Do you like to be hurt?
What do you think I am?
Really, being insulted is hardly painful.
No they aren't. These people are the ones who're going through a lot of emotional turmoil and I consider them brave for even dealing with it up until the point that they did.
Emotional turmoil? Because they are considering suicide because someone called them an idiot, gay, or ugly or whatever the hell passes for an insult these days? Then they are cowards and weak.
No. Everyday people get depressed, it's a mental disorder. Having it doesn't mean you're weak
And those are the chemically imbalanced people. There is medicine for that. Having a disease doesn't mean your weak, it makes them at least stronger then the cowards who kill themselves over words.
(there may be exceptions but I don't think they're important or relevent.) So even if it does make them weak it isn't their fault.
If your getting depressed completely do to what someone randomly said to you at school, your weak.
No it's not the same. So any average man should be able to live a happy life feeling hated.
Of course! Being hated is a natural part of life. I am sure I could name several nations that hate me and everything I stand for.
When I'm talking about bullying I'm not talking about grown men.
And why would it be different for young men or women?
I haven't seen too many cases of grown men commiting suiccide over bullying.
Obviously, if they where going to commit suicide over words they would probably be dead already.
I'm talking about kids. Kids who are bullied by basically entire classes. Yes it happens, and it's never justified.
And how is that different? Oh no! Not an entire class calling you names AT THE SAME TIME! How will those poor kids live with themselves? Being called an "Ugly *****" by everyone? Oh no! They all said it, so it must be true!
They could have been previous friends, or they may be mocking them on a subject sensitive to them.
So the entire class of every kid, all over America and the world, all are previous friends of the bullied kid? No? Then why would they be bullied by the whole class?
314d1, I'd respond to you, but I'm in utter shock of your complete insensitivity to the problems of myself and others.
Ah, looks like I broke him with my words.
Do you know what it feels like when someone puts up a false Facebook page and claims you're the author?
Oh no! Not the dreaded terror of.... FACEBOOK! How will you ever live past FACEBOOK!
I can only imagine your pathetic nightmares.
Jigsaw: "Hello. Would you like to play a little game?"
Zaky: "Wha-what kind of game?"
Jigsaw: I WILL POST ON FACEBOOK AS YOU! *Scary music*
Zaky: "Will...That hurt?"
Jigsaw: "It will hurt...YOUR FEELINGS!"
? And do you know what it feels like when this page sends out sexual messages to all of your friends?
What exactly have you been doing with facebook that your friends think that sending sexual messages to them are legit? It doesn't exactly take a lot of real life talking to clear things up.
"Hey Zacky, this post says your gay for me."
"Oh. Someone made a fake facebook page and is posting things like that"
"Ah, thank you for clearing things up."
When people yell **** at you in class?
People yelling Astrix at me in class? I, for one, would be impressed.
Of course you don't. BECAUSE IT'S NEVER ****ING HAPPENED TO YOU!
Has it? You guys seem to know an amazing amount of my life.
Your weak, a sniveling coward, and a puny potlicker. Probably not chemically imbalanced though.
Prissy, unhurt life? This hurts coming from you, you poor middle class soul who gets the horrors of WORDS! How do you live life, getting made fun of a few times before going home to a respectable house and eating decent food! Then playing on an expensive computer, where you have to deal with another HORROR of...TYPED WORDS!
My prissy, unhurt life? Don't give me that crap. Your a middle class citizen of the United States, you have lived a god ****** prissy and unhurt life. In other countries, there are poor children starving, fighting in wars, and working in sweatshops. But you, the poor middle class citizen of the rich and powerful United State? You have to deal with something that apparently is much worse, getting your feelings hurt!