Well, my dear DSm, you are almost comepltyl wrong.
firstly, i didt spoke about Thousands of years ago' i spoke about 60 or 70 years ago.
and secondely, i am a left-winger "in real life". i dont say the arabs are bad peoples, and i dont say that we, the israelis, dont do mistakes too.
afcours that ther are peoples that dont want peace. all teh settelers, who belive that if they will build in the entire Israel, beliving that they have the right to build wherever they want because its ther country, and the semi-fascist gruops who say "the arabs only understand power". but we, Israel, have a strong group who say the opposite. we say that not all the time Israel is looking for peace. we say that Israel should. we are against racsism, and not only by Israelis to arab, but by white to black, by religius to womens.
and yes, i was angry too when i heard about the way some soliders shoot the lachrymator, hitting hard peoples.
but its harder and harder to explaine to my more right-winger friends why.
all i say is, that the claim that we, the Israelis, are a barbarian tribe who raid the poor defendless democratic hippies palestinians is a lie. because all of the peoles who say "you are evil", are peoples who feel sorry for the "weak" and start to feel Sympathy for him, like USA felt to the taliban in ther fight against the CCCP {russia}.
they didnt care what they realy belive in, or what ther goals after it, just the feeling that "yeay! the weak one win!". so again, when Israel was the weak one, and the mighty eygept and syria and every other arabic nation threat to destroy us and kill us, you Sympathy us. but now? now you prefer the other side, and start to belive to the lies of ther propoganda. ther is no hunger in Gazza. ther is no lack of medicen. we supply them everything they need, and they are "big boys", who can take care of themeselve.
and with terrorist organizations, its "give a finger and they will take the entire hand" - Israeli soliders who guard the passes from gazza to Israel found in a daily bases wepones in ambulances, bombs in buss and "dirty" money {from Iran} in old ladies bags. i know, not all of gazza soppurt hamas, and i know that they cant just revolt against them, but you understand what i say?
hamas wont bring democracy and freedome to the middle-east.
Israel will. we defended Jurdan against syria, not hamas.
we let everyone freedome, unless to gaza {who shot rocket at us [and we didnt "blockade" them befor they started, only after]} and judea and shomron {againe, same as gaza}.
that we didnt stole ther land. like in any otehr civil war, ther are winners and ther are lossers. like in Lybia, ther are a large group, who preferd kadafi, who is now get lynched and killed. yes, the "shiny happy peoples" who just wnated democracy and freedom, will becaume another Iran in the bad case, and just will break up in a better one.
we are not illeagal, like USA is not, we wanted a place to live. we get into Israel, leagel or not {and sorry, but i think that runnig away from the nazies is a better choise than saing "but its against the law!". they didnt had any otehr choises, and the british did it because they didnt wanted the arabs to get mad}, built thet place from nearly nothing, created a modern state who creat the future technoligy, agriculture get better thanks to us, and helping every country in need in any Disaster with skilled crews who come to the rescue, doing as much as they can.
so yes, ther were some mistakes and wrong deeds, but it happen to every country. its not make us illeagal! we are here to stay, ther is no doubt for that. but will you stop questioning that? we dont kill arabs on a daily base, as i said befor. people who doing it are in jail. JAIL! in gaza they make them hero, here they are put to 30 years behind bars.