Evolution all the way. There are just too many creationist myths to choose from. Too many for there to be one truth. But evolution is still expanding and growing, so there you have it.
Why can the two not coexist? Couldn't it be that God created the universe, and then set evolution in place to help shape it? I am too knowledgeable in geology and the study of evolution to deny that it happens, but I can't say that God had nothing to do with it.
Well, Carlie, I believe that for that possibility to be true, you must believe in a god other than the Judeo-Christian or Islamic one.
If we are speaking of an unknown god or something, then sure, I suppose it could exist. It's so impossible to know, by pure definition, that there is no logical reason to believe in it. It'd be like believing in unicorns or something.
To be fair, not ALL scientists say that. Why do you believe that, though, firetail, other than the fact that your religion suggests it?
Hmm....not trying to be rude here, zombie, but that is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard on this topic.
He made apes evolve and gave them souls to stop inbreeding?
Why the heck would he not just MAKE more?
Not to mention the fact that apes DIDN'T evolve into humans...humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor, not just a straight ladder. We're cousins, so to speak, not parent-child.
How can you make the statement that we DO have souls and yet say that animals don't? There is no proof for either suggestion.
I really can't understand creationism. It also seems absurd that a higher power would just plop a fully-developed human on the planet when everything else evolved...
First, your logic is and validity are so far off it's hilarious.
Second, explain to me how every word in the Bible is true and not metaphorical or even mistranslated.
Third, I'm Jewish and in the Torah it specifically says that all living creatures created UNDER GOD (thus meaning clones may not have souls, which I'm about to start a topic on), possess souls. Now this is in the Old Testament, buddy. So, the Hebrew translation is that they do.
Fourth, in the 90's John Paul the Deuce announced that animals do have souls in a speech he was giving.
Fifth, all of this will boil down to semantics. So, if you are willing to get into a semantics war with a number of skilled logicians on this site, just ask. Because we could stretch this out.
Using the Bible like that is completely useless; to even establish it as a credible source, you'll have to do something that no one has even done: prove it's written by god.
Heck, just answer some of the blatant errors in it first, then start talking about it's perfection.
Third, the point about animals having souls was a very minor one. What about the OTHER points I made?