Is abortion ok? I donât think so. The babies that these people are killing is wrong, some people say that itâs not a person that itâs a bag of cells or a fetus and not really human being I have to disagree
"religious people should not have to finance abortion via health insurance".
"Pacifists shouldn't have to finance the military via taxes, so I'm not paying 14% of it." Doesn't work. "I believe in natural treatments, so I'm not paying for the insurance that covers radiation therapy." Doesn't work. The bundle packages are part of a social contract/agreement. You can't pick and choose. There's also the "Do unto Caesar" argument to counter their claims, but that's from the big book of multiple choice.
Its really bad. How would you like to have been killed as a baby. Or your bf or gf, or best friend. It's not alright. It's murder, and it's just a way to decrease the human population so it's easier to control.
Read previous statements. I/you would never have known. Nor would you have known said bf/gf/best friend if they had been aborted. It's simply something that would have never been, not something lost.
It's murder, and it's just a way to decrease the human population so it's easier to control.
Up to the first seven weeks, a fetus does not have a heartbeat. Up to the first 12-13 weeks, a baby does not have brainwaves. No one thinks or feels before their brain starts working.
it's alright to kill babies, and prevent great works on earth.
I would always prefer that any conceptions are carried to term. However, the fetus/baby grows inside the mother, and as it is her body, it is her right to choose whether she wants to let that. There are also times when either the mother, child, or both are in danger from the pregnancy. Should I get into rape and child pregnancies, too?
If people do not want to reproduce, they should use birth control.
Everyone is meant to do something great,
Because all the murderers of the world, all the people who scam others or steal, rape people or destroy other's property did great things with their lives. A fetus would not have automatically been a saint, just because it was aborted.
could save your life some day.
Not impossible, but it is highly improbable. Statistically, it's more likely to kill you in a car crash or shooting.
You have to be baptized to go to heaven, so that fetus went to limbo. and yes there's written proof, but idk where. Doing the action without wanting a baby is a mortal sin. It is fornication and murder if not married, or just murder if u are.
By the way, I have been baptized. Does that mean I get a free pass to heaven?
Obviously..don't you know? That's why I'm so calm about my fate after death Oh..and if you are worried..just make sure to apologize for anything bad you've done. Now you are in the clear
Doing the action without wanting a baby is a mortal sin.
The sensation of pain are signals sent from the nervous system and then interpreted in the brain. The nervous system of the fetus is rudimentary at this stage and the brain has barely taken form. As such the mechanism required to feel pain are not in place yet.
You have to be baptized to go to heaven, so that fetus went to limbo. and yes there's written proof, but idk where.
Just because something is written down isn't proof that what's being said is true. Also by the way limbo actually isn't written in the Bible. The concept is based off interpretation and a need to reconcile contradictory information in the text.
Then I guess your God shouldn't have built in the desire to do so.
Since you are all going to hell, because you denied Baptism, I pity you.
I was baptized though.
Don't try to say that its not reality, because it will give me another reason to say that my faith is being attacked.
I just love how you consider any kind of opposition to your beliefs as, 'being attacked.' You are so brainwashed that you cannot even look at something which has not been spoon-fed to you by those in your community. All you're capable of is mindless regurgitation. I pity you.
And if you all find nothing wrong with abortion, then I hope to God you go to the lowest part of hell.
What happened to the loving and forgiving figure God supposedly is? He's such a nice guy that he sentences unborn babies to eternal torture because some evil peoples killed it before an old guy could dump some water over its head and chant.
You don't want to face reality.
The hypocrisy in this statement is appalling. You are the one who is plugging his ears and shouting, 'NAH NAH NAH I LOVE GOD I LOVE THE BIBLE IT'S THE TRUTH NAH NAH NAH!" and not even looking at what we're saying.
Noone is saying that's it's a good thing we should do. NOONE.
What we are saying is, it's the most sensible thing to do in certain situations, and prohibiting it does make everything worse. Example? Since Switzerland allowed abortions, abortion rates went down substantially.
No, I'm not a Protestant. I believe the bible, but I rely mainly on tradition, or what was passed down through the church. I am a very intelligent human being, believe me. And when in person, quite shy. But when it comes to my faith, being a confirmed Traditional Catholic, I have to oppose anyone who doubts even one aspect of it. Also, don't downgrade Baptism as something so simple please. That is an attack on my faith. You obviously don't love anything so strongly that everything that opposes it you hate. i am one of the very few traditional Roman Latin mass Catholics, pre- Vatican 2. You obviously don't know any of us if you are so surprised from our beliefs. God, being so just, doesn't give it pain in limbo, but there is no happiness. It's just a place of no family. When the child reaches the age to know right from wrong, (about 7) he will go to hell. Retarded kids will also go to limbo, for they lack reason and willpower. My brother is retarded, but we try as hard as we can to train him. lastly, even if you were baptized, you still have a good chance of going to hell because of your lack of faith, and your herecies. I'm not guaranteed heaven either. I sin just as much as you do, but at least I know i do so i can confess my sins. I'm predicting your ignorant comment, as usual, so just save your time and forget it.