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ForumsWEPREvolutionism or creationism

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im just opening this topic so that people can have a NICE, FREINDLY place to talk about their beliefs, i Myself believe in evolutionism

  • 1,486 Replies
3,817 posts

That's what any opposition to any opposing belief attempts. I simply cannot understand how putting the two ideas in the same ballpark to determine one winner makes one seem weaker by comparison, or more equal to its opposition.

Ill try explaining there difference now...

Here is one that is not true in all parts but is part way true... Lets say there was a group of obese people and a group of anorexic people. Obviously different, correct? Then lets say someone comes and tries to put them on one level, labeling them "Wait Challenged people". It makes them sound the same, correct? Though, in this case the label is true, but in the case of "evolutionism" the ism is an incorrect label.
74 posts

Whatever, 314d1. I just beleive that the belief in evolution is just as important as the evidence that backs it up. So I call it evolutionism. My belief that all beliefs should be '-isms' is called '-ismism', by the way. I tend to speak on that fine line between prose and its stonier, less realistic brother poetry, and I don't apologise if it bothers you.

3,817 posts

Whatever, 314d1. I just beleive that the belief in evolution is just as important as the evidence that backs it up. So I call it evolutionism. My belief that all beliefs should be '-isms' is called '-ismism', by the way. I tend to speak on that fine line between prose and its stonier, less realistic brother poetry, and I don't apologise if it bothers you.

Its not a belief if its true. If no one believed in gravity (Such as several hundred years ago) then gravity still exists. I don't see anything in any of your works that could be considered poetry in any form.

But we are getting off topic, this thread is supposed to be about evolution. Maybe one of us could start a thread about word usage and such, I am interested of its use in politics.
9,462 posts

Whatever, 314d1. I just beleive that the belief in evolution is just as important as the evidence that backs it up.

What if further evidence comes along disproving it? Would you continue to believe it to be true?
9,462 posts

But we are getting off topic, this thread is supposed to be about evolution. Maybe one of us could start a thread about word usage and such, I am interested of its use in politics.

I don't think it's completely of topic since the title started with the incorrect usage.
1,370 posts

i dont believe in god there is no proof the bible is bs anyone couldve changed it at any point of time the stuff in it is bs personally i believe that evolution couldve happened or a different aproach is that aliens mated with monkeys to make us which i find plausable

1,714 posts


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is. Evolution is not about how the universe came to be, its not about how life started, its about how life has changed since it started.
1,903 posts

Different species cannot reproduce together.

Many different species are capable of mating together, they just lack the behavioral patterns required to.
Maybe you should try listening a bit before giving lame excuses about how we're so wrong and evolution somehow makes sense? Thanks.
Evolutionism is just a theory.

It seems you are acting no better than your false interpretation of Mage, I would suggest that you try not to be so much of a hypocrite... Try and have an open mind.

Oh, and check the definition of the word 'theory'.
9,821 posts

Mmhmm. Right. And where did it start then??? Care to explain? Got proof? No? Didn't think so.

Your very asking of this belies your ignorance towards the subject. The origin of the Universe is as relevant to the theory of evolution as macaroni salad is to creationism, but less. Evolution purely details how life changes over time. Natural selection - generation-to-generation evolution - started after the reproduction of the first life forms. As long as there's a species where the inadequate of the population dies and the adequate reproduce, evolution will happen, at least on a very basic level.

There's a separate theory for the origin of life - abiogenesis. And for the start of the Universe itself, there's the Big Bang. They're all completely separate entities.
9,821 posts

Evolutionism is just a theory. A theory that makes no sense. Just think about it. Think about it. Can you honestly fool yourself into thinking that we, the highest in the food chain, actually came from little spores that appeared when an atom just decided to randomly blow up? And can you do that without feeling like you might have fallen for a lame excuse that has been proven wrong, and has no proof but whims to back it up? You know the theory of evolution leads to a dead end. There's no start. Just an atom exploding. But where did that atom come from? Gas? Where did the gas come from? No where? That defies logic.


Sorry for the double post, I just had to point that out specifically. The Big Bang was when all of the matter in the Universe was compressed a lot, then hit critical mass and decompressed. It was not one atom just blowing up. We don't know how the mass originated yet, but there's no sense in either dismissing the Big Bang or touting it as fact until we've figured out more of the details.

As for us coming from mold spores, that's not entirely true. We did not suddenly turn into humans from little spores floating around. As the Earth's environment changed, the spores mutated more and more into prokaryotic and then eukaryotic organisms, and after a few billion years, we have humans.

WE still don't know for sure what our evolutionary lineage is - we're still researching it. Once again, it's stupid to completely dismiss evolution simply because we don't have all the facts yet.
9,462 posts

Stop spamming. This IS off-topic, because I'm sure the creator (lol nice pun right?) of this thread created it to be a serious discussion about two different beliefs, not about the spelling of evolutionism or whatever you want to call it.

What we are saying is evolution isn't a belief it's a scientific theory. Since the topic was started with the incorrect term tacking on the -ism, we are refuting that wording. That's what we are discussing, so it's hardly spam.

Forgive me if I use the incorrect grammatical terms when referring to those that believe in evolution in this post and every one of my posts from now on.

No I'm going to call you out on it. You want to continue to propagate an inaccurate archaic term sorry not going to let it go.

And MageGrayWolf, you're kind of blindly throwing aside anything going against evolution. Maybe you should try listening a bit before giving lame excuses about how we're so wrong and evolution somehow makes sense? Thanks.

Most of the arguments against have been weak or irrelevant. Most of the arguments against evolution here haven't even been about evolution.As for listening you haven't really offered any evidence for creation in relation it evolution, so what's there to listen to?

Evolutionism is just a theory.

Evolution not an -ism (told you I would do it) Yes a scientific theory that means its an explanation with evidence and has stood repeated tests. So it "just being a theory"

actually came from little spores that appeared when an atom just decided to randomly blow up?

There is nothing about atoms making conscious decisions in the theory.

And can you do that without feeling like you might have fallen for a lame excuse that has been proven wrong,

Well since that's not what the theory states then no.

and has no proof but whims to back it up?

You were calling me dismissive? It has a huge body of evidence backing it up. Do I need to break out that list yet again?

You know the theory of evolution leads to a dead end. There's no start. Just an atom exploding.

It seems pretty clear you don't even know what the theory states. So here you go.

"Evolution is a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations. In fact, evolution can be precisely defined as any change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next."

Now where in that does it say atoms blew up?

But where did that atom come from? Gas? Where did the gas come from? No where?

Are you asking for the origin of life or the origin of matter/energy? Either way evolution doesn't cover either question.


Evolution started once life began reproducing allowing for the chance for changes to occur.

Only a being who has no beginning and no end could possibly put a start to our marvelously diverse world. You're never convincing me that I came from a pool of muck.

Again evolution doesn't cover the beginning of life just what happened after that. Also if you are to look at the beginning of life from a Biblical perspective then you came from dirt.
3,085 posts

You can't find any?
what about this?
Surely common descent proves Evolution?

3,085 posts

I'm very sorry for double posting but I have to fix that link.

1,714 posts

Mmhmm. Right. And where did it start then??? Care to explain? Got proof? No? Didn't think so.

Evolution is the changes in living things over time, it started when life started reproducing.

In all honesty, I am searching for proof of evolution. Can't find any. :P

If you can't find any you aren't trying. Its everywhere, every change in an animal species over time is evolution.
1,714 posts

I'm providing evidence against it and said I do not believe in it

Really? All I see is a misunderstanding of what evolution is.

but if we make a breakthrough that can actually prove that evolution is true,

The millions of different, yet related species on Earth.
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