ForumsThe TavernClan!

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Look, the title matches the content for a change. ready to see the spam?

So, I believe I mentioned wanting to do a discussion on clans and their behaviour and nature in the other discussion thread? Either way, let's have it.
As we all know, some people just can't sleep before they are a member of one or more clans. Preferably some with an epic name and little content otherwise, just to show they are in one.
What are you opinion on this, and why would you think they want to join in on a clan, that obviously does nothing but give them some sort of minor community int he community (well, beside that reason)?
Likewise, how does this change the behaviour of a person to be in a clan or a group, especially towards people that isn't, and is there a difference between clans on a site, that has no active purpose and clans in MMOGs and the like, that might have an active purpose and could give actual advances in the game?

And for the people skipping the word blob:
Go read it anyway, or don't reply. Please. For the sake of my sanity.

  • 31 Replies
242 posts

Clans are kinda cool. What I don't get is how to get in one. How do I join a clan?

5,552 posts

And for the people skipping the word blob:

You mean him?

Posted Mar 15, '12 at 12:03pm

65 posts

Clans are kinda cool. What I don't get is how to get in one. How do I join a clan?


Sarcasm aside...

What are you opinion on this

I think that clans over the internet that you just ask to join are pointless.

why would you think they want to join in on a clan

So they can feel all warm and fuzzy inside that they were accepted by people they don't know and probably will never actually meet? I have no idea.

Likewise, how does this change the behaviour of a person to be in a clan or a group, especially towards people that isn't

In-group bias. People believe that what they are apart of is the best. (Which makes sense, why would you be apart of it if that weren't the case?)

Thus, anyone not in that group isn't apart of the "best" or "in the know" which makes them lesser.

clans in MMOGs and the like, that might have an active purpose and could give actual advances in the game?

This would be the only clan thing I could think of that would make sense to be in. Groups of people who do things for certain goals/competitions or what not.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

What word blob....that's a tiny paragraph! The 10cm high stack of notes in front of me screams at the hyperbolic blasphemy!

Anyway, I do believe that clans in an active site rather than a clan on AG have significant differences, due to the more strict attitude towards them here. Humans are social animals, we tend to seek the company of others and congregate of groups. Forms the basis of much of our lives today, facilitates interaction, brings like minded people together and the like. Not that I'm going to pretend I'm an anthropologist, so apart from the vague fluffy description I gave, I'm going to act all layman like.

So yes, just as an example, my old MMORPG clans did give me a sense of unity, a place to chill, a group to rely on in times of trouble, or when the pesky dragons start to roast me. Over here, even if it's about a game, and that's the strongest and most bonded kind of clan I see, it usually falls apart pretty quickly, carried on by a few members who go around updating pages and recruiting although they have no single purpose in doing so, except fulfilling their pack rat syndromes. Just registering people doesn't seem like a clan to me.

Anyway, does being in a clan change your behaviour? I would think it does. And not just clans, but more generally, the social groups we interact with/in everyday. Simply being in the Arts stream sets a mindset against those in the Science stream, and builds a cocoon around me and my mates. Being an athlete separates one from the rest when the situation calls. Clans are just more organized, stringent and apparent manifestations of such taxonomy. At least, that's what it seems like to me.

As for the CFC, it wasn't intended as a full blown club, but more of an accolade for Your Majesty, from your humble subjects. Also, as a creepy reminder that we hope you never leave the site.

Though that might change in AG3. Now, those papers in the 10cm stake call for their hourly dose of blood.

534 posts

What are you opinion on this, and why would you think they want to join in on a clan, that obviously does nothing but give them some sort of minor community int he community

So far my clan is being pretty active in elections and what not. So we are doing quite a few things.
13,657 posts

So far my clan is being pretty active in elections and what not. So we are doing quite a few things.

I fail to see how this is on topic or relevant.

I think that clans over the internet that you just ask to join are pointless.

Of course.

So they can feel all warm and fuzzy inside that they were accepted by people they don't know and probably will never actually meet? I have no idea.

What word blob....that's a tiny paragraph! The 10cm high stack of notes in front of me screams at the hyperbolic blasphemy!

Blob is not a measure of size, though.

Anyway, does being in a clan change your behaviour? I would think it does. And not just clans, but more generally, the social groups we interact with/in everyday. Simply being in the Arts stream sets a mindset against those in the Science stream, and builds a cocoon around me and my mates. Being an athlete separates one from the rest when the situation calls. Clans are just more organized, stringent and apparent manifestations of such taxonomy. At least, that's what it seems like to me.

I tend to agree (after all, one of my most used phrases include "So, humans are social beings&quot, but above needs to be highlighted for a bit of a mind burp:
The cliques are pretty frequent in the internet, even if they are not specifically mentioned or as visible as cliques in the real world. However, clans seem to be a more physical, if that is a word you can use about the internet, way of dealing with these groups and cliques, but in a much looser and more vague way.
The usual cliques on the internet are tight knit and includes some kind of companionship or acknowledgement of each other. The clans tend to acknowledge each other by lists of member names, and then the clan leader doing the main communication. There is no unity, as you mentioned, and the only real communication or social behaviour between the member will be if they are friends or become friends with a few of the other members. Even the gaming clans seem to have no more unity than is needed to stare down other players that aren't part of their clan.
It is a Christian vs Atheist dilemma. One group against another, either think they are right, none of them will think the other group will ever be correct, but that is where the unity ends.

It's the social structure of people that stick to one popular person to seem popular themselves. They don't belong, but they want to. They want to be part of the ridiculous tiny community, which offers nothing.

And yes, in my opinion, the behaviour of clan members in an MMOG and on a site is different, but also surprisingly similar, especially in the more - religious clans, that will look down on non-members. While a game clan might be able to work together and help each other, creating a tigher community, that seems to be the only thing really setting them apart. This doesn't need to be a bad thing, it's natural behaviour, but it is worth considering.
13,657 posts

Derp, sorry for the double, but I seem to have forgotten to reply to something:

So they can feel all warm and fuzzy inside that they were accepted by people they don't know and probably will never actually meet? I have no idea.

I tend to assume the same thing. "Oh, that sounds cool, I better join to be part of this wonder!!"

You mean him?

Yes. And people were wondering why I kept my titles vague and my OPs long and complicated.
242 posts

Why are you being so rude Kasic.

3,766 posts

I am in many clans as you can see by going to my profile. I think of most clans as like buttons on Facebook. Examples of this would be the Calvin and Hobbes clan and Whovian Clan. These are showing that I like Dr. Who and Calvin and Hobbes.

There are also a few clans that are in the armatar war. I think lots of people in this clan are just interested in it or feel as if they are better if they join. Many people join these clans but are never in the armatar wars. Some though just want to have fun in the armatar wars.

Now I cannot speak for other people but knowing someone that is in a clan that I am part of doesn't change how I behave toward that person. I will treat them the same as someone that is not in any of my clans.

13,657 posts

Why are you being so rude Kasic.

He is not rude. You obviously did not read the opening post, or if you did, you wrote nothing that was in context to the OP. Basically, you thread was off topic, just like this reply is spam. And off topic.

I think of most clans as like buttons on Facebook. Examples of this would be the Calvin and Hobbes clan and Whovian Clan.

I don't particularly like facebook, and this seems to be yet another reason.
Joining a clan, following a page, pressing a button and so forth to show that you like a certain thing, seems to be a lazy way of behaving. What's wrong with either just telling people your interests, or showing them? The former would just take some writing, and would most likely be just as useless as clicking a button (people doesn't care, just like people don't care what you had for dinner, that your kid just laughed for the first time, or that you are annoyed that no one cares about your drawings. It shouldn't stop you from showing this, because you care, but it is always nice with some perspective).
Showing that you like something by writing, drawing or otherwise putting some energy into showing that you enjoy something seems to be more worth while as well, as people are more likely to remember it, when they have seen some kind of proof. Anyway.

I can only speak for myself but I don't think that being in a clan changes how I behave to people. I will not treat you different if you are in my clan or not in my clan. I don't really care.

Well, you don't sound like you are particularly active in any of your clans, especially not if you are considering it a way to show your interests, rather than some kind of union or the like, like the CFC opposing... a EP clan or something.
I can only assume that it depends on your level of engagement and activity, as well as how united you feel in the clan.
3,766 posts

Sorry about the double post. AG was acting all weird.

What's wrong with either just telling people your interests, or showing them?

Nothing is wrong with this. Having a clan though shows all the people that like it. That way you don't have to hunt for people that like it to talk to, if that is what you are looking for.
Well, you don't sound like you are particularly active in any of your clans

I was pretty active in galaxyghost until I retired. I also practically run the Shell Shockers clan when none of the creators are around. I have made friends through clans but I try to be nice to everyone unless they give me a reason not to be.
6,800 posts

So many words. D:

Why do I think everyone joins multiple clans? Same reason the Goth movement was so popular in the '90s: Let me be differenty, by being like everyone else.

Kinda like the Hipster movement today...

13,657 posts

what is a clan anyway

You are sitting at a computer. Please use this tool to get your answer, and also, check out the posting rules They are useful!
No, seriously.

Why do I think everyone joins multiple clans? Same reason the Goth movement was so popular in the '90s: Let me be differenty, by being like everyone else.

But, then, wouldn't there be some really big clan or club out there that everyone wants to join, unless you are a bit of an outsider by nature like me, that will never be hip?
I do wonder about the multiclans. How can you devote time to anything with so many unities.

I was pretty active in galaxyghost until I retired. I also practically run the Shell Shockers clan when none of the creators are around. I have made friends through clans but I try to be nice to everyone unless they give me a reason not to be.

Well, as mentioned, not particularly active. The "I try" part kinda gives away that you might not be nice without trying?
Either way, I don't think the one-group-against-another is universal. As with everything, there are devoted people, and then there are just people. The devoted people tend to be the louder and more aggressive.

Nothing is wrong with this. Having a clan though shows all the people that like it. That way you don't have to hunt for people that like it to talk to, if that is what you are looking for.

In this context, however, a thread could do the same just as easily, but without having to be in the club, and perhaps broaden the horizon with the people that are not comforting to clans and clubs?
3,766 posts

In this context, however, a thread could do the same just as easily

But threads will die out. People would never see that thread then and know that other people are interested. Clans pretty much last forever.
The "I try" part kinda gives away that you might not be nice without trying?

...Is that meant as a insult? I am generally a nice person. It is really hard to get me to be mean to someone. Sometimes though there is that person that you really just want to yell at but you decide that is not the best thing to do.
5,552 posts

Clans pretty much last forever.

Until they die out because none of the members are active anymore...

Oh wait.

...Is that meant as a insult?

'Tis semantics. By saying that you try to be nice this implies that you are putting an effort into being nice. This might be construed as an effort is necessary to being nice, thus if an effort were not made to be nice then you would not be so.

Don't take things too seriously now.
13,657 posts

But threads will die out. People would never see that thread then and know that other people are interested. Clans pretty much last forever.

If people keep them alive, at least.
As with threads, just without the threat of being banned for necroing, I guess.

...Is that meant as a insult?

It was meant as an observation. A simple difference between "I am nice" and "I try to be nice", which shows that you might not generally consider yourself a nice person, that you might not always be nice, or that you sometime have a hard time being nice. If you had said "I am nice to all people", then you would have ignored the bit of struggle you might have with being nice to some people, while the "I try" gives off a sense of weakness in the nice-facade.
Generally, it's like when I use "might" instead of "are" or something. It just leaves a margin for error, showing that it is not always like that.
So, no. A voiced observation.

Which I guess is also in tune with the rest of your reply. I guess another way of wording your opinion would be that you do not discriminate between groups, but rather that you react towards behaviour rather than grouping.
Or something similar and not said late in the evening.

Oh, and after checking Kevin's profile, I find this:
what is a clan anyway

somewhat ironic, considering the
Member of the DualSpark Clan

in his about.
So, while I will still request he goes checking the rules, let me explain what we are talking about here (which might also sort out some of the trouble here):
Clans (and clubs and groups) in this context are usually small unions based on a theme, where people ask to join, is put on a list of members, and where the epitome of activity is being in the clan, perhaps managing to rank up a bit by answering questions or playing games or what not, but otherwise have no real involvement in the clan besides being in it.
Like a fanclub, where people of the same interests all decide to join forces.
In the context of an MMOG, it would be a guild, clan, group... Usually based on skill and popularity and a common goal, rather than a common interest. And then the part where they go do stuff together, but you better go research that yourself, if you want to know more.
So, clans. And what might be so attracting about them that they have to be advertised.
Showing 1-15 of 31