ForumsWEPRSexual discrimination in sentencing in the US?

28 8153
58 posts

Has anyone else noticed that men who get involved in underage girls tend to get stiff (pardon the pun) sentences, including multiple years in jail and sex offender registration, while women who get involved in underage boys tend to get a relative slap on the wrist and an admonishment not to do it again?

I don't have statistics on hand to prove my point, and I suppose it's possible (though I doubt it) that I'm counting the hits and not the misses. It just seems as though every time I see an adult/teenager story, when the adult is male he gets five years and more, while women get a year or two plus probation.

  • 28 Replies
67 posts

alright i agree that women get a slap on the wrist while men get a crap load of trouble but either way its discusting especialy men with boys horible but in jail the criminals usualy kill the sex offender **** in general is an evil habbit most people have

67 posts

why did they take out r.ape thats stupid

1,322 posts

Well, what if the female suffers no consequences then? If she turns out all fine and bright? I don't think it would be fair to then sentence the male to a stricter sentence.

That's somewhat of a moot point. If it is ****, there could be forced entry and lots of bruising/damage. That's not even talking about the mental stress and problems the situation is going to cause her. If she gladly went along with it, then it wasn't ****. To be ***** is to have been forced into the acts w/o your unforced consent. To be ***** is a consequence in and of itself. So, you can't be ***** and have suffered no consequences.

In another view, it is the same crime but different weapons. The male penis is going to be the worse weapon in this regard. The female's vagina isn't going to be as severe a tool of damage. (excluding things like aids and other std's!) If there are things like guns involved, then that's another story entirely!
3,817 posts

That's somewhat of a moot point. If it is ****, there could be forced entry and lots of bruising/damage. That's not even talking about the mental stress and problems the situation is going to cause her. If she gladly went along with it, then it wasn't ****. To be ***** is to have been forced into the acts w/o your unforced consent. To be ***** is a consequence in and of itself. So, you can't be ***** and have suffered no consequences.

In another view, it is the same crime but different weapons. The male penis is going to be the worse weapon in this regard. The female's vagina isn't going to be as severe a tool of damage. (excluding things like aids and other std's!) If there are things like guns involved, then that's another story entirely!

So what happens if the "weapon" is not male/female genitalia, but something else?

Lets say there are two identical cases. Lets say a male ***** a female anally with an iron pipe, and a female anally ***** a male with an iron pipe. Should this be considered worse then?

For some reason, people seem to think that male **** does more physical harm than female ****. Does that matter? Last I checked, **** was more of a mental crime, it is not considered bad because of causing physical damage, but mental.

****, "Sexual battery" which sounds like it pretty much **** but isn't blocked by the censors, so why not use it?

Now continuing with what I said, by the logic "Male **** causes more harm physically", then, by this logic, the fact that it was sexual doesn't count and it would be forced to be lowered to "battery", a lower offense, depending on how much damage it caused. Sexual battery isn't considered a horrible crime because it damages genitalia, it is a horrible crime because it messes up the victim mentally. Why would you try a mental crime based on physical things?
1,322 posts

**** with a metal pipe is no more **** than if I were to **** you at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. "Oh HO!!! The metal pipe coincides with sexual gratification!"... There's nothing more gratifying than cramming a nuke down another person's throat! I'm sure it can even be sexually gratifying for some. ...OR another example would be the **** of Neutral Belgium by Germany. Just because you can apply some other definition or usage of **** doesn't mean that it falls under the category of sexual assault. People might say you ***** them with a pipe because of the similarity of orifices used, but it is only assaulting someone with a weapon and attempted murder. That weapon being a pipe. You might could weasel your way into sexual charges by saying that the body parts involved were sexual organs or were tampered with for sexual gratification, but the definition implied by this thread is sexual intercourse....not insertion of iron pipes.

They were asking why is it that a woman who has sex with an underaged male gets a lesser punishment than a man who has sex with an underaged female. The other application of this thread was to two grown adults of their respective sexes raping the others. If you remember wedding crashers you'll remember that one of them men was tied down to a bed and then forcibly made to have sexy fun time against his will. He was ***** by a woman. If you switch the roles played by the respective genders then we've got the other side of the spectrum. Getting tied down and ***** is not equatable to having an iron pipe shoved up your ***.

If a woman has shoved a pipe up someone's butt, then she's committed a far more serious crime than ****. You might be able to justify it as **** if she's getting some sort of sexual excitement from doing it, but she's done far more than ****. It would be better represented as **** + assault + (insert offense here)= case instead of **** = case.

2 scenarios...
1. I thrust a bendy straw at you and scratch your skin.
2. I thrust a knife at you and give you much more than an abbrasian.

Obviously they were the same actions, but with different tools... so therefore they're equatable!

I would prefer that the punishment fit the specific crime moreso than I would like to see punishments given to fit a label w/o regard to severity of the specific crime in question. I would prefer them have more than a slap on the wrist, but I wouldn't say that women by definition of not being men should therefore get a lesser punishment for **** charges. I would rather the trend exist if it in fact does only because their actual crimes committed on a whole just happened to be to a lesser degree of severity than their male counterparts.

Just because a trend like this exists doesn't mean that it is discrimination.

3,817 posts

**** with a metal pipe is no more **** than if I were to **** you at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. "Oh HO!!! The metal pipe coincides with sexual gratification!"... There's nothing more gratifying than cramming a nuke down another person's throat! I'm sure it can even be sexually gratifying for some. ...OR another example would be the **** of Neutral Belgium by Germany. Just because you can apply some other definition or usage of **** doesn't mean that it falls under the category of sexual assault. People might say you ***** them with a pipe because of the similarity of orifices used, but it is only assaulting someone with a weapon and attempted murder. That weapon being a pipe. You might could weasel your way into sexual charges by saying that the body parts involved were sexual organs or were tampered with for sexual gratification, but the definition implied by this thread is sexual intercourse....not insertion of iron pipes.

Actually, the crime would technically be called "Sexual battery", which according to wikipedia:

Sexual battery may be defined as non-consensual touching of the intimate parts of another. At least in Florida, "Sexual battery means oral, ****, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the **** or vaginal penetration of another by any other object": See section 794.011[2].

Which would include being ***** by a pipe anally.

Continuing, the World Health organization defines it :&quothysically forced or otherwise coerced penetration â" even if slight â" of the vulva or anus, using a penis, other body parts or an object".[19]

Really. It is rare to find a definition that does not consider raping someone in the but with a pipe ****.

They were asking why is it that a woman who has sex with an underaged male gets a lesser punishment than a man who has sex with an underaged female. The other application of this thread was to two grown adults of their respective sexes raping the others. If you remember wedding crashers you'll remember that one of them men was tied down to a bed and then forcibly made to have sexy fun time against his will. He was ***** by a woman. If you switch the roles played by the respective genders then we've got the other side of the spectrum. Getting tied down and ***** is not equatable to having an iron pipe shoved up your ***.

And by most definitions, yes, "Getting a pipe shoved up your ***" is considered similar to **** by tying someone down and raping them.

I do realize that that is what this started out as, but that is hardly what it is now. How many people in the last page had talked about statutory ****?

If a woman has shoved a pipe up someone's butt, then she's committed a far more serious crime than ****. You might be able to justify it as **** if she's getting some sort of sexual excitement from doing it, but she's done far more than ****. It would be better represented as **** + assault + (insert offense here)= case instead of **** = case.

Adding "assault" hardly makes it a more serious crime, considering that you would get a hell of a punishment for the one offense. You might as well add jaywalking to the list, for all the good it will do. Depending on the damage, it may also get another more serious punishment, but the point is, if a male rapes a female and does the same damage as a female raping a male, then shouldn't they both be the considered an equally hideous crime?

2 scenarios...
1. I thrust a bendy straw at you and scratch your skin.
2. I thrust a knife at you and give you much more than an abbrasian.

1. Assault.
2. Battery.

They do have different laws for things like that.

Obviously they were the same actions, but with different tools... so therefore they're equatable!

But it isn't different tools same action, it is different tools same effect. It would me more like me stabbing you in the left lung with a knife compared to me stabbing you in the right lung with a katana. The damage is the same weather a man rapes a female or a female rapes a man.

I would prefer that the punishment fit the specific crime moreso than I would like to see punishments given to fit a label w/o regard to severity of the specific crime in question. I would prefer them have more than a slap on the wrist, but I wouldn't say that women by definition of not being men should therefore get a lesser punishment for **** charges. I would rather the trend exist if it in fact does only because their actual crimes committed on a whole just happened to be to a lesser degree of severity than their male counterparts.

How is one **** worse then the next? More damage done? Force used? Threat used? Weapon used? Unless an additional crime is committed, I can't tell how you could tell one case of **** from another.

Just because a trend like this exists doesn't mean that it is discrimination.

It is possible, but how do you measure the severity of ****?
3,826 posts

How is one **** worse then the next? More damage done? Force used? Threat used? Weapon used? Unless an additional crime is committed, I can't tell how you could tell one case of **** from another.

Well that was my original query. Things got a bit... weird after that.
It seems like that if there is discrimination, then this might be one way to explain it. It's not how badly the victim is actually injured, it's the fact that typically female victims suffer more than males victims. So the difference is in principle, rather than fact. Now, I'm not saying that there actually is a difference in the level of suffering. I'm just wondering whether this line of argument is even appropriate? It seems plausible that the severity of a crime should be based (at least loosely) on how or to what extent the victims is injured. After all, isn't that why murder is a more serious offense than assault?
3,817 posts

Well that was my original query. Things got a bit... weird after that.

It seems like that if there is discrimination, then this might be one way to explain it. It's not how badly the victim is actually injured, it's the fact that typically female victims suffer more than males victims. So the difference is in principle, rather than fact. Now, I'm not saying that there actually is a difference in the level of suffering. I'm just wondering whether this line of argument is even appropriate? It seems plausible that the severity of a crime should be based (at least loosely) on how or to what extent the victims is injured. After all, isn't that why murder is a more serious offense than assault?

But as I said earlier, how do you rate sexual batter? It is more of a mental crime, rather than a physical crime. How do you rate a crime that does more damage to sanity than the actual body? I would doubt that a female raping a male would have less effect than a male raping a female, so why should they be judged differently?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

That's somewhat of a moot point. If it is ****, there could be forced entry and lots of bruising/damage. That's not even talking about the mental stress and problems the situation is going to cause her. If she gladly went along with it, then it wasn't ****. To be ***** is to have been forced into the acts w/o your unforced consent. To be ***** is a consequence in and of itself. So, you can't be ***** and have suffered no consequences.

In another view, it is the same crime but different weapons. The male penis is going to be the worse weapon in this regard. The female's vagina isn't going to be as severe a tool of damage. (excluding things like aids and other std's!) If there are things like guns involved, then that's another story entirely!

I was referring more to statutory ****, which to me, isn't always ''****'', because the female consents, even though such consent is not recognised legally, and the psychological effects of it. Not the physical harm from ****.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Firstly, most violent criminals are male. Women are -generally- less violent offenders. Thus, the legal system argues that male offenders pose a more serious threat to the public.
Secondly, the public prosecutors and the police want to look tough on crime. Getting dangerous male rapists off the streets (thanks to long jail sentences) gives you a lot of tough-on-crime points. The media and most citizens are just not really impressed when you put a woman who has sex with underage boys in prison. Simply put, the representatives of the law have no real incentive to hand stiffer sentences to female offenders,
Thirdly, male rapists are -ceteris paribys- considered repeat offenders. The law assumes male rapists are compelled to **** again, they just can't control themselves. Whereas, female rapists are -rightly- not considered repeat offenders. There are just no cases of female serial rapists.

14 posts

How do I keep this PG-13?

I think it has to do with anatomy. If sexual conduct happens its much harder for a man to be a part of it against his will, since his anatomy must be active (so to speak) in order to partake. It is possible for a female to get a male's anatomy going without his consent, but because intercourse is a mental thing, its much harder to keep it going.

Whereas with women, they don't have to consent, they don't have to be active. Its much easier for a male to prey upon a female, and much harder for a female to deny that male because of inherent physical differences both organ-based and strength based. As a woman I know that despite being rather strong, I am still no match for most of the men I know.

It doesn't make it an acceptable practice though. I think if someone is the perpetrator of sexual misconduct, their gender should bear no difference to their discipline.

224 posts

Something that this forum keeps drifting from, even though the original poster keeps trying to return it and we haven't gotten as a deep a conversation on it; In cases of 'consensual' statutory ****, men appear to be punished worse than women do. Here's two hypothetical situations to make it clearer:
1. A 35 year old male teacher and his 16 year old female student engage in relations, the male is sentenced to 5+ years in prison

2. A 35 year old female teacher and her 16 year old male student engage in relations, the female is sentenced to 1-2 years and probation

Is that a noticeably prevalent theme in the US? If so, why?

17 posts

Sexual discrimination in sentencing in the US?

I can't really say with authority because I live in Australia, but in Australia their definitely is.

Honestly people can talk about penetration until the cows come home, that's not what it is all really about.

It's about stereotypes & war ( sex war) reparations.

Women get lighter sentences because historically they are sugar, spice & all things nice.

If it's a 16 year old boy & a 35 year old woman, wow his friend must have thought him a stud, blah, blah, ect, ect

If it's a 16 year old girl & a 35 year old man, oh my gosh what a perverted dirty old man taking advantage of such a young innocent sweet girl, shame, shame..

It's quite obvious why the sentences are different & to think dirty old MILFS do not exploit & take advantage is naive.

I personally do not condone either behaviour, nor have I EVER been involved with any such behaviour.

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