Happy Easter to everyone! I'd like to know your typical menu for this day! I'm from Italy and we usually have lasagne with meat ragù, roasted lamb with potatoes, salad, boiled eggs and at the end chocolate eggs with a variety of cakes. It's an effort!
We don't really do anything special for Easter but, since it's Sunday, we had the traditional Sunday lunch of mashed potatoes, meat (this week it was chicken), cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings, stuffing and gravy. Plus I'll be diving into my single, remaining chocolate egg later.
Happy Easter to you too! I'm going to my Aunt's house today and we typically have Polish sausage, pierogis, bread, I think ham, and a lamb cake for dessert (if you don't know, it's NOT made out of lamb lol. Just in the shape of one).
I actually have some questions about the holiday, so would it be ok if I posted them here?
I'll answer before you ask. Jesus' last supper was on Friday, Good Friday, and then he got hung. 3 days later, (Sunday. *gasps*), he rose from the dead. That was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrating Easter.
Excited today! Happy Easter my naggers!
Even though my sister and I are too old for this, we colored eggs yesterday. It was awesome. I wrote inappropriate things on mine.
I'm Italian, too, so tonight is macaroni with red sauce, classic Italian AND Easter bread. Yummy!
Gave up Facebook for Lent this year. Got it back today. The notifications that were before April 1st were gone. *flips table*
I'll answer before you ask. Jesus' last supper was on Friday, Good Friday, and then he got hung. 3 days later, (Sunday. *gasps*), he rose from the dead. That was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrating Easter.
OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooh. So close!
Actually, I would like to know if Easter is something to be celebrated, or more of a somber holiday because of Jesus's death?
I'll answer before you ask. Jesus' last supper was on Friday, Good Friday, and then he got hung. 3 days later, (Sunday. *gasps*), he rose from the dead. That was the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrating Easter.
ahhh now i finally understand why you colour eggs and hide them. i also now understand the meaning of the easter bunny XD (im just teasing. no offence.)
and then he got hung
How did i miss that? Trollololol.
Hung? Crucified? Same difference, lol.
^this lol. cant believe i read through that and didnt notice.
anyway, is there a reason for those traditions on easter?
It's widely believed that a lot of the traditions associated with Easter are derived from those practised in celebration of the fertility goddess Ostara/Eostre - rabbits are very... fertile creatures and eggs symbolize new life and that sort of stuff.