ForumsThe TavernPointless rules by your parents

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10 posts

My parents won't let me raise the blinds on my window or open the window at all because, even though I'm 16, I might "break" the blinds/window. Their excuse is that the blinds were hand-painted, which they were, and are more expensive than normal blinds. But I'm 16. I can pay for them if I damage them, which is probably impossible since I don't just let them fall or slam the window or whatever.

The window in my bedroom is the only one that can be opened via the blinds; any other window is not permitted. I love nature and prefer natural light over electric lights, for many reasons, mainly because it is prettier and costs nothing to use natural light. Their excuse is that it heats up the room too much. This is definitely not the case... if anything, it may heat the room up a degree or two, but they can't possibly notice that. /facedesk

What pointless rules do your parents give you that make you want to slam your face in? The two rules I posted above is only the very top of a very long list.

  • 24 Replies
87 posts

My dad wont let me cross the street, the street, wont let me have a phone( I have one at my mom's), and wont let me watch Spongbob Squarepants the movie, Imean come on, I saw that in 1st grade!
yeaaa, dont ask.

311 posts

Not really a rule but every time we start arguing (probable started by both of us evenly) and they would start "losing" they would say why do you argue so much? Once I tried that on my ad and he sorta exploded

1,627 posts

I have to get off electronics at 10pm EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!! It suckssssssss...

12 posts

I break all of the rules my parents give me.. Probably why I'm constantly grounded with no internet or phone. But I still somehow manage to get on a lot.

The dumbest rule my parents give me is not being able to listen to certain music..

703 posts

I actually understand the rules my parents give me, although i cant stand them sometimes.

You might think im just a whiner, but my mom makes me be home everynight latest 1:00 AM, i can understand that, but really, what is the difference when i come home?

233 posts

Yeah my parents have a lot of pointless rules, and whenever i try to understand her reasoning and talk to her about it she doesn't answer or comes up with another excuse. I could fill this whole page with pointless rules but that would take to long. So yea....

534 posts

Okay. Some of the things you guys thiink of as pointless rules by your parents are not at all pointless. There is always a reason like the spongebob show. I used to watch a lot until it started becomingstupid for some of the new shows. I was young and ended up having nightmares. They may seem funny now but seeing spongebob as some sort of skeleton with his eyeballs and guts at a young age... Spongebob wasn't suppossed to give you nightmares. Turning off your electronics at ten isn't pointless at all. Unless you want to wake up so sleepy that you can't even do any of your HW.

I think this thing should be locked. Your parents always have a reason. Even if you don't agree with them do as they say.

3,152 posts

wont let me have a phone

So? I am 16 and never had a cell phone, and do not need one.

I have to get off electronics at 10pm EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!!

Sounds like your parents are trying to make you get some sleep so you don't get sick. Anyway, what is on the computer (or any other electronic devices) that cannot wait until tomorrow?

what is the difference when i come home?

It's good to have a set time that you have to come home by, so that if your not home by 2:00am, your parents know something might have happened to you.

I break all of the rules my parents give me..

Did you ever stop to consider that the rules your parents layout for you are for your own good? If your parents make a rule that you cant point a loaded gun at your head and shoot it, are you going to break that rule?

and wont let me watch Spongbob Squarepants the movie,

I used to want to watch stuff on TV that is the equivalent of spongebob... but my Mom and Dad said that those TV shows are stupid and that they insult my intelligence. Now that I have gotten a little bit older, I am sure glad they didn't let me watch those shows, because I found out that they really do insult my intelligence, and they are stupid shows.

A few years ago, I might have said that some rules my parents made for me were dumb or pointless, but since I have gotten older, I realized one thing:

My parents both have 40 years of experience in life over my 16... Who do you think is going to be the expert when it comes to certain stuff?
3,766 posts


Totally agree with you.

I have a cell phone but I don't use it much. Stop complaining about when you have to get off the electronics, it will kill your eyes if you are on too long. It is good to have a set time like xeano said. Don't break the rules, it will just make your parents have more rules on you are enforce them more.

As for me, my parents will do things that I don't like but I live with it. It is probably for my own good or I am learning something that will help me later on in life.

3,139 posts

My parent's have always been pretty laid back.

Although the whole "Open your curtains" in the morning thing annoys me. Why would natural light need in my bedroom, if i'm not in it?

100 posts

When you are a teen, you are probably defiant. your parents need to except that your defiance is natural and bend the rules.

If your parents make a rule that you cant point a loaded gun at your head and shoot it, are you going to break that rule?

Really? Not shooting yourself with a gun is common sense, your parents don't have to make a rule for that.

I used to want to watch stuff on TV that is the equivalent of spongebob... but my Mom and Dad said that those TV shows are stupid and that they insult my intelligence. Now that I have gotten a little bit older, I am sure glad they didn't let me watch those shows, because I found out that they really do insult my intelligence, and they are stupid shows.

Wow. Spongbob is childish and so is things like a tag and having first world problems, but people don't care. It doesn't effect your intelligence, History Channel can effect your intelligence more than cartoons (Ancient Aliens *cough cough*)

So? I am 16 and never had a cell phone, and do not need one.

What if your girlfriend or grandmother wants to talk to you. You do need a cell phone to communicate, or else people would just keep using a telegraph.
13,657 posts

You do need a cell phone to communicate, or else people would just keep using a telegraph.

You don't need a cell phone. It is useful to have a cell phone, but you an live without that just as much as you can live without facebook.
I only have a cell because I don't have a regular phone. I hardly use it besides the obvious few things, and if I didn't have it, there's a payphone down on the street somewhere. No internet on it, no apps, nothing special.

And sorry, it has been years since I was even remotely affected by any pointless rules my parents might have made, for whatever reason. For the most part of my teen years there was a general trust between us, which meant I could stay out for whatever long I wanted, I could watch whatever I liked, use my money of what I would think was worth it and so on.
It worked out well.
1,606 posts

For the most part of my teen years there was a general trust between us, which meant I could stay out for whatever long I wanted, I could watch whatever I liked, use my money of what I would think was worth it and so on.

I have that as well except for one thing, I can't play rated M games. I'm 14 and I really don't see how this rule makes sense, most of the actual interesting and innovative games are rated M and in my early years (I now got around the bann) I was missing out on some quite good stuff because of that bann.
1,606 posts

Hang on what? How do you get sick from no sleep? I go to bed around 2 AM and I'm fine.

Wow what time do you wake up?

About 5 days ago I pulled a all nighter and I'm still not able to fully recover and almost fell asleep multiple times on the bus already.
465 posts

my paerenta lock the tv if 1 grade is lower than 90%
and yes they do put an actual lock on one of the cords.

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