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1,707 posts

Here's what I've always been curious about, shouldn't God be the one begging our forgiveness and not vice-versa, shouldn't he be on his hands and knees begging us to forgive his sins? Like I mean come on he flooded the whole world (twice was it?) and all he does is feel sorry about it and expects everything to be all right with it and people to feel glad he is our creator and expects us to pray to him, and worship him? Shouldn't he be begging our forgiveness for being all powerful and letting all the sick horrible crap around us go on, like poverty and such? Shouldn't he beg our forgiveness for allowing parents and babies to be killed in child birth?

Perhaps the worst most sickening thing is that if the bible is true (that's a pretty big if) he allows babies to go to hell for not believening in him as an infant (if they died as an infant). So if a baby dies in child birth he/she will go to hell and suffer for an eternity because if I am correct you need to worship God to go to heaven. When I say babies I include the people who have no chance in knowing about him.

  • 20 Replies
242 posts

One more thing. In my bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, says at Matthew 25 'And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.' And it had a cross reference to Daniel 12 'And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence.'
They will be asleep in the ground, just dead, nothing else.

5,552 posts

One more thing. In my bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures,

We could use different Bible versions all day and find continuously different things.

Another point against God: Can't deliver his message in a clear way.
242 posts

It's not his fault he stepped out of action to let man rule the world for a change. But we are failing. Soon he can be back in charge but until then he isn't going to mess with the world in a major way. Don't you also think it is possible that at least one translation is what Jehovah wants?

1,303 posts

The Bible is preached as God's word and history of the universe.

Tell that to the Jews, Muslims or atheists

No, but the majority of Christians do. The only thing I believe about Christianity is that man wrote the Bible.

if you dont believe it, and I dont believe it. Then why bring it up?

No one told me it. I read the Bible and that's what I saw.

So you believe god created the bible?

"Matthew 25:46 (NET)
25:46 And these will depart into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

Eternal punishment, word for word.

So you believe that part was written by god?

What do you believe?

I believe in logic

It was most likely aimed at Christians but anyone can comment.

Then I try to avoid the arguments that directly written to Christians, and try to focus on God only related arguments.
5,552 posts

if you dont believe it, and I dont believe it. Then why bring it up?

Because people who do believe in God usually believe the Bible, and the Bible says there's a heaven and hell. So I brought it up as a reason as to why God is in the wrong.

So you believe god created the bible?

No, I believe that people were looking for an explanation to their world thousands of years ago and someone said that an all powerful being spoke to them and told them the answers. People believed him and they converted others, and then those people reproduced and their children were essentially brainwashed into the new religion and they continued the process. Of course, this is a general "how religion started" thing, not just the Bible.

So you believe that part was written by god?

I don't believe any of it was written by God or that there is a god.

I believe in logic

Well, I was arguing from the stance of "if God was/is real." So that's why I was speaking in terms of if he existed.

Then I try to avoid the arguments that directly written to Christians, and try to focus on God only related arguments.

The capitalized "God" usually refers to the Abrahamic god, or as YHWH, Yahweh, Jehova, or as written in the texts LORD. The lowercase god is a non-specific term for any supernatural being which has powers beyond us and is usually immortal.

If we're talking about other gods, it would depend on the one. I would have no issue with a creator who just simply set up the universe as is and let things take their course (deism).
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