if you leave while they get more atively then it's just waiting for a 2nd. 9/11 and then we get all the BS all over again.
but if you want that to happen then be my guest, i dont care about it tbh.
Why would they attack us after we pulled out? It would be like escaping a bear attack, but once you get out go back and poke the bear with a stick again. There would be no point. Besides the fact they are insane.
the taliban are saying that all the time. i remember a attack like 2 or 3 year ago where they said they did it but then the real guy said he had nothing to do whit taliban.
so i don't except taliban does all what they say they do.
Like I said.
they are guerrilla troops. but this doesn't equal that they are random losers we can't shoot straight.
they use tactics and local terain to their advantage. and attack in little groups so it never becomes a full war. in a full war they are defeated in a few days but this way they are almost beating the usa.
When one of your guys' best strategy is to "Put these explosives around your waste and run", that is not something you train troops years to be able to accomplish. They are just random farmers and tradesmen and everyday people.
Guerrilla strategy against a larger opponent will allow you to win- assuming that you aggravate them enough to get them to stop but not enough to get them to attack you again. For example, the Tet offense was a horrible failure militarily, considering how much damage it did to their own army compared to our forces, but America got tired and left. Doing something like another 9/11 would, instead of making us pull troops out (Which we are already doing. Really, all they have to do is sit down and have tea or something if they want us out...) cause us to send in full force again. It would be a strategic blunder, a horrible plan.
Guerrilla warfare only works when:
1. The more powerful nation is not strongly invested in a war.
2. There is somewhere to hide. This makes places like Vietnam good for this kind of fighting, having a ton of jungles, but makes the middle of a desert a bad place. Which brings us to...
3. The Guerrilla fighters have some public support. Especially in the middle of the desert, it makes more since to pretend to be an ordinary citizen. But if everyone blabs to the U.S for a few dollars on every terrorist, it goes down easily.
And plenty more.
if they used suicide vests then then 28 of them missed all there targets. thats prety bad xD
and the taliban never try's to take over something. their tactic is to hide-hit-die/run, or long distence bombs.
It was supposed to be. What did you think would happen if 28 people tried running at a group of people who are shooting at them? Most of them got shot down.
Wait. Long distance bombs? When in hell did the Taliban get a hold of long distance bombs? We better go tell the U.S, because last I checked the Taliban's range in weaponry was "As far as you can throw it"
i think once U.S. troops pull out of the middle east the taliban will go crazy
Considering how active they are now that we are pulling out, it is possible.
I don't think they will, part of NATO being there is to train the Afghan police and armies to deal with the threat from the Taliban and other extremist groups. There have been a few attacks and missions recently that the Afghan army has taken part in successfully and it is only a matter of time now until NATO is confident enough in the new Afghan army to pull out.
They have been attempting to train the Afghan police and armies for years, it would be nice to believe that it would work, and they are probably more invested in it then the U.S is, but they still have their work cut out for them.