ForumsWEPR[necro] Is homosexuality right or wrong?

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339 posts

I think homosexuality is totally wrong and unnatural, what do you think?

  • 1,146 Replies
574 posts
Grand Duke

I am not sure how what others do in any manner that has no effect on your life, Can make someone dislike something? Does anyone being gay somehow make your life at threat? Is the life you have that bad that your only purpose is to hate something? Is all this based on religious teachings?

Lack of knowledge is the biggest cause of hating something.

but of course in your mentality everyone has to support gays and if they don't they will have to be either warned, muted or banned.

That would go against free speech which is highly encouraged. You can dislike anything you want. Although attacking people based on their views are wrong. You can dislike something and be reasonable about it.
9,462 posts

What is "sex"? What is it's purpose, what's it for, how does it work, why does it even exist?

First question difficult to answer as different people tend to define having sex differently.

As for purpose/what it's for, this can range in any number of things. In no particular order and not necessarily focusing on just humans, pleasure, social bonding, to express love, establishing dominance, reproduction, stress release, exercise, compensation. Not all have to apply, just one will suffice.

How it works would depend on how you're defining it.

Likely arose because it diversifies genetics more efficiently than asexual reproduction. But as noted, that's not it's only function.

What is "love? Is love sex? Is love part of sex, or is sex part of love? Does love need sex? Can two people love one another with sex? Can two people have sex together without love? What is first, or prior, or more important? Which should lead the way in relationships? Which should be the master, and which should be subservient - between sex and love?

Q1: A series of chemical reactions resulting in various emotional states.
Q2: No
Q3: No, but can be used as a form of expressing love.
Q4: No
Q5: Yes
Q6: Yes
Q7: Depends on the person.
Q8: Again, depends on the person.
Q9: Neither

What is "Nature" and is the most natural way necessarily the best way in all things?

No it's not, in fact such a statement is call the naturalistic fallacy. The response of pointing out that homosexuality is natural is to counter the argument that it isn't, as if it not being natural some how makes it wrong. Which in itself is committing the naturalistic fallacy.

What is "choice"? How do you know when you have a choice and when you don't?

think wiki states it best.
"Choice consists of the mental process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one or more of them. While a choice can be made between imagined options ("what would I do if ...?&quot, often a choice is made between real options and followed by the corresponding action." -wiki
"An option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something." -wiktionary

You weren't actually wanting these answered were you?
1,373 posts

Lack of knowledge is the biggest cause of hating something.

^ People handle that which they do not understand in three different phases: fear, hate, or rejection.

What is "sex"? What is it's purpose, what's it for, how does it work, why does it even exist?

"What Is "Sex"?"

Sex is a broad term and cannot be identified in this case. Sex can mean many things and cannot submit to one field alone.

"What is it's purpose/What's it for?"

It can be used for only two purposes, pleasure or reproduction. It can be both in cases. For the most part, people have sex to express themselves sexually and satisfy themselves through this execution.

Reproduction is not directly related to this in the sense that sperm banks exist and reproduction can be achieved without sexual intercourse.

"Why does it even exist?"

It's reasons vary. No one can say for sure but it is largely psychologically based. Because it is psychologically based, and based off of things that are not related to the norm of psychological aspects (such as empathy) the reason it exists may vary.

I hope you're reading it, because otherwise there is no point of this argument still going, this topic wasn't only made for the gay-loving people, but of course in your mentality everyone has to support gays and if they don't they will have to be either warned, muted or banned.

The purpose of this thread was to take multiple views of homosexuality and come up with the most logical conclusion. It does not exclude homosexuals from commenting in this. The title itself doesn't imply it is right or wrong, it implies people should state their perspectives on it based off of logical analyzation and debates on the flaws of the analyzation. You loving gay people or not has nothing to do with this at all.

You do not have to support gays. This thread was made so you post your thoughts as to why it is right or why it is wrong. You can only state why if it is outside the levels of discrimination. If you do not state thoroughly why you think homosexuality is wrong it may be considered discrimination.
9,808 posts

Fiend..a tip: what can be argued without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

In the same way pedophilia is a mental disorder.

Evidently you don't know what a mental disorder is..and a much I would love to link you to a is far too tedious on a phone and google isn't that difficult hint hint.

Do you know why pedophilia is a mental disorder? Because their sexuality has not matured. [will give citation when i get on computer]
1,773 posts

Pedophilia is very easy to understand -
When you are 8 years old, 8 years old girls/boys are attractive to you. When you are 16, 16 virls/boys are attractive for you. When you are 40, 16 years old girls/boys are attractive for you. The rest is a lie.
Straight mans love young womens. Thats it.
With pedophile, what they find as preety is a little bit taboo. They find younger age as attractive. Thats it.

I cant tell you "dont like boobs", can I?I cant make you stop getting attractedto, lets say, blonde hair. Or big buts, which about i cannot lie. Its a fact i cant denay.

Sure i dont think its ok for a mature man to be in a realationship with a kid, but you got to understand them.

They are not monsters. Only sexualy frustrated peoples.

9,462 posts

[quote]In the same way pedophilia is a mental disorder.

Evidently you don't know what a mental disorder is..and a much I would love to link you to a is far too tedious on a phone and google isn't that difficult hint hint.

Do you know why pedophilia is a mental disorder? Because their sexuality has not matured. [will give citation when i get on computer][/quote]

There has been some talk about declassifying it as a mental disorder. Which I would actually agree with. That's no to say that the act couldn't still be regarded as wrong however. We are still talking about something that has a high chance of causing physical and mental damage to the child. Even if the pedophile finds a kid who can mentally handle the interaction and is gentle enough not to harm the child physically, we are still talking about a relationship that is innately unequal between the participants.

Because of those points it's ridiculous to compare pedophilia with homosexuality.
1,773 posts

You can say the same on necrophilia. There are things that our society cant handle. It dosent mean that the peoples who do it are monsters or mentaly ill. Its exactly the same. Only Homosexuals can be attracted by mature peoples.

We cant compare them because the less intelectual peoples will get it wrong. Like putin claim Homos are the cause of pedophilia and so on.

5,845 posts

Did you seriously defend pedophilia and necrophilia... in a thread about homosexuality?

9,808 posts

They are not monsters. Only sexualy frustrated peoples.

Well..the ones that act upon their urges could sure be stated as such..but the ones that have pedophilia that do not act upon said urges I feel for, due to their sexuality not maturing (or, to restate...I don't feel for them because they can't enact upon their urges, but because they have them in the first place).
1,773 posts

Pazxx - yes i did.

I dont say these acts shoulde be allowed, but i do want you to understand these peoples. Its not their choise as well. The diffrunce is that their parthner is not quite able to be legaly active in sexual activity.

59 posts

Someone asked: "Why does sex even exist?"
For reproduction, it is a simple scientific fact. It can be used in other ways, but it exists to make little babies.

3,171 posts

Someone asked: "Why does sex even exist?"
For reproduction, it is a simple scientific fact. It can be used in other ways, but it exists to make little babies.

So, you're answering a rhetorical question posted nearly three weeks ago that, despite being rhetorical, has already been answered...twice? Why?
2,487 posts

For reproduction, it is a simple scientific fact. It can be used in other ways, but it exists to make little babies.

it's primary purpose is reproduction, but it is just as much a social act in many species, including our own.

the way you can tell is simple: if humans have sex even when the female isn't ovulating, then sex in the species is used for more than reproduction. because of this, sex is essentially open to everyone, no matter the orientation. the species that also follow socially sexual aspects includes dolphins, penguins, dogs, bonaboes, and so many more.

for you to say that it is only meant for reproduction shows a gross lack of understanding.

574 posts
Grand Duke

So, you're answering a rhetorical question posted nearly three weeks ago that, despite being rhetorical, has already been answered...twice? Why?

They like to bring back necro threads and post comments offering nothing to the topic.
3 posts

i think every thing about sexuality is wrong

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