@314d1 The reason I'm not being more in depth is I really don't care to be. I had hoped that this thread would attract people who wanted to share their thoughts on being part of a earth-based faith and how it effects their lives. I didn't think I'd have to defend my faith and I certainly didn't expect to be questioned and scrutinized or talked down to, which seems to be the case.
When you come to an open forum of ideas, expect it to be an open forum of ideas. Which means when you believe that you have magical powers, you will get laughed at. When isn't that the case?
In other words: I wasn't looking for a fight, I was looking to share thoughts. I don't think I'm going to get that here. It seems any time I try and talk about this on an internet forum, no matter the place, I leave disappointed. I really shouldn't have tried at all.
This isn't a fight. This is sharing ideas. I think your ideas are stupid, but I can't get more in depth than that if you don't give me more information on your beliefs.
I think ritual and spellwork can provide more than that. I feel that the reinforcement of the ideas of your goal through spellwork (like if a spell says you have to light a candle every day) helps you actually follow and attempt to achieve that goal. I think that goal's final achievement is due equally to your own effort and the blessings of a higher power.
I also understand that some people just plain don't believe in a higher power, and I think that they can achieve their goals as well. I for one feel strength in knowing the Goddess and God look after me and help me. Its not for everyone, but I don't expect it to be.
Wait. So your formula is:
Hard work+ MAGIC!= results ?
But you admit that Hard work= results itself...
So in other words the rituals are pointless?
I won't quote the larger paragraph, but here's my answer to it: I've found that it is never really worth the trouble to talk to someone about spellwork, prayer, or faith when they are absolutely sure they do not believe in it. As I do not practice a faith that preaches prosyletization (sp?) it isn't important to me, not worth my time, to try and sway others, nor is it really worth my time to continue to talk about something to someone who doesn't believe in it nor wants to believe in it nor is genuinely curious about it. I don't like it when a Christian starts talking at me about Jesus, I pay the same respect to people regarding my faith that I prefer from others.
Then how about I propose a test worth it's time? I have an acquaintance who had cancer a while back, and ended up losing a leg. This guy is just a kid with no leg. So since apparently the omnipotent earth is helping you, why not bring his leg back? Since apparently you have some kind of magical karma, bringing back an amputee's leg would get you the equivalent to ten legs, which I will assume is an amazing amount. It would also give your belief some scientific backing. So if you have your omnipotent friend working for you, why not give my acquaintance his leg back?
For me all Gods are one God, aspects of a many faceted being who has appeared before mankind in many forms, dependent on what they needed, but because this God is omnipotent, he can also appear as a pantheon or several Gods, or work through several people at once. That last bit seems to be where I differ from Wiccans, and lean more towards the umbrella general word "agan."
Wait. So you believe that every god that humanity has ever made up actually existed, but they where just one god messing with everyone? That doesn't make much since. Why would he do that?
This also goes for the Goddess. Take that whole paragraph and replace God and He with Goddess and She respectively.
I thought you said there was only one who made up every god/goddess in existence? From Zeus to Baal to Yawheh to the great spirit? So he would be male and female? Why not go with the more accurate "It"?
I believe that the God and the Goddess are definitely separate beings though. Once again in line with Wicca.
...? So the god who is every god except the other god who is also every god? So they are both Zeus and Aphrodite, except for neither of them are each other?
The Goddess's preferred place of being is the earth itself, and everything is a part of Her. The God's preferred place of being is the heavens (the sky, the stars). I haven't given the planets much thought, however I suppose since they don't hold intelligent life (at least not in our solar system) I suppose they are just a part of the heavens.
Wait, so Earth is some magical land that a goddess apparently owns? Why doesn't the god just fill the other planets with life, multiplying his power a billion fold more than the goddess? He is omnipotent, has the means, so why not fill the galaxy (Mutliverse, universe, converse or whatever the hell he rules) and fill it with life?
If you think about it, why would a goddess choose one little blue dot and give the entirety of existence outside of it to someone else? That is insane.
I practice something that is known among pagans, witches, wiccan, etc. as Kitchen Witchcraft. The simple way to describe this is that everything in my home has a purpose both magical and mundane. Everyday life is a practice in ritual and faith.
"What is that?"
"That is a spoon"
"So you use it for eating?"
"No, I use it for summoning the infinite powers of an Earth goddess to do mundane things that I could do on my own. And for eating"
.........What? Everything you own is magical? That doesn't make much since. Eating your soup is worshiping a god?
A more complex way of describing it is best done by someone who i a better writer than I. If you really are interested I suggest any of these books by Ellen Dugan:
I will see if I can find a Skeptics Ellen Dugan online, I am not paying for a book of insanity.
Most of my "Alternative Faith" library consists of books on herbs and plants. I feel herbs and plants hold great power, and many of the magical and folk uses of herbs have roots in real medicinal value. For instance, mint is used in charms for safe and uneventful travel as well as strength. Mint's medicinal values are useful if you want to travel without event. It calms the stomach, and since many people complain about motion sickness (which I'm sure was always a problem, even in horse&buggy times) it can help ease the stress of travel. It helps with sinus congestion and headaches, which can be caused by being exposed to new pollen when travelling through an unfamiliar area. Easing headaches also helps people realize potential physically. Headaches can cripple some people.
You think that mint calming the stomach is magical? Then here, look at this! It is peptobismal! WORSHIP IT! And here is some "Aspirin". It calms headaches far better than the plant does, you should try it some time. It seems that medical science is much better than the plants. Maybe that is why we use medical science and not plants to heal our headaches and not table mints?
I will be here all day and night describing my faith and why I practice the way I do. However I feel many people who posted in this thread were being hostile and were not genuinely curious, nor did they want to share things with eachother. I hadn't posted to a forum in a while, and I feel this was a mistake. It certainly wasn't the right company to bring this topic up in, and I'm starting to find that it is never a good idea to discuss religion at all on the internet. I suppose because there was a whole section linked from the main forums page, which had so few links to sections, about politics and religion, that I might find positive company.
A bad idea? Why? Because people attack your insane beliefs? People attack your beliefs because they are insane. Look toward the light. Walk away from your insane magical religion and into the logical light of science and reason. Science and reason works a lot better than your spells do.
To be honest, I was hoping for something simpler and more fun than defending my faith. I work from home, I have a lot going on in my life, and I don't want something this time consuming added to it.
Time consuming? How fast do you type?
glad to see 3141d is still being a dramatic, self righteous, overly opinionated, pompous, arrogant, ignorant, problem causer. makes me feel like there is some amount of continuity to this crazy and ever changing world.
Glad to see random Newbs still recognize me.