I've been seeing an increase in the dedication of the adbots. (seriously, there are like 20 threads in WEPR and VG about live stream on your PC.) What happened to cause an increase? All this happened about 10 minutes ago.
Hey high ranking armor games officials!!!! The spam is starting again... Dx it just doesn't stop
guy's, these adbots have overrun the forums. it has gotten so bad that I have even found one in the support section. It's becoming too much.
Just leave the mods to it...if you're really bothered by it and want a more lasting solution, I don't know, wait? Or contact the staff although people prolly already have, adding to the pressure on them.
It probably just is propaganda now that i think about it... if u do it you'll prolly get slapped with a fee or something, or else the bots wouldn't be so eager
You know, I've actually kind of gotten used to them. They used to annoy me, but now I've accepted them as an inevitability and I have no problem ignoring them.
or add the CAPTCHA thing
Nothing new is going to be added to AG2. If you want a CAPTCHA, keep your fingers crossed that it will be implemented into the AG3 system.
Maybe they won't give up. All are controlled by one, right? A sadist/griefer he is. These adbots are driving me crazy!! My RPG is being swarmed by these stupid adbots just for their stupid football matches. But I am patient to wait and let the mods figure this *censored* problem out.
Addition to that: The reCAPTCHA made me do the reply again. It took like 30 minutes to complete everything. But there'll be a way where none of these will ever come and disturb Armor Games. I hope so.
@Rapyion That has happened to me also. I hate re typing all my finisshed work, again.
What you COULD do... is copy your post before trying to submit! In case you fail the ReCaptcha, your post re-appears with a simple 'Ctrl-V' paste action! Voila!
But the good thing is that the reCAPTCHA is now gone
Not completely Schmiddy... I actually know for a fact that they now repositioned this ReCaptcha at the very root of where all this evil spawns: when you want to make a new account and register for ArmorGames!
Are you human? ... Error 404 ... Failure to compute Negative access Access denied ... Commence self destruct in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... ... Problem solved! YAY! =)