Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree
So you suggest we will move all the new babies to the desert of Lybia? Or maybe to the rain forests of brazil? Lets just throw them to texas, As long as we bring as much of them as possible?
Trty the open space in Canada or the USA, mexico lots of places
Trty the open space in Canada or the USA, mexico lots of places
Uh, ignoring the issue with limited fresh water and land for agriculture...
Why is there a need to fill up every last bit of space on the planet? By doing so, we create more stress on the environment, use more resources, cause extinction to thousands of species each year and more.
abortion is only ook if u and your sex partner agree to it and if u werent expecting a baby..and or you accidently got pregnant...either those or u just have too many kids....really the problem i sthat people have too many kids...we should be like israel...there married couples are only allowed to have 1 child...i think it was israel.. -Chemi
there married couples are only allowed to have 1 child
I don't agree with that. What I do think though is; you should only be allowed have children based on your income, if you can't afford a child, it isn't fair on the child or you to have one.
Ghost there is a country were the couples are only allowed to have 1 child...i agree with your statement but some people just have kids for no reason...did u hear about the lady that had 54 kids every time she got pregnant it was triplets.she had all of those kids with one man -Chemi
They should not have sexual intercourse if they don't want a child.
Abstinence only ha shown to be horrendously flawed. People will have sex for pleasure. The biological mechanisms in place simply won't allow fir us all to with hold sexual intercourse for procreation purposes only. This is why we need preventative measures in place.
I only think it is okay to abort in the case of sexual assault.
As Kasic has asked, and I don't recall him ever getting an answer. Why would the circumstances devalue the developing life in this case?
Whether the women get's pregnant through a mistake or accident or whether it's forced on her, the developing life is still just as unwanted. The woman would still have to go through all the physical hardship of having another organism feed off her body for months without her consent.
What I said above eliminates the issue.
It doesn't eliminate the issue because it isn't a viable solution.
If you do not want kids, use a condom or do not have sexual intercourse. If you mess up or your condom has a hole have the kid, if you cannot handle it there is always a foster home, if you are young, the foster parent can wait to tell the kid who his mother actually is to not affect the kid as much, since as a kid you have more trouble with emotions.
What I said above eliminates the issue.
There will never be away to solve this issue sadly.
If you mess up or your condom has a hole have the kid, if you cannot handle it there is always a foster home, if you are young, the foster parent can wait to tell the kid who his mother actually is to not affect the kid as much, since as a kid you have more trouble with emotions.
As repeatedly noted the number of unwanted pregnancies are in the millions. In the US alone it's over a million a year. The foster care program is over burdened as it is. The system simply couldn't handle such an influx.
This also ignores the social stigmas involved. There are those who would opt for a back ally abortion risking their own life in the process rather than give birth. If life really means that much to you how do you justify the increased risks involved in making abortion illegal? At least with it legal there is a relatively high chance of the woman's safety.