it only takes a extra couple of seconds and it might stop all the spam which is supper annoying i think its worth it. robots are probably sending what are spamming and robots can't do the CAPTCHA so that's why they ask if your human.
everyone is going nuts about the ammount of spam. jake probably got enough of the reports for five thousand diffrent people. the are you a human thing is to stop adbots the diffenition is this [] a form of spyware that collects information about the computer user's online behavior in order to display targeted advertisements in the Web browser; also called spybot[/quote] adbots post as many threads or comments filled with adds as fast as posible. the user does not have to be monitoring there action, as it is a roboti feature. the 30 sec post rule was to stop adbots and AP farming. the CAPTCHA thing is to stop adbots from posting. adbots are programs so they must be programed. a random CAPTCHA will stop it because it is random so it ant get through. someone IS going to figure out a way to bypass this. i have seen it happen on another forum site and the whole thing disapeard. some sites are maintained by bots, and some players on games are bots to. on runescape, many players just use a bot for 30 hours constant and get full mining xp. then they move on. how i know: i am really good with tech stuff
I dont know why the moderators just ban the users accounts that are doing this, if they do, then the users that are doing it cant do it any more. This CAPTCHA thing is wasting more of our time, these adbots are wasting our time. I was looking through the forum games for my forum game, and, I had to go through 12 pages of Live crap whatever to find it! Admins should do something about this.