Just so we are on the same page, this thread is what you're asking about, correct?
Your criticism of the flash games that encourage premium content is outside the jurisdiction of ArmorGames's submission of flash games; if flash game developers wish to incorporate premium content into their games, then they may. Unless, of course, games actually made by ArmorGames developers have the premium content you're ornery about, then you're welcome to dispute how they implement the premium content and the manner they do so.
Your second argument is dealing with the use of premium content and whether the inclusion of premium content in flash games can be considered a "free flash game", correct?
In this, I will compare Phage Wars with Adventure Quest. What is the difference between the two, besides genre? They both have premium content, so they must not be "free to play" flash games, right? Well, it's a little less black and white. See, unlike Adventure Quest, Phage Wars and other flash games we have to offer are 100% free to play. Now before you quote outside the context, let me continue.
What does this mean? It means you can play the game all the way through 100%, master the game, know all bounds and features of the game, and not miss anything crucial and important to the flash game. The premium content are extra gismos, gadgets, and abilities to make the game experience more enthralling. It doesn't distract you from the main event and it doesn't prohibit you from accessing the game if you haven't bought content. Adventure Quest, however, is notorious for doing exactly the opposite. If you wanted to complete the entire story for the game, you ****ed well better have paid your $40 dollars. If you haven't, you access parts of the story and get left out for the others. The "X-Guardians" will know the full extent of the story (which is probably god-awful), while you're left being forced to nitpick. The beauty of these flash games is that you're never going to pay in order to progress. Now before you quote me again, let me continue.
So there's something called demos as well. Demos to a lengthy flash game that is an advertisement of sorts to showcase the game for little bit, then redirects you to the site where you're to pay to play the full content. Technically, what we have, these demos? They're still 100% free. Sure, you're still left wondering about other episodes, but let me give Robokill as an example. Before Robokill was submitted, there was Robokill Trainer. It gave us a couple missions, showed us what the game was about, then it redirected us to the main site. For all intensive purposes, that was 100% free. It didn't have us pay to progress further in the demo. Then the "full" Robokill was submitted. This gave us one whole episode, which was a full story, of game to complete. 100% free. The other three episodes, different sets of content, was up to the player on whether or not you wanted to play more episodes. On the other site. We didn't advocate having you pay to progress further. That was all them.
So now your third argument was about how premium content items are giving players an unfair advantage, correct?
So now my counter-argument. How does this obstruct the Free Player from winning? Using both Phage Wars and Shell Shock Live, it is not an impossible chance to win against a Paid Player. These games are all about skill. The way I see it, this premium content gives players a different perspective on strategically playing, different ways to combat opponents. It's not an "automatically win against a Free Player" code (that would be hacking/cheating), it's giving a player more items because they paid for the developer's flash game.
1. Implement tools to filter games by the presence of paid content. Even in a well-balanced game, the presence of in-game ads for paid content can be distracting, and an unwelcome disruption to casual gamers who specifically come here for games which are supposedly free.
Games do have this. As an added bonus, you can also filter by password, allowing players whom you know are Free Players to play.
2. Educate game developers on the difference between "fair" and "unfair" paid content, on how to integrate their paid content into a game without it being obtrusive, and how to accept that not every game is going to make money -- the market owes the developer NOTHING -- it's up to the game developer to cater to the market successfully, not the other way around.
I think the "
ay to your own views" feature is very fair. You pay based on how much you think you paid for (I believe there is a small minimum for such instances). Unobtrusive content has already been argued for; games involve skill while the premium content doesn't have a complete, dominant advantage over Free Players.
And then you have: Why complain about a game you're free to play 100% (without the extra gismos that doesn't impede game play significantly) when a developer has given you opportunity to play 100% and/or pay for small extra content when said developer needs money in order to live, support himself, and gain revenue from doing his job?
(eww. That last sentence brought out my love for Red Herring.)
-------------------------------------------------------And now for why your thread was locked.
Your thread was a statement. The thread did not present itself as open for discussion, just an opening statement that declared "hey guys, I'm leaving because I'm bummed that a game is not 100% free and instead 99.12% free and that I believe extra items are totally pwning me and it's not due to how skilled they are in a game, even though a developer needs revenue to continue making awesome games" (not sic). Furthermore, you denied the discussion of other users, shooing it away and declared it irrelevant and unimportant, the users being "incapable" of "understanding" (totally sic).
Criticizing/Complaining about features you don't have to use and are insignificant to the universal scheme of gameplay and dismissal of other users' comments without so much as a cybernetic back of the hand is a form of trolling, which is not welcome.
----------------------------------------------The mods and admins are basically jerks. I'll probably get in "trouble" for expressing my opinion too.
Of course you won't get in trouble for speaking out. I completely welcome your criticism of the moderation team's Jerk Level while we tirelessly clean up the forums of spam, advertisement bots, flaming, libel, plagiarism, and exploitation without going off the rails and complaining how "the users have it good". (Oooh, another Red Herring. Me gusta.)