Read before posting. Im not annoyed by American politics, I follow it closely. I'm annoyed by the ignorance and misconceptions displayed by many, not all Americans here.
I don't know where you draw your assumption on my self assumed uniqueness, but it makes you look like a fool jumping the gun.
He did improve the number of people covered by healthcare, by forcing everyone to buy it against their will...
It rubs the insurance on its skin, or else it gets the hose again. Anyway, here's a question: are the benefits of the individual mandate, such as the driving down of individual costs, the greater amount of risk-sharing, and solving or treating the problem of adverse selection worth giving up the personal freedom not to buy health insurance? Would it be any different if it were 50 state mandates rather than 1 federal mandate?
with our money, from taxes that we pay.
An institution formed as a social contract so as to better protect the rights of the people it is comprised of has authority to collect money from the people it's comprised of so it can continue existing? Crazy talk man, crazy talk.
As for the site you linked, keep in mind most of the economic "advances" are a charade.
Yo, Imma stereotypical American and all I see is the DOW hovering around 13000 and unemployment going down. What makes these fixes so temporary? How are they going to only prolong the inevitable bust?
It also gives examples of good done when Obama decided to help pay off debts or make it easier for debts to be payed off, such as student loans. This only gives more people incentive to go to college, rack up debt, then never fully repay it
So you're saying making debts easier to pay off motivates people to not pay off their debts? Makes perfect sense. Unless by "not fully repay" you mean "repay all except that that the government is paying off".
meaning the tax payers are paying for people's college education, which horrible because it makes artificially transforms college into this "basic need".
The taxpayers are contributing to pay off some of the debts incurred in someone paying for his own college education. Totally logically equivalent to "aying for people's college educations".
Mitt Romney is practicly the same person as Obama. There is only one difference... Mitt can't beat Obama i a debate.
Except Mitt is more anti-gay and willing to go to war with Iran to prevent them from continuing to develop nuclear technology.
Oh, Macfan, Santorum is horrible, you don't know? Here's a quote from your mouth (slightly edited, of course)
"I wish God would drop a bowling ball on RICK SANTORUM'S head."
So, anyway, on topic:
I dislike Mitt Romney with a burning desire. Yes, I don't want him as president. I'd be absolutely fine with Obama being here another 4 years. Don't know why people blame him for EVERYTHING. It was Bush that left him with all this crap to sort out. He's doing his best. While I do admit he has caused some problems, they're much less severe and not as hurtful as Bush.
For anyone who didn't know, Santorum dropped out of the race today. This means that, baring Gingrich making some sort of amazing comeback, Mitt is the GOP's nominee.
Although I do prefer Obama, Mitt is the best of the Republic candidates. It's going to be interesting to see how the election plays out.
Yeah, Mitt has the nomination after today's announcement by Santorum, but Obama is going to slaughter him in the G.E. It's not really going to be a fair fight...
but Obama is going to slaughter him in the G.E. It's not really going to be a fair fight...
He doesn't need to slaughter him. The GOP has burned and abused itself so much, Obama just needs to give a little tap over the edge. Maybe blow on him a couple times.
I seem to have more or less the same opinions as Chillzmaster on this topic. He seems to understand how things are, instead of being blindly conservitive or libral. in politics you cant be completely and blindly biased to one side. you have to recognize when a democrat does something good instead of condemning anything they do just cuz they're a democrat. the same can be said about the republicans (that you cant just condemn everything they do)
Honestly guys Obama is one of the worst presidents out there. Mitt Will win because america is so freaking sick of having a man who just makes things worse as a president. GO ROMNEY!!!!
On this issue my thoughts are very biased because of the fact I am as far right as you can go ( Romney is 2 moderate for me but he will do better than the rest of the candidates)
1. Through country into depression 2. Failed with health care 3. made gas prices explode!! 4. Stimulus plan failed 5. keystone pipeline 6.Iran/Afghanistan 7. Doesn't listen to congress 8.Unemployment rates 9. spending insane amounts of money on 50 jobs or more 10. not taking a stand against Iran's Nuclear program
2. I'm pretty sure the Reps were the ones tearing it to bits, and quarreling it out so it failed.
3. Oil prices are NOT determined by the government, global supply and demand does so, so if you want people to blame, blame the Arabs from artificially keeping supply low and for te rise of Asian economies which causes a huge surge in demand. Only asinine fools who don't understand economics think Obama caused it.
4. Quantitaive easing arguably contained te damage, instead of causing a further wipeout of companies and jobs.
6. Not Obama's fault that Iran is so belligerent, nor is it his fault that a few black sheep in the military almost certainly caused the reversal of afghan good will. Also, Bush caused this whole mess, Obama is wiping the crap he left behind.
7. He does. He cuts alot of slack and his own proposals due to bilateral bickering. Politics is about debate, you don't have a subservient congress in history.
8. Went down.
9. I have never read about this absurd claim. Back it up.
10. He does take a stand on it. America cannot afford more adventures to happen or to step up military pressure. Evidently you have not learned from Iraq. There is also no concrete proof that Iran has nukes and a nuclear emery program is perfectly legal.
1. Through country into depression 2. Failed with health care 3. made gas prices explode!! 4. Stimulus plan failed 5. keystone pipeline 6.Iran/Afghanistan 7. Doesn't listen to congress 8.Unemployment rates 9. spending insane amounts of money on 50 jobs or more 10. not taking a stand against Iran's Nuclear program
1. Not only were we in a recession, not a depression, but our economic crisis has been building for years. 2. How? 3. Not only do gas prices raise naturally, but there's no information that Obama is directly responsible for gas prices. 4. In what way did it possibly fail? If a stimulus would not have been passed the economy would crashed, because the entire banking system would have defaulted. 5. Obama didn't allow it because he was pressured into it by Republicans and sufficient environmental tests had not been conducted. Blame the GOP for trying to force his hand. 6. England/Scotland/Russia/China. Are we naming countries? 7. First of all, examples. Secondly, we doesn't have too as he is accountable to the American people not to congress. Thirdly the Tea Party individual who were elected have some of the worst economic and social policies I've ever seen so I applaud him for ignoring them. 8. Have been steadily falling. 9. Examples. 10. Not causing an international military incident is a bad thing? He has threatened massive sanctions and military retaliation if necessarily. What more do you want?
This guy just says what he has to say to win so I will lower gas prices and all that he will have a hard time so Barack Obama win win plz cha cha cha I think wich would be hard to do is ⢠mitt Romney if he is president he world wil END ⢠there is like 1 in 12223344444555566788990987765544432225556677889 that thats gonna happen so probably not