Anyone who uses the symbol for cash in their name can't be taken seriously. It's as simple as that. Since I don't know who Kedollara is, what I say shouldn't be taken seriously.
anyone who uses the symbol for cash in their name can't be taken seriously. It's as simple as that. Since I don't know who Kedollara is, what I say shouldn't be taken seriously.
I don't eathier,but i still listen to her music...cuz its AWEPIC! But still...listen,tik tok very funny another reference to being eathier
homo: "feeling like p-diddy"...."mcjagger"...
female: "mcjagger"..."nail polish" on so forth.
Ke$haa's problem is (and frankly, also lady gaga's, britney spears, alexandra stan's, nicki minaj's, etc...) is that their aproach is to look s*xy, and that just makes them look like sl*tty wh*r*es!