I believe in the big bang theory but i do believe some things about a higher power.I kinda belive a higher power exhists but did not do all the things that it states in a bible...
eshploded i highly agree with your thought as it is very appropriate and you have used your thoughts correctly and have decided what religion you are (I might b talking absolute gibberish to you)i mean about keeping people in line i think that's a very good centence you have used
The materials needed to create everything, need to be created by someone, God. He created all those materials, to let them fuse and create new materials, and those materials together fused and meshed together to create planets. More materials, different ones, rare ones fused to create bacteria, and evolve into what we are now. Alive...
The bible says we were not created from evolved monkeys, so NO to evoltion theroy for me.
Surviavl of the fittest is natue...not a theroy
As far a mutations go...That I am sad to know it is possible...Not to the mutant-extent like in x-men...but scientist are fooling around with the NATURAL way of the nature and corrupting genes and getting results is possible...But since mutations are human enforced and NOT natural...I consider that different than evolution:P
Yeah. Thats what I mean. Survival of the fittest and natural selection are basically processes... concepts; I never said it was a theory. You ever heard of radiation? More specifically radioactive pockets in the earth? How a segement of DNA is misplaced? This is a part of the reason why new traits show up in a species, sometimes beneficial, sometimes not. It is natural (as in by the earth). Unless you believe people are different colors because it just is.
Since I am a very religious Catholic, I believe in Creationism. But I think it played in with evolution. I think God made evolution so the primitive organisms of Earth would eventually turn into us. The whole Adam and Eve thing is true too, but that came when the dinosaurs died. Call me crazy, but that's what I believe in.
Anyway BBT has been disputed in many different accounts. Some of the more popular theories now-a-days are the string theory and some theory about evolution of quarks and making something out of nothing...bunch of mumbo-jumbo physics lingo.