Adbots happened. They were here before, just not as many so they were barely noticeable. For some reason, though, there are a lot more of them making a lot more threads. As you probably noticed, we now have to use CAPTCHA to post to confirm we are not adbots, but it isn't helping at all. I suggest you leave the forums for a few days, then come back to see if the mods and admins have everything under control.
Adbots came o.~ and the CAPTCHA was added to keep the spam level down. Unfortunetly, this hasn't worked :O The mods are mangaging to keep it under control(sort of). We have to hang tough and wait for it to end
it's actually AG prank for April Fools Day believe it or not. if you go in the "Tavern" you will find the "April Fools" forum. in which one of the mods has said what they did (i'm not sure if he was supposed to say at that time). it was to annoy everyone and it is. that's what i heard and was just sharing.
@Kitty25... u read it wrong, definetly. The mods sternly implied that this ad and spam junk WAS NOT joke. They said that the bots wouldn't do something this serious to a bi name aming site. So next time, Before u post, check the facts XD
Where have you seen this in the thread? Please point out the name of the moderator who has said this was our doing so I can decorate his face with my hammer. My post, if you were confused, was tongue-in-cheek to suggest we were insane enough to unleash this horde of advertisers to give us unimaginable labor. We would never April Fools ourselves into working our butts off for nothing. We would make an elaborate, drama-filled situation that would put you on the edges of your seats to see the results, but we would never beat ourselves up and call it a joke. We are too egotistical for that.