ForumsThe TavernSpider Issue

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56 posts

1 time when i waz takin a shower, a spider landed in my mouth! I just spit it out & i nearly had a heart attack! (though i was much more brave than my mom. u should see her screaming when something like that happens 2 her!)

i was like OMG! and i just quickly got out of the shower. Then it just went down the drain and that was so scary & creepy.

What kind of bug problems did u guys hav?

  • 43 Replies
11 posts

i think spiders are cute

155 posts

I have a phobia of insects in genneral... im really not an outdoors type of person, so i get freaked out by almost any type of bug. spiders, bees, and centipedes the most.

4,710 posts

In all honesty I'd rather have complete eradication of all insects. Just wipe them all out.

Ignorant again. That would pretty much lead to extinction of a huge number of vertebrates. A lot of plants couldn't be polinized so the flora would take a hard hit too. What you're proposing is a mass extinction of a dimension similar to the End-Permian Mass Extinction.

have you seen the cartoon movie with the bees? bee movie (if i remember it right).

i yawned and a small insect flew into my mouth. i had no other choice than to swallow it.

and then there was a big spider that crawled over my chest while i was writting something on my pc. took me some time to notice the spider. boy, was i choked, i jumped out of my chair!
13,344 posts

And would you really speak in favour of the eradication of butterflies? C'mon, look at it:

I seriously would. I hate those creepy things more than probably any other animal on the planet. I can't even look at the image it's so terrifying.

Butterflies and moths are one of my strongest phobias. Put a tarantula in my living room and I will gently pick it up and put it outside. Let a butterfly loose in my house and I'm locking myself in my room until I'm absolutely sure it's gone.
465 posts

i went to a foreign country and i walk through a little bush and this orange and black spider was on my eg

i brushed it off ASAP but i didn't scream
i didn't wanna be embaressed

12,319 posts

Butterflies and moths are one of my strongest phobias. Put a tarantula in my living room and I will gently pick it up and put it outside. Let a butterfly loose in my house and I'm locking myself in my room until I'm absolutely sure it's gone.

Why would you fear butterflies? As for me, I generally don't fear any kind of insect, whether it's a fly, spider, or butterfly. Besides, most spiders are harmless, including tarantulas. Therefore, I can understand your reaction to tarantulas, but not butterflies.
13,344 posts

Why would you fear butterflies?

Phobias are often irrational. I've had this extreme phobia since I was a kid, and I can't think of any particular instance that would have traumatized me enough to ignite this fear.
928 posts

I hate being called ignorant for having an opinion other than yours. I just want the complete eradication of insects. Thats it. Thats my belief. Im not going to act on it, like Hitler did with the Jews. I just dont like them, all they've done is cause me pain. I know that spiders and bees and others have certain good things they do. But I clearly dont care. I want them all gone. It's not ignorance. Its hate. Now here, my brain is telling me that you would say: "So you hate a person, would you kill them for it?" If not, well, Its a failed prediction. But simply, yes. I already want the complete Genocide of all Humanity, not forgetting to include myself. I am misanthropic, I hope you know what that means. I hate you simply for existing, same thing with Spiders. Their existence is nothing more than a pain. A tiny, worthless, disgusting pain.

Thats my thoughts. At any rate. If I'm so "ignorant" then Ignorance is freaking bliss.

8,253 posts

I seriously would. I hate those creepy things more than probably any other animal on the planet. I can't even look at the image it's so terrifying.

I never would have thought that one can be phobic of butterflies. Well you learn every day ^^

Thats my thoughts. At any rate. If I'm so "ignorant" then Ignorance is freaking bliss.

To think, that those small thingies you hate so much are actually sooo afraid of you..

But I'm sorry for calling you ignorant because of your opinion. Phobias and aversions are irrational, as Ernie said.

I'm just trying to argue from the bug perspective; without them we'd be nothing. As much as I hate to admit it, but even flies are necessary (luckily they're so abundant I can kill as much of them as I want *laughs manically*)
5,340 posts

I hate being called ignorant for having an opinion other than yours. I just want the complete eradication of insects. Thats it. Thats my belief. Im not going to act on it, like Hitler did with the Jews. I just dont like them, all they've done is cause me pain. I know that spiders and bees and others have certain good things they do. But I clearly dont care. I want them all gone. It's not ignorance. Its hate. Now here, my brain is telling me that you would say: "So you hate a person, would you kill them for it?" If not, well, Its a failed prediction. But simply, yes. I already want the complete Genocide of all Humanity, not forgetting to include myself. I am misanthropic, I hope you know what that means. I hate you simply for existing, same thing with Spiders. Their existence is nothing more than a pain. A tiny, worthless, disgusting pain.

that wasnt his point. i personally dont care for spiders either and rather they didnt exist. thing is without them the world would be in a horibble state and eventually you WOULD care (unless your suicidal and that a whole different story).

and the example is pretty horibble since jews arent a species and the world wouldnt get affected if all jews died. the point in those things are:

1. what the species eat.
2. how much it effects the area.
3. what species eat that species.

jews are the same as any other human when looking on those 3 and if there was another species that is exactly like the spider and can make up for its loss the world wouldnt change that much. i believe that when he said ignorant he didnt mean your hatred/fear but he meant the fact that you believe that spiders serve no purpose but to cause pain and that is obviously wrong. i personally share the same fear (not really hatred) of them but i see how important they are
187 posts

Ew.. I don't like any bugs Dx
But I do understand that they help clean up the Earth and decompose and all that so .. I wouldn't wish for them to be all killed. They are just gross xD

1,373 posts

I dont like bugs at all, including spiders. They insist on going inside my house and I don't like it. But in a way spiders are cool.

928 posts

You're just helping me decide that humanity is just as worthless as spiders.

12,319 posts

You're just helping me decide that humanity is just as worthless as spiders.

By calling humanity worthless, you are calling yourself worthless since you are part of humanity.
56 posts

Who hates having a praying mantis in your house? That never happened to me b4, but just to keep this thread go on 4 a while.

Hey have you ever seen a praying mantis? I heard they're very creepy!

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