
46 12211
14 posts

Can I get a hey from my fellow "alternative" religions?

I am Wiccan, but I also identify as a Kitchen Witch. If you are into holistic medicine or green witchcraft we should totes swap recipes/spells/remedies. <3

  • 46 Replies
91 posts

So no, not practically. It is practically impossible for me to be wrong in religious beliefs. Not that it matters in this conversation.

wow, someone's awfully self righteous. and here i thought this whole time science was meant to understand the unexplained. i better tell hawkings to stop writing books, 3141d has it all figuered out, and its practically impossible for him to be wrong.

sounds like your trying to say that All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. would you agree with that?
3,817 posts

wow, someone's awfully self righteous. and here i thought this whole time science was meant to understand the unexplained. i better tell hawkings to stop writing books, 3141d has it all figuered out, and its practically impossible for him to be wrong.

The unexplained? Science is the explained. What have we not explained?

And Hawking agrees with me.

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works."- Steven Hawking

sounds like your trying to say that All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. would you agree with that?

Nope. There is plenty of propaganda people follow without understanding and that are not popular. For example, many Christians don't know anything about there own religion, and Wicca isn't popular.
91 posts

he unexplained? Science is the explained. What have we not explained?

my good sir, there are galaxies the hubble telescope photographed that are so large, according to our beliefs in physics, they should not exist. somehow, life emerged on a giant ball of molten elements, there are entire planets hundreds of times bigger than our own comprised completely of gases. and your asking me what science hasn't explain. how about an easy one:

Explain Faith
91 posts

And Hawking agrees with me.

also had to add how pretentious it sounds to say that Stephen Hawkings, age 70, is agreeing with you. when in truth it is you who is attempting to follow him.
9,462 posts

Hard work+ MAGIC!= results ?
But you admit that Hard work= results itself...

So in other words the rituals are pointless?

From my understanding of it the spell is suppose to put the odds in your favor. This of course would make this sort of magic quite scientifically testable as we could see if by using the spell we get better then chance odds of occurrence.

My recommendation would be to submit a test to JREF. Scientifically demonstrating the existence of magic spells would definitely be of interest to them and if it is real you earn your self a million dollars.

Wait, so Earth is some magical land that a goddess apparently owns?

The Earth in this belief is the goddess. Think of it sort of like the Gaia, in fact some even believe it is Gaia.

.........What? Everything you own is magical? That doesn't make much since. Eating your soup is worshiping a god?

Basically it's ascribing magic for the physical interactions. Like how the process resulting in fire would be called magic in this case. Though it also tacks on other attributes to it that have probability altering abilities. Yeah it's silly.

I will see if I can find a Skeptics Ellen Dugan online, I am not paying for a book of insanity.

Many large local book stores tend to have a new age section. You might be able to find and at least skim through the book in the store.

Well it is a modern take on an old faith,

Not quite, It take elements from different ancient religions and puts it in a modernized context creating a new religion from that. It in itself is not a modernized old religion as the rituals are actually stemming from a number of religions.

is it possible that you and all of your cohorts are wrong? not saying you are ( Heavens no), but is it possible?

Accepting something to be possible and accepting something to be probable are two completely different things.

Am I? Did you use your magical powers to find my intentions? In that case, you are just here to taint the minds of the new generation and eventually eat them. That is why you are here, right?

Do keep in mind this particular religion is not one looking to convert or condemn. The insecurity of being scrutinized is likely the result of the indefensible position faith leave a person in.


The OTHER Satanists...

Umm.. Well... I would like to say no as it's practices do differ. But it does include the horned god which provided the basis for the look of Christianities Satan.

Why have their beliefs done to deserve respect?

In this particular one it's not forced down others throats. Even though the beliefs are ridiculous you got to give them that much, witch is more then I can say for many of the mainstream religions.

and here i thought this whole time science was meant to understand the unexplained.

Science most basically is knowledge and usually refers to the method by which we gain that knowledge.

my good sir, there are galaxies the hubble telescope photographed that are so large, according to our beliefs in physics, they should not exist.

This is where our concept of dark matter comes into play, evidenced by an observable lensing effect. This is however still hypothetical as we still need to run further tests and gather more evidence. Mathematically speaking it is required.

Explain Faith

Believing something for no good reason.
14 posts

I really did want to just share the differences of paths between other alternative religions, but it seems some people cannot let others discuss their faith without talking ill about all faiths and running their own personal crusade against those who have faith.

Since I obviously won't be getting what I had hoped from this thread, I'm letting it go. If you legitimately want to talk about our paths within the myriad of faiths considered "neo-pagan" or "New Age" please feel free to contact me privately, but I don't really see the point in discussing it here since there's no way of having a fun and laid back conversation about these things with all these haters around.

This chick is out.

1,434 posts

Aww... aourai, I wanted to discuss how you dealt with being a member of a minority religion toooooo!!!! awww....

But in all seriousness, I've always been curious about the Wiccan, maybe find out the differences between Laveyan Satanism and... Wiccan-ism... yea...


325 posts

I also thought it would be interesting to hear about your religion. Alas, other do not feel the same.

I mean, you can always just ignore them, I guess.

9,462 posts

But in all seriousness, I've always been curious about the Wiccan, maybe find out the differences between Laveyan Satanism and... Wiccan-ism... yea...

No worries I can answer your question.

Laveyan Satanism is for the most part atheistic based on basically focusing on ones self.

Wicca generally is polytheistic focusing on nature or even the worship of nature.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Laveyan Satanism is for the most part atheistic based on basically focusing on ones self.

Anton LaVey describes Satan as a motivating and balancing dark force in nature. Satan is also described as being the 'Black Flame', representing a person's own inner personality and desires. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshipped by Laveyan Satanism. Just to make things clearer.
91 posts

Believing something for no good reason.[quote]

thats not an explanation

its a definition.

9,439 posts

thats not an explanation

Did you mean "explain why people have faith"? Faith in the broad sense of trust is usually based on past experience, such as having faith that your car breaks won't fail as you approach a stop sign. Trust in a deity is based on a lack of knowledge and filling in the unknown with that deity, like if you didn't know how breaks worked and filled in that lack of knowledge with something like "a god of deceleration feels worshiped when I push his magic pedal and he slows my car. He must be respected through such actions or he won't slow me down." People don't like to admit when they're wrong. If someone explains how breaks work, the person will still hold the belief solely because the deity can't be disproven.
9,462 posts

thats not an explanation

its a definition.

A definition tells you what a word means, thus an explanation. If you mean why people would have faith that would be different, though still explainable.

In short it's a byproduct of how our cognitive processes work. It allows for us to make mundane decisions without getting bogged down over analyzing everything. Religion hijacks this along with a number of other psychological and sociological processes.

Some more explanation.
Why We Believe in Gods - Andy Thomson - American Atheists 09

I don't agree with this guys conclusions that giving up unfounded claims diminishes life but this also helps explain faith as well.
Bruce M. Hood - Why We Believe in the Unbelievable | For Good Reason

I hope that explains things if not you can message me so this doesn't get further derailed.
91 posts

I hope that explains things if not you can message me so this doesn't get further derailed.

is it possible for this thread to be any more derailed??
2,487 posts

is it possible for this thread to be any more derailed??

lol, it's funny you should mention that, because my look over of the thread has found that you sir were the one who put the penny on the train track by using the ad hominem logical fallacy to call 314d1 self-righteous, and a fool.

in fact, I was wanting to actually read more on wicca, but you were the one who set the standard to attack the person (the one not even talking about wicca), which made everyone else who was a little annoyed with him (I was once, but then I became an atheist and started to find his rantings quite relatable and humorous).

now, if you guys don't mind, I would like to listen to more of the wiccan's views and beliefs, not as an opponent, but as one who is curious, but still skeptical.

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