's their child, so they should love it enough to let it be saved. If they don't care about their own child, then God doesn't. He's completely fair and just.
I don't even know how to respond to this. You think it's completely fair and just for a supposedly all loving being to let innocent children suffer in hell eternally or go into limbo because their parents did not have their child baptized? What if they never heard of it? What if they held some other form of faith about God?
Also, I think I'm listening and responding to every one off your points.
"Up to the first seven weeks, a fetus does not have a heartbeat. Up to the first 12-13 weeks, a baby does not have brainwaves. No one thinks or feels before their brain starts working."
" However, the fetus/baby grows inside the mother, and as it is her body, it is her right to choose whether she wants to let that. There are also times when either the mother, child, or both are in danger from the pregnancy. Should I get into rape and child pregnancies, too?"
"f people do not want to reproduce, they should use birth control."
"Because all the murderers of the world, all the people who scam others or steal, rape people or destroy other's property did great things with their lives. A fetus would not have automatically been a saint, just because it was aborted."
"Why would an all loving god require a ritual where you pour water over someone's head, in order for them to enter paradise? How does that add up?"
"The bible is not proof of Christianity's claims. The bible is where Christianity's claims come from. Here.
I am a purple unicorn. Obviously, I'm a purple unicorn, because I just said I was. That's your logic with saying the bible is proof of itself."
"Please explain the difference between a baby being conceived after a human ritual, or prior. What's wrong with premarital sex anyways?"
"What we are saying is, it's the most sensible thing to do in certain situations, and prohibiting it does make everything worse. Example? Since Switzerland allowed abortions, abortion rates went down substantially."
"Again, how is this even remotely fair? How could a loving god sentence unborn people to limbo (and then hell) all because someone didn't dump water on their head? How can he call himself just by denying mentally ill people paradise, because he created them as being mentally ill?"
These are all the points you have not responded to. Aka, 95% of what we've said. All you've done every time you responded is,
1) Some form of this: "Ur a sick person"
2) Some form of this: "As kasic, the twisted, heartless, moron is saying"
3) Some form of this: "Since you are all going to hell"
4) Some form of this: "I hope to God you go to the lowest part of hell"
5) Some form of this: "my faith is being attacked."
6) Some form of this: "'I'm predicting your ignorant comment,"
7) This: "complete facts put out by the church"
In other words, all you do is play the victim card while insulting us over and over again, while repeating yourself that you're right and we're wrong and that we're going to hell. The only question you have -finally- answered is what you think someone who has only been baptized will have happen to them.