ForumsWEPRAmerica being taken over by its government?

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158 posts

With all of the laws effecting our ability of free speech now adays, do you think that the United States is really staying free? what are your thoughts armor games?

  • 61 Replies
5,952 posts

judging by the title, tenicly all countries are "taken over" by their government.

With all of the laws effecting our ability of free speech now adays, do you think that the United States is really staying free? what are your thoughts armor games?

yeah, i think we are still free for the most part. i havent really noticed anything happening that threatens our freedom of speech recently...
116 posts

This topic is very "Dynamic"....
In my opinion USA has the most transparent governmental organisation.
What nichodemus mentioned about govr. controlling the population is right, how could you otherwise be sure for the security of your people.
As for "building with official listening, reading and invading your privacy" that a way to make sure your are not a criminal (terrorist, gangster, or other undesirable element)
But all in all i think your freedom of speech is untouched (there are countries in which just for creating this thread you would be in prison.... think about it.......)

1,434 posts

What nichodemus mentioned about govr. controlling the population is right, how could you otherwise be sure for the security of your people.


"If you give up a little liberty, to gain a little security, you shall recieve none, and deserve neither,"
-Ben Franklin

These controlling laws made by the government are just natural occurrences when a Democrat is in the White House. Left-Wing folk believe in a stronger government to control and "equalize" the population. We also get a lot of Progressive Republicans thinking it's a good idea to shove your hand where it's not wanted.

116 posts

"If you give up a little liberty, to gain a little security, you shall recieve none, and deserve neither,"
-Ben Franklin

theory is a beautiful thing, but in practice things get tricky. that phrase that you mention didn't take in account modern threats and problems. as for ""equalize" the population" it's also the govr. job to make sure one social class isn't completely abusive of the one under.
Altough in theory i agree with you, i would like to see a world were people respect each others rights and freedoms without the govr. &quotolicing" us like sheeps, but that pink world with rainbows and unicorns doesn't exist, sorry......
5,952 posts

These controlling laws made by the government are just natural occurrences when a Democrat is in the White House. Left-Wing folk believe in a stronger government to control and "equalize" the population.

preach on brother!
as for ""equalize" the population" it's also the govr. job to make sure one social class isn't completely abusive of the one under.

well basicly what hard lefts think is a version of comunisum. now i have to make a big, long, confusing example for u non americans.

alright so say their is this kid. he works really hard in school and goes to a good collage. he works really hard in collage and he becomes a doctor. he then makes lots of money at his job. what lefts are doing is taxing the wealthy (like this hard working man) more than the poor (now most of them think the government will give them money, so they dont go and get a job). thats "equalizing the population. see how this is a bad and unfair thing?

govr. controlling the population

look at china for that
116 posts

alright so say their is this kid. he works really hard in school and goes to a good collage. he works really hard in collage and he becomes a doctor. he then makes lots of money at his job. what lefts are doing is taxing the wealthy (like this hard working man) more than the poor (now most of them think the government will give them money, so they dont go and get a job). thats "equalizing the population. see how this is a bad and unfair thing?

Interesting story but you are forgetting that it was the people working for the govr. that made a favorable environment examples(training teachers, building schools, college grants(for the developed world) and some other special programmes you have in the u.s.a) for studying.
so in short a kid that works hard in your society is able to provide for himself no matter what social class he is from, thanks to the govr.
Of course there are private school, but it's expensive and scholarships are limited to x students.
349 posts

The USA is free but the government is trying to become larger than needed. The founding fathers didn't want the government to be this bug thus they wrote the constitution. There is some good in the government, but there's also a lot of corruption.

349 posts

Liberals are destroying the USA.

474 posts

The very fact that you can post this kind of stuff online and get away with it shows that America is still a free country, at least for now.

9,439 posts

The very fact that you can post this kind of stuff online and get away with it shows that America is still a free country, at least for now.

It can still be used as criminal evidence against you if you're accused of say assassinating a public official.
325 posts

The USA is free but the government is trying to become larger than needed. The founding fathers didn't want the government to be this bug thus they wrote the constitution. There is some good in the government, but there's also a lot of corruption.

I totally agree, and I don't believe Obama has been a very good, nor successful president, and that our Congress is either too divided, or passes laws that aren't in the interest of America's people. Once something is announced liberal or conservative, they other side immediately hates it, no matter what the bill/idea/law etc would do or enact, unless it tests the waters for suspending our civil liberties.

The recent NDAA bill allows the executive branch to arrest and detain citizens without due process of law, which was able to be passed since nobody reacted to the Patriot Act. I know somebody mentioned this earlier; they don't read everybody's emails or tap everybody's phone lines, but they have the power to do that all in the name of stopping terrorists who rarely surface. And I don't think all this suspension of freedoms is worth the 'fight on terrorism'.

Why are we even in Afghanistan again? This is our third tour, since we pooched it the first two times. And obviously instilling 'democracy' in those countries doesn't work at all. Iraq is quite unstable and Iran has a form of democracy they formed on their own, but it's obviously still just as bad for the rest of the world as if they had a cruel dictator.

As I digress from my rant, I believe that the government HAS grown too big, starting all the way back with Bush, and Obama is just furthering it. I hope Mitt can turn us around, though I'm not 100% decided. I'm not a huge fan of any of the candidates, and I'm not a big fan of Santorum and his combining church and state ideas. Especially since not all of America is christian, or even God-fearing of some kind.
129 posts

Well, the United States of America is a free nation. But the government has been creeping in on our rights like stated before. Like with this Obamacare bill. If this bill is passed, every U.S. citizen is required to purchase it unless they have some other insurance. That is unconstitutional. And I'm sure that there have been many different bills that have been unconstitutional and that have been creeping in on our rights. Here's an example of something that happened to my mom about her rights. When she went to renew her U.S. driver's licence, she was rejected. That was because she also had a European driver's licence. The person at the renewal place said that she would not be able to renew it unless she renounced her European licence. But the lady said that if my mom was an immigrant, she could keep her foreign driver's licence. Even in this it is showing that our government is giving our rights away and controlling more and more of our lives. The gov. is getting more and more power. I'm not trying to disrespect the government, but that is how I have observed this whole thing.

1,255 posts

The recent NDAA bill allows the executive branch to arrest and detain citizens without due process of law,

Don't complain about NDAA, since that stipulation of the bill was forced through Congress on the back of the rest of the bill, which is actually the budget for our Military. Nothing could be done about it, and I honestly don't think many people care that it has passed.

I hope Mitt can turn us around, though I'm not 100% decided.

You are also crazy if you think that Mitt Romney is a better candidate than Barack Obama. Romney hasn't taken a solid stance on anything at all. All he does is change his mind to fit the ideas of whatever the population is like where he is at that specific point in time.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

well basicly what hard lefts think is a version of comunisum. now i have to make a big, long, confusing example for u non americans.

I have a big long message for you Americans. Actually, no, that was a double lie, because it was only for you, and it's short. Have you read up on Communism before classifying everything that goes left as Red? Obviously not. Because any person who has a modicum of knowledge on Communism would know the end result of Communism is a stateless society, that is, one without a government. So, with the Democrats advocating ''Big Government'', it seems you have a large hole in your political bigotry. Oops! Dear me!
3,437 posts

well basicly what hard lefts think is a version of comunisum. now i have to make a big, long, confusing example for u non americans.

Well Nicho has said it and I have nothing to add, except your statement implies people outside America have a poor understanding of democratic politics. Which isn't something you should particularly imply when you seem to have a limited grasp on it yourself.

However, in response to the OP I would like to point out that the American government is not becoming more controlling, there is merely a sense of that within the society and media, because the government has taken note of some serious issues of late. Now, I won't begin ranting on what I think is wrong with the American government, namely a lack of equality... But I often feel that a government reflects the society.
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