You know which movie soundtrack I absolutely cannot stand? Juno. Whenever I hear a song from that soundtrack, I wonder if the musicians actually put effort into their music or if they purposely made it very low-quality to make it stand out.
The Resident Evil soundtracks are pretty decent, because the songs are by a myraid of admirable rock/metal bands. Makes for diversity, and pleasure for the ears.
You know which movie soundtrack I absolutely cannot stand? Juno. Whenever I hear a song from that soundtrack, I wonder if the musicians actually put effort into their music or if they purposely made it very low-quality to make it stand out.
I'm tempted to file for divorce. What is with our recent disagreements?
I'm tempted to file for divorce. What is with our recent disagreements?
Don't worry, babe. You can listen to the Juno soundtrack all you want. I love that soundtrack. Totally love it. It's awesome. I paid for the house. It's the best soundtrack ever. You aren't getting a penny from me. What makes you think I could possibly hate that soundtrack?
I love it so much that I bought you a Walkman so you can listen to it whenever you want! By bought, I mean I took the money out of your account and you have to buy the batteries separately. Surprise!
I forgot to choose a favorite soundtrack. Since I'm an 80s-music guy, I'd have to say my current favorite is that from Take Me Home Tonight, even though the movie itself was pretty predictable and not worth watching a second time.
It's quite striking music, true, everyone will recognise the intro soundtrack. For a movie soundtrack this is the best thing ever. I also love the Imperial March, also when played by metal bands :P
Spirited Away Pirates of the Caribbean
Definitely these.
I also love the soundtrack from Lord of the Rings, I have all three CDs on my iPod
Probably the most beautiful music soundtrack is one melody from the movie "Amelie". I haven't seen the movie yet though^^ still lovely music, listen to it: Amelie - Comptine d'un autre ete: l'apres-midi
I also quite enjoyed the soundtrack of the movie Iron Sky, it matches the movie very well, and it's rather dark.
What, does this community have something against musical theater? That soundtrack, as far as my opinion goes, is the greatest there is! I'm still baffled that I'm the first to mention it!