ForumsThe TavernPerfectionism

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Anyway, as this seems to be the time of exams for most people, let's talk about assignments. Or rather, that wonderful feeling that keeps you from making your assignments.
Perfectionism, the bane of people that actually tries to make their assignment instead of procrastinating, but ends up procrastinating because why bother when you can't make your assignment perfect?
So, people, how are you getting past this, should you be a perfectionist like yours truly, and more importantly, do you manage to do so in time?
How does it affect you besides making you want to stab yourself from reading cracked instead of reading?

Advice, tutorials and experiences welcome, discussion on procrastination as a whole, not so much.
People going "I'm not like this", please go smack yourself in the face with a wet newspaper.

Also, does anyone know where I can get "Aim for 80%" printed on a big poster?

  • 29 Replies
3,766 posts

Then at least it works out better for you, since you can take a firm stand and tell people not to give you critiques.

Unless my teacher has everyone in the class critique everyone's stuff and then I am being told stuff that I know about but cannot seem to fix or people just saying, "Nice picture." or "Creative.". Really annoying, some is helpful though.
this will come off as completely narcissistic

It doesn't come out that way at all. It shows that you have faith in yourself but when it comes to actually getting stuff done you seem to lose that.
I can't communicate any of this into an academic setting

Sounds like when I try to explain something. I know how to do it and how it works but I cannot tell someone else why.
I would say not caring enough is better than caring too little

I don't think I understand. Isn't not caring enough the same as caring too little?
13,657 posts

I don't think I understand. Isn't not caring enough the same as caring too little?

I think this is the point where people start wondering why I should be a perfectionist when I keep screwing myself over with errors. And then I would tell them that is the exact reason why I don't get stuff done...
*Is better than caring too much.

Sounds like when I try to explain something. I know how to do it and how it works but I cannot tell someone else why.

Wanna join a 'how to communicate' course with me?

Unless my teacher has everyone in the class critique everyone's stuff and then I am being told stuff that I know about but cannot seem to fix or people just saying, "Nice picture." or "Creative.". Really annoying, some is helpful though.

I... can't imagine how annoying that must be.
The useless compliments are one thing, but being shown errors you are already aware of is a whole new level of annoying, especially when combined with 'we are not gonna tell you how to fix it, lol'...

I wonder why no one else wants to join this amusing discussion?
3,766 posts

*Is better than caring too much.

Ahhh, that makes more sense.
Wanna join a 'how to communicate' course with me?

That would be great. Then when my friend asked me a bunch of PreCalc questions I would be able to answer well.
especially when combined with 'we are not gonna tell you how to fix it, lol'...

It is the worst. Like one of my teachers as said before, "You might not like it but can you come up with a better idea?".
I wonder why no one else wants to join this amusing discussion?

Maybe no one else has our problems, but I highly doubt that. They are probably either lazy and don't want to read messages that are longer then seven words or they just don't have interest in it.
275 posts

Whatever the assignment is, i just chose not to do it. I havent done homework in two years.

4,104 posts


Don't worry, I'm always watching you, Cen.
2,779 posts

I usually procrastinate since im lazy and would rather be gamming. But I always picture a strong burly security guard behind me and would beat me to pulp if I don't get my work done. I would also shut down my computer and calm myself so I get less distracted and picture a giant A+ on my assignment or at least a medium sized B. Once I get my work done, it's back to gamming. When the assignment is big I would have a 30 minute break in between my homework.

275 posts

Just dont do homework. I havent done homework in two years, and counting.

2,779 posts

I have to! I don't wanna fail and I want a sucsessful life!!!plus i`m already on my last straw.

233 posts

If I was on my last straw i'd go get some more straws. Especially the bendy ones. Then I can be lazier.

13,657 posts

Don't worry, I'm always watching you, Cen.

Oh? Oh... I am so sorry about yesterday...

Whatever the assignment is, i just chose not to do it. I havent done homework in two years.

Yes, that would surely make sure my degree is flying right into my hands.

That would be great. Then when my friend asked me a bunch of PreCalc questions I would be able to answer well.

Yup. And communication and communicating well are pretty useful skills in this modern world, whether it is on- or offline.

It is the worst. Like one of my teachers as said before, "You might not like it but can you come up with a better idea?".

Well done from your teacher's side.

Maybe no one else has our problems, but I highly doubt that. They are probably either lazy and don't want to read messages that are longer then seven words or they just don't have interest in it.

Perhaps. But considering I accidentallied the real discussion with a slight typing error, I do wonder why so few are making comments about procrastinating either. But then again, perhaps I should just get this locked and redo the OP... As mentioned, I would really want to see people with the same issues I have (even if not as severe).

I usually procrastinate since im lazy and would rather be gamming.[...]

I guess that only works when you are only being lazy and thus procrastinating, and not because you are horrified and only procrastinate to calm your nerves a bit (which makes it worse the closer you get to the deadline).
3,766 posts

Well done from your teacher's side.

He is a really smart guy. Has a good sense of humor too.
perhaps I should just get this locked and redo the OP

Your funny Cen. You think the the majority of people read the OP. They just look at the title unless it has something to do with bunnies. Then they get confused and actually read it.
I guess that only works when you are only being lazy

That is what most people have. They just don't feel like doing it so the procrastinate. Sadly that doesn't help you at all.
13,657 posts

Your funny Cen. You think the the majority of people read the OP. They just look at the title unless it has something to do with bunnies. Then they get confused and actually read it.

Well, the title does say perfectionism, and not procrastination, so arguably, people read at least some of the opening post. And then skipped right over everything else.

That is what most people have. They just don't feel like doing it so the procrastinate. Sadly that doesn't help you at all.

No, but now I have talked to some people that have a bit more experience with life than I have, and they seem to consider professional help a good idea. So, it doesn't matter that much.
But I still think it's a loss of a topic, this, when people talk procrastination.

He is a really smart guy. Has a good sense of humor too.

It's really nice when teachers are that. Somehow it is more helpful than them being knowledgeable, because no matter what they talk about, they will still be able to teach it in a way that the students remember, rather than someone being fact upon fact...
3,766 posts

people read at least some of the opening post.

OK. So they only read the part that you put in all caps.
But I still think it's a loss of a topic, this, when people talk procrastination.

So are you going to make a new topic or just give up on it?
13,657 posts

OK. So they only read the part that you put in all caps.

Or the "general procrastination debate" thing I sadly wrote wrong.

So are you going to make a new topic or just give up on it?

Well, to be honest, it seems this topic has come to an end, both because there is nothing more to talk about, and no one seems interested in adding anything to the actual discussion.
But, as I have said before, it would have been nice if other people in my situation would voice their opinion, because, while I get the "I know people that feel like that" from people I talk to, I haven't actually talked to others who have the same trouble...
Showing 16-29 of 29