

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