ForumsThe TavernWorm holes, time travel and 4th dimension. Your thoughts?

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What do you think about worm holes, time travel and the 4th dimension?

I do not think worm holes exist. like a super highway through space and time that allows one to go freely at a whim. I think a person would get hurt if you could even go through one. plus according to Einstein, they are extremely unstable and could collapse in a vary short time. Which would leave you either dead, or stranded. I understand the use of it in math, but I do not think they are real

I think the next two questions are connected. I think time is the 4th dimension. so no, I do not think you can time travel. It would be nice though. Because the only other way to "time travel" would be to travel the speed of light, which according to Einstein is impossible to anything that holds mass.

Your thoughts?

  • 56 Replies
2,150 posts

Wow, lol. I realized I totally went off on a tangent, and didn't finish my point of answering the original thread. Anyways...
Time Travel:
This goes for both, I look at space time almost as a weaved fabric. This fabric is stretched tight, and everything weighs down on it, this creates gravity, and it's why smaller planets pull toward bigger planets. (If I had pictures, I could conceptualize this better, but sadly I don't, sorry.) For us to be able to time travel, we would have to tear two holes in that fabric. One for our original position, and one in either the past or the future. There is also the problem of having to travel fast... very fast... faster than light fast... and by then, anything you subject to that type of speed may just get shredded, or melt to plasma, because of the forces that are in effect. You have to overcome a lot of obstacles in the way, so I really don't think it's possible.
However, in the infinite universe theory, it may be possible to tap into the other universes. Perhaps some of those universes were born before ours, and some were born after, if this is true, you'd have to find the right universe and tap into it. However. The window that you get to tap into it might be so small you couldn't get into it.

I'm going to take the smartest way out, and say that's what I think, but in truth, I have no idea.

5,823 posts

the whole thing is just redicullus to me

385 posts


So there is only 1 or infinite universes? We live in the 3rd dimensions because one dimension is like this . one dimension is like this because it has no direction, the second is a line, like this ________ because it is 2 points joined together. The third dimension is what we live in, it is just 3d shapes and such, but because we live in the 3rd we can see dimensions number 1 and 2 just not 4 because it is higher then ours. So actually our world is made up of 2d shapes and a 4d world is made up of 3d shapes.

385 posts

@ ImTheMostManlyMan

I understand, it is a vary confusing topic. Truly, it does not really affect our day to day life. I find it a vary difficult topic to understand, but I am pretty young (14) so I guess wisdom comes with age. Plus, the whole thing is just highly educated guess work, you can't really prove it but at the same time can't disprove it.

280 posts

Worm holes is kinda off the subject lol but ok

I think worm holes well I don't know now that I think of it they sound interesting I've looked and an ant farm so I think work holes are pretty AWSM

Time travel I've thought of that before but like this... So you play a soccer game when your 7 years old then you get really good so you use the time travel machine and you still remember the skills of a better player but your 7 again and you kill

4th demension well what demension are we in now lol ? I'm thinking of like 4D there is 4G on the iPhone 4 so I don't know exactly

385 posts

A fourth dimension is the one directly above ours, we live in the third dimension so the 4th dimension is something I think is time but I have no proof.

I found some videos that might help with the whole 4th dimension thing.

this one is pretty good And this one will help also...

385 posts

O_O Sorry but "this one is pretty good" is one link and "And this one will help also..." is the other. So sorry for that mistake of mine. I get ahead of myself sometimes.

214 posts

To disprove the concept of time travel some people use the idea of 'why we don't have visitors from the future'. But like with every reaction there is a chain of reactions that soon follow it meaning actions in the past could or will alter the present/future. But like with most things in life rules have to be followed to ensure the safety of others. I reckon there must be a law forbidding time travel to the past as that would alter the timeline preventing or causing certain events to occur that never should have. But this is me, am not skeptical about it all.

5,823 posts

@ ImTheMostManlyMan

I understand, it is a vary confusing topic. Truly, it does not really affect our day to day life. I find it a vary difficult topic to understand, but I am pretty young (14) so I guess wisdom comes with age. Plus, the whole thing is just highly educated guess work, you can't really prove it but at the same time can't disprove it.
yes wisdom comes with age young one. lol i'm only 13
So there is only 1 or infinite universes? We live in the 3rd dimensions because one dimension is like this . one dimension is like this because it has no direction, the second is a line, like this ________ because it is 2 points joined together. The third dimension is what we live in, it is just 3d shapes and such, but because we live in the 3rd we can see dimensions number 1 and 2 just not 4 because it is higher then ours. So actually our world is made up of 2d shapes and a 4d world is made up of 3d shapes.
yes, nobody can create anything that's only one demention, two demensional means it has 2 demensions(duh) like with the letter you are seeing on your computer it has two demensions, how high and how wide it is, three demensional has those two plus depth things are deep along with high and wide, what would a fourth demension be?
13,344 posts

Pfft, it's so obvious you guys. The 5th dimension is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

385 posts

:O you are right! I never thought of it like that!

4,104 posts

there are some telescopes that can actually see things that already happened

Uh, that isn't anything special really. If something happens 2 light years away from us, it will take two years until we can see what happened. This means by the time we see it, the image is 2 years outdated.
2,150 posts

If you're talking about dimensions, then we already live in the fourth dimension. there is width, length, depth, and sense. We can smell, we can touch, we can taste, we can feel, etc. The senses tell us so much about out world than sight alone.

385 posts

I am not talking about that kind of dimension, if it was that kind some people would live in a different dimension then others (those who are blind, deaf or both). Also, that would put me in the middle of dimensions because my eyes are so bad, with out my glasses I can barely see at all, let alone see depth.

5,823 posts

If you're talking about dimensions, then we already live in the fourth dimension. there is width, length, depth, and sense. We can smell, we can touch, we can taste, we can feel, etc. The senses tell us so much about out world than sight alone.
sense is not a demension, can you see sense of smell taste etc.
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