Numerous reasons - they're brought up with the belief other races are terrible. When a family/school indoctrinates you with such belief and you don't know any better, it becomes a part of you.
Everyone is racist, in some way. Negative or positive, everyone will inevitably foster some feeling toward a particular race. It's the way the world is.
Me? I'm racist, to some extent. I don't particularly like most of the black people I know, less because of skin but because of culture. They purposely become stereotypes, and I don't like them much for it. It's light racism at best, because personally, I'm not likely to like a black person right off the bat when 90% of black people that I've met fall into a certain stereotype. It's irrational, but I can't help it. Experience overtakes logic.
I agree with EnterOrion i dont like certain people because of their customs i dont hate them i just think its weird im indian and i even think some of my ways are weird but im more of an american person i ussually don't do their customs
Me? I'm racist, to some extent. I don't particularly like most of the black people I know, less because of skin but because of culture. They purposely become stereotypes, and I don't like them much for it. It's light racism at best, because personally, I'm not likely to like a black person right off the bat when 90% of black people that I've met fall into a certain stereotype. It's irrational, but I can't help it. Experience overtakes logic.
I have this problem with white people where i live a lot of the time. Even though i myself am a white person from here.
Racism is part of the every day world in which we live. It's obviously exacerbated by the ruling/controlling class to prevent the working class from rising up and overthrowing the capitalist society that we live in now.
Nah, I jest about that part, but racism is just a fact of life - no matter how much I despise that.
Racism is obviously wrong.But also I've noticed that the majority of people on the Globe use racism for almost anything.For example let's say that the people from country X hate the people from country Y just because they were born there...that is NOT racism,living in country Y does not make you of a different race from country X.
Children are naturally curious about things and so when they see someone or something that's different from them then they're going to latch onto that difference and wonder about it - not in a judgemental way but out of sheer curiosity. So I'd say it's correct to identify the influences on a person when they're young as the root of racism in a lot of people.
Children are naturally curious about things and so when they see someone or something that's different from them then they're going to latch onto that difference and wonder about it - not in a judgemental way but out of sheer curiosity.
Where I live, the African American population was almost nonexistant until fairly recently. When my mom's brothers were kids and they saw blacks for the first time, they simply thought they were dirty.
well i think racism occurs because people were raised that way like in the southern united states people parade the rebel flag around as if the Holy Grail or something and they rub in the faces of others simply because of thier skin color or religion etc but the point of this thread is to pretty much see other peoples thoughts on why Racism occurs