ForumsThe TavernClan!

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Look, the title matches the content for a change. ready to see the spam?

So, I believe I mentioned wanting to do a discussion on clans and their behaviour and nature in the other discussion thread? Either way, let's have it.
As we all know, some people just can't sleep before they are a member of one or more clans. Preferably some with an epic name and little content otherwise, just to show they are in one.
What are you opinion on this, and why would you think they want to join in on a clan, that obviously does nothing but give them some sort of minor community int he community (well, beside that reason)?
Likewise, how does this change the behaviour of a person to be in a clan or a group, especially towards people that isn't, and is there a difference between clans on a site, that has no active purpose and clans in MMOGs and the like, that might have an active purpose and could give actual advances in the game?

And for the people skipping the word blob:
Go read it anyway, or don't reply. Please. For the sake of my sanity.

  • 31 Replies
3,766 posts

I guess another way of wording your opinion would be that you do not discriminate between groups, but rather that you react towards behaviour rather than grouping.

That is correct.
Oh, and after checking Kevin's profile, I find this:

Who is Kevin?
13,657 posts

And Kasic worded it much better than I anyway...

Kevin would be Kevin8ye, the asker of the question "What are clans" or something to that extend, who(m?) I asked to go look it up.
Then I checked his profile to see if he had stated a country he was from (a non-native English speaker might not know the word, but should still go look it up), just to find his mention of already being in a clan, somehow without knowing what he signed up for? I don't know, I didn't really care, and it was late.

1,094 posts

Blob is not a measure of size, though.

You may treat it as a measure of size.
A square has sides of 1 blob each. Calculate the area of the square. It's catchy.

What are you opinion on this, and why would you think they want to join in on a clan, that obviously does nothing but give them some sort of minor community int he community (well, beside that reason)?

It really depends where the clan is based. If it's a website like AG, I really don't see any point of joining one. If you play BF or MW or Halo or whatever, then I believe clans can be useful because:
1) Socializing with people you'll never meet. Yay!
2) You can plan on what to do in what map, who shoots whom, who goes where et cetera.
3) You get to have 2 or 3 letters in front of your gametag, including the |, [] and so on!

But on here, I guess it's more of a thing of image. Internet fame and popularity. I guess the younger ones find satisfaction in being known across the interwebz for some reason. I'm actually quite frightened of millions of people I never met before knowing a detail of my life. But that's just me.

Now, what about real life "clans", or clubs? What are your guys' thoughts on various sports clubs, math clubs, that sort of stuff?

I'm in a swimming club and a kick-box club, and I guess there really is no other way to get involved in matches and stuff like that unless you're in an actual club. You could always make your own, though.
1,824 posts

Yay an authorized clan thread. Clans are just there for fun, I suppose, and to fill in empty parts in profiles with clan info. I don't mean to advertise (or do i?) but Join WICKED! WICKED is good!

13,344 posts

Yay an authorized clan thread.


but Join WICKED! WICKED is good!

Why? Enlighten us on how we would benefit from joining this clan.
3,766 posts

Socializing with people you'll never meet. Yay!

This happens too with clans on AG. You might have never even heard of someone before but then you join a clan and they are in it too.
guess the younger ones find satisfaction in being known across the interwebz for some reason.

I don't really care if people know me or not. I agree with you that they should not know about my life.
Now, what about real life "clans", or clubs?

They are great! I am in Chess Club being the little nerd that I am. I have met many great people this way.
13,344 posts

This happens too with clans on AG. You might have never even heard of someone before but then you join a clan and they are in it too.

You can use the forums to talk to people that you'll never meet, and it isn't exclusive.

Why I think people want to be part of these useless clans (and no I'm not going to read the thousands of words on the last two pages to see if anyone else said this) is so they can get their name on other people's profiles. I suppose they feel some sense of accomplishment or something when their name is in someone else's about.

I'm not going to lie, it is a satisfying feeling.
1,824 posts

-_- First you seem to go against the idea then you bite back on your own words. Are you a hypocrite ernie?

13,344 posts

I know what it feels like to have my name on other people's profiles, so I understand why some people would want to join a clan. However, I also believe that joining a clan only generates a false sense of accomplishment when you see your name up there.

It's basically the equivalent of asking a person if they would be willing to put your name up in their about. To me, that feeling would not be satisfying because I didn't earn the right to have my name up there in the first place.

3,766 posts

You can use the forums to talk to people that you'll never meet, and it isn't exclusive.

What if that person never went in the forums?
It's basically the equivalent of asking a person if they would be willing to put your name up in their about.

I don't have the list of people for the majority of the clans I am in. I just have a link to the owner or where the full list is, but I get your point.
13,344 posts

What if that person never went in the forums?

Then they can go in the forums. It's never too late to become an active member of the community.

I don't have the list of people for the majority of the clans I am in.

It's usually the leader of the clan who keeps the list, but even if he doesn't, there's always one somewhere.
3,766 posts

It's usually the leader of the clan who keeps the list, but even if he doesn't, there's always one somewhere.

I know. I just makes the about to cluttered for me so I tend to just send a link to the leader's profile.

I think it is more satisfying to be in a small clan on AG and in real life. With a small clan you get to know all the people pretty well. A big clan can do more but you don't have that close brotherly feeling.*

*Brotherly feeling applies to real life where you actually know the person.
13,344 posts

With a small clan you get to know all the people pretty well.

Most people here don't join AG clans to socialize with people; they do it because they want to feel like they're part of something important (pffft) and they want that misleading sense of recognition. That way they can look at other users and say "Wow. I'm part of the 'Marmalade' clan and he isn't. I feel so special!"
41 posts

I think that to get friends and armor points

3,766 posts

I think that to get friends and armor points

You don't get AP off of joining a clan. I guess if you are one of those people that sends out updates you do but I have begun to delete those messages.
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