those 30 were overall causalities of civilians dammit!
in 3 or 4 attacks
Three and four attacks with only 39 attackers fatally wounded and 42 military casualties. When the casualties of your civilians are almost as much as your casualties to the fighting men, then something happened to make the civilians wounded. And it wasn't the helicopter that was only at one attack.
what ive seen you write is all defending usa and that the usa only does good.
that is compleet bull****.
I have not said a thing about my country this entire time. This force had little U.S involvement and was mostly the Afghan security forces fighting. All that NATO did was send in the helicopter, which didn't do much.
see that video. thats normal day-to-day how it go's.
U.S fires into civilians every day?
Lets say that is true. Then why would people still go outside? Would you go outside if their was a legitimate chance you would be gunned down by a copter? And wouldn't that eliminate a good percent of the population? And wouldn't we have lost the war already?
I still don't see how it is relevant to this attack.
it's kinda the same as shooting every1 american dead because he has a gun. thats the only reason the usa soldiers need to kill people.
Because they have a gun? I think you may be intoxicated right now. I can't understand what you are trying to say.
and thats supposed to be good?
Shooting down people who are bombing places, killing civilians, and murdering their own governmental troops? Yes. That is usually a good thing.
hell no, you sucky americans are just as bad as the taliban.
How so? We try to keep terrorist, who may I remind you have injured thirty civilians in just this attack, fight in open streets, and attack the police and military, from killing all the people they do, and we are somehow worse?
That is like saying a man is as bad as a rapist he tried to stop.
killing just as many innocents. atleast the taliban say they kill innocents but the usa always try to cover it. wich doesn't change the fact that they also kill innocent people.
We are hardly killing as many innocents as the Taliban. The video you saw was a group of random soldiers who where likely punished after the video.
The biggest difference is that the U.S doesn't want to kill civilians, and would prefer to keep them alive. It isn't like our precedent and generals order "Look at that group of people walking innocently! This must be swiftly dealt with. Quickly, open fire!". It is a random rouge soldier who decided to open fire. The Taliban, on the other hand, really doesn't care and does often order the death of innocents. "Look at those people working innocently around these random buildings. Run and their and blow it up!"
And how in hell does this have anything to do with this attack? America had nothing to do with it.
that's exactly what i am trying to say that All the causalities can't be blamed on Taliban
That wasn't what he was saying...
And why not? The Taliban decided to bring destructive, explosive weaponry into a civilian location. Since they decided to attack a civilian location, it is easily said that all the blame for the deaths is their fault, even if all of the deaths where somehow caused by helicopter strafing. Which would make no since.