ForumsThe TavernWorm holes, time travel and 4th dimension. Your thoughts?

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What do you think about worm holes, time travel and the 4th dimension?

I do not think worm holes exist. like a super highway through space and time that allows one to go freely at a whim. I think a person would get hurt if you could even go through one. plus according to Einstein, they are extremely unstable and could collapse in a vary short time. Which would leave you either dead, or stranded. I understand the use of it in math, but I do not think they are real

I think the next two questions are connected. I think time is the 4th dimension. so no, I do not think you can time travel. It would be nice though. Because the only other way to "time travel" would be to travel the speed of light, which according to Einstein is impossible to anything that holds mass.

Your thoughts?

  • 56 Replies
26 posts

We cant presume if warm holes do or do not exist. There is always a chance that they do. We chose to believe that they exist or not based on unproved facts. If you dont believe they exist thats prolly cuz we cant explain they way they work (we cant prove the unknown). Those who do believe tho base their faith on the chance that there might be worm holes somewhere and the guesses of the scientists.
About the time travel I dont think its possible because if it was traveling in the past would change the present cuz the present is a product of a specific past actions, changing those actions will lead to a different present and future. Finally the present or the future cant change without us noticing it.

71 posts

Well, time is a matter of perspective. You could probably find a way, but it would be difficult. A year to a human is a lot. A sea turtle? Not so much. There is a theory that the faster you go, the slower you age, and whatnot. if you could go fast enough, you could go back in time, in theory.

A wormhole is basically, in theory, (To my knowledge) A rift in time and space, or something like that, in which both are distorted to make travel time vary. Wormholes in our understanding are entirely possible, but highly unstable and random, like raw uranium or plutonium multiplied times a billion. NOT RECCOMENDED!!!

1st 3 dimensions...Shape, depth, etc.

Again, it's entirely possible. Say the properties that are not identifiable by the human senses, (As this is a matter of human perspective) would supposedly count. Or perhaps energy, maybe time.

511 posts

Time travelefinitely not
4th Dimension:Yes, it's called "time", idiots.

9,462 posts

4th Dimension:Yes, it's called "time", idiots.

Time is not the forth dimension.

When speaking of these dimensions we are speaking of spatial dimensions. Yes time is thought of as a dimension but is referred to 10 spatial dimensions +1 of time. Though there is a 12 dimensional model with 11 spatial dimensions +1 time. Bosonic string theory has 25 spatial dimensions +1 time.

Time travel forward is possible and has even been achieved to a small degree. Hawkings hypothesis that feedback radiations would prevent time travel backwards sounds plausible.

Wormholes, possible. Some think they do happen at the plank level. Creating a stable wormhole that one could use to travel through would be a whole different thing. Something like tat would require some form of exotic energy with negative mass. Exotic energy means we have no idea if such a thing even exists. In short that's using unknown energy to create a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime. That doesn't even cover making it stable or safe to travel through.
8,253 posts

Time travel forward is possible and has even been achieved to a small degree. Hawkings hypothesis that feedback radiations would prevent time travel backwards sounds plausible.

What do you call 'time travel', exactly, and how was it achieved? And what's the thing about feedback radiation?
694 posts

time travel is constently happining see heres my example
1. time is constently moving so we are always moving forward in time

9,462 posts

What do you call 'time travel', exactly, and how was it achieved?

Time dilation. For example let's say we had a ship traveling at half the speed of light to Jupiter. Those in the space craft would have a trip of 1 hour and 34 seconds. Those observing from Earth the trip will have taken about 1 hour 9 minutes and 56 seconds. In effect the occupants of the space craft will have traveled about 9 minutes and 22 seconds into the future.
This is something that has happened to a lesser degree in real life with astronauts being launched into space. Those astronauts have effectively traveled a fraction of a second into the future.

And what's the thing about feedback radiation?

Here's a video to explain what I'm talking about.
4,170 posts

time travel is constently happining see heres my example
1. time is constently moving so we are always moving forward in time

That's not what he means.

Doesn't that have something to do with the exspansion of space and gravity? I once heard that if you enter an area where the gravity is very different than earth's, the speed of time changes. Your time compared to another person's time would appear to be the same because you can only comprehend so much change at a time. However, if left in an extremely different field of gravity, it would exponentially make you age.
9,462 posts

Doesn't that have something to do with the exspansion of space and gravity?

Yeah I think it does actually.
8,253 posts

I think I too read about the gravity influencing time thing, for example if you'd stand near a black hole...

Now the argument of Hawking with the radiation feedback, would kinda make any kind of bigger wormhole a very short-lived event. Whether they're technically possible or not.

But I don't think so, at least not the time wormhole. Cause I still don't think there is any possibility to open any kind of portal or wormhole to the past or future, since none of them exists at all. Time for me is a construct simply there to measure the pace of events on the smaller scales. Time dilation is nothing more than the pace of such events being locally changed compared to what we're used to. But there's no way to revert it or come back to a certain point; it's like in chemistry, you can make a new reaction to get a state similar than before the first reaction, but you cannot actually revert the original reaction. So, time travel in the sense of time dilation, sure; in the sense of science fiction machines, no way.

511 posts

Thanks MageGrayWolf, I didnt know that. This is one of the rare serious threads in the tavern.

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