ForumsThe Tavernwhy are we blaming soda for diabetes

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18 posts

in my opinion i think sweet tea is the problem. I knew sombody who worked at McDonalds and they told me that"they put 5lbs of sugar in the sweet tea". And we blame soda...

  • 24 Replies
5,952 posts

No I have to say that sweet tea is a problem. I walked into a sub shop and saw them with a bad of sugar that was about the size of 2 heads being poured into the tea think. Ever sice then if I get tea, I get unsweat and and the sugar. It's better.
And for soda I know it's worse, but well..... YOLO :P

18 posts

5 pounds of sugar is a lot for 3 gallons of anything. To put it in perspective, the amount of sugar in 3 gallons (or 32 cans) of Coke is about 2.75 pounds. The same amount of Mountain Dew contains 15% more sugar, or a little over 3 pounds in total.

According to the McDonald's nutrition website, 12 oz of sweet tea (the size of 1 can of Coke) contains 27 grams of sugar, versus Coke's 39. That amounts to just under 2 pounds of sugar in 3 gallons of sweet tea, versus Coke's 2.75 pounds and Mountain Dew's 3.16 pounds.

Either your friend was exaggerating or he's not doing his job right.

So, if you're going simply by sugar consumption, soda is more to blame than sweet tea.

they quit a couple years ago
3,517 posts

And for soda I know it's worse, but well..... YOLO :P

I was this close to punching my monitor in the face. :P

It's not the food and drinks itself to blame for obesity and diabetes, it's the choices we make FOR eating bad food. America has turned to a country where everyone thinks that obesity is a "disease". It's not. It's a choice that YOU made.
5,552 posts

America has turned to a country where everyone thinks that obesity is a "disease". It's not. It's a choice that YOU made.

It is a disease. Just one you could most likely have avoided by making better choices and eating less artificial crap.

The last time I had a soda was...I believe when I went snowboarding early march I had a Dr.Pepper.

Last time I ate out was at RedRobin for my brother's birthday 5 days ago. Before that probably on our trip back from picking up pumpkins to carve we stopped at a restraunt (not fastfood). So yeah, 3-4 times a year I eat out maybe.
1,673 posts

It's not the food and drinks itself to blame for obesity and diabetes, it's the choices we make FOR eating bad food. America has turned to a country where everyone thinks that obesity is a "disease". It's not. It's a choice that YOU made.

I agree pretty much completely on that. The choices that people make about food and exercise can make them unbelievably obese. I know that food loaded with sugar and fat does taste a lot better, but seriously we Americans have to start cutting down on the amount of calories, sugar, and fat we take in every day and actually start exercising. It's ok to have soda every now and then but NOT EVERY SINGLE MEAL. Same with fast food. Even if your regular Big-Mac tastes a lot better than something else, a home-cooked meal would be a lot better for your eating lifestyle. Also with exercising, is it really THAT hard to go on a run every now on then or play a sport for a couple of hours? Those who blame diabetes on a small thing like sweet tea are just lying to themselves to make them seem better in their eyes. Argh our extreme laziness will be our downfall someday...

/end rant on obesity and diabetes

... and all this from a 94-pound 14-year-old
5,952 posts

And for soda I know it's worse, but well..... YOLO :P

I was this close to punching my monitor in the face. :P

thats what i was going for.

... and all this from a 94-pound 14-year-old

ya know, some mcdonalds might not be that bad for ya then. no im kidding, thats something my grandma would say. im just a year older, and im about 130 pounds of power! but im also almost 6 feet tall, so its a lot of bone. no, im not fat, just trust me :P

yeah, its all the choices you personally make. this food is just poorly made and cheep. do you know what the f*** is in the mcdonalds mcnuggets?!?!? horror. pure, breaded horror.
1,673 posts

im just a year older, and im about 130 pounds of power! but im also almost 6 feet tall, so its a lot of bone. no, im not fat, just trust me :P

Yeah I'm abnormally skinny from running. I think my body's trying to tell me something though because I'm hungry all the time and I eat so much I'd probably be fat except for I actually eat healthy and because of my ultra-high metabolism.
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