Yes, the moonfish is still alive. What they are saying is that is hasn't changed from a million years ago to today. But that is barely any time at all.
everything was started by a unknown force aka god and was put into motion. he started life and left it to go. that my idea. some things make sence and somethings dont on both ends of the arguement
crationizm. evolution is too illogical. i mean cmon, the hole universe is as small as a marble, it then implodes to be what it is now, and a 1 in like 100000000000 chance happens like 1000000000 times to create a fish which then crawled out of the water to turn into a monkey, then people? that doesnt make sence at all. jehovah god(yes im a jehovahs witness. dont care if you dont like it.) created everything.
Well when the earth was just beginning, a lot of stuff was happening, such as the introduction of water to certain parts of the world, atmosphere changes, ammonia. Different molecules were constantly being created due to the changing enviromental factors (heat, collision), and maybe some form of molecule was made to store energy and released it upon certain time (like ATP but not exactly) and caused a chain reaction affecting other molecules until it caused a chain reaction into some carbon based molecule that collided with another until a loop was made, creating the frame of some basic life form. Then DNA is created by a chemical reaction with the elements and molecules it consists of, and may have been affected by radiation pockets within the new earth. DNA is then made (probably in bundles and in a very basic form) until it reacts with the frame and causes another reaction within it (probably with some other energy storing molecule as a catalyst) until a loop is made, like a motor. Other frames would later be torn apart by water or ammonia until the best survive. The end! (until i edit this)
Also, remember that mutation affects the DNA and also introduces new traits that affect the phenotype and thus a variety of different living beings that compete to survive, and the one who does survive passes its genes onto its offspring.
i believe in evolutionism, god may have created those lesser life forms but i dont believe humans just popped up on the earth one day as they are now. im more of a scientist that i am religious.
My comments keep moving to different pages! please consider the post I made on page 3 it was supposed to be on page 5 since I just posted it yesterday. Anyways, I think of religion as a whip to keep people in line, so I don't believe any of creationism besides the beginning.