once again, I still say evolution is an answer to how the lord made us instead of why he doesn't exist. i say this because christian doctrine states that god can do miracles, but still operates under natural law. also, evolution has lots of evidence to back it up. put the two together and it makes a bit more sense than us appearing out of thin air.
once again, I still say evolution is an answer to how the lord made us instead of why he doesn't exist. i say this because christian doctrine states that god can do miracles, but still operates under natural law. also, evolution has lots of evidence to back it up. put the two together and it makes a bit more sense than us appearing out of thin air.
Besides what Avorne pointed out about evolution not dealing with the origin of life, we have a pretty good understanding of the mechanisms that drive evolution. None of which require miracles or rely on supernatural agents.
I'm sorry but creationism is utter crap, you can't merge science and religious doctrines, that just doesn't work. What would work is a deistic viewpoint, that a deity has given the first input, or is somehow still giving some inputs to steer the processes in some directions. I guess this is rather what bladerunner meant.
I think what he's saying is that evolution doesn't help to disprove creationism on it's own, as it isn't too hard to sandwich the two together.
But to do so you have to either ignore certain facts or certain Biblical accounts. Then again with Biblical accounts it can't keep it's story straight, as we actually have two different creation stories. Further more the Bible says nothing about life changing over time as we see with evolution.
Let's go with one example from the first Biblical account. Here we have God creating birds (Genesis 1:20) before he created land animals (Genesis 1:24). What we see with evolution birds evolve from animals that first walked on land. So to mesh the two together we are either going to have to dismiss the Biblical account or our scientific evidence.
As pointed out earlier we don't see such supernatural agents at work in the process.
Nor do we fully understand our sudden jump from something-ape like to Humans. That could have been the steering?
Let's go with one example from the first Biblical account. Here we have God creating birds (Genesis 1:20) before he created land animals (Genesis 1:24).
I looked at it. It just keeps saying 'And God said 'x''. That doesn't have to mean it is being stated chronologically, it is just saying what God happened to do on that particular day.
Nor do we fully understand our sudden jump from something-ape like to Humans. That could have been the steering?
1. What sudden jump? 2. I think we understand relatively well how it came to be.
As pointed out earlier we don't see such supernatural agents at work in the process.
Sure, it's an unnecessary assumption, but there's nothing to completely exclude it. It comes down to belief if you believe such a thing or not. My point was, it's better than creationism. Way better.
Nor do we fully understand our sudden jump from something-ape like to Humans. That could have been the steering?
Actually we do have a decent understanding on how some of these changes occurred. For instance with the fusing of a pare of our chromosomes played a role.
I looked at it. It just keeps saying 'And God said 'x''. That doesn't have to mean it is being stated chronologically, it is just saying what God happened to do on that particular day.
Those two events are occurring on different days. So yes it is stating that chronologically birds came before land animals.
Those two events are occurring on different days. So yes it is stating that chronologically birds came before land animals.
Well, I don't actually own a Bible in my house. But I looked up online and it didn't really differentiate the days so well. Also, it stated he made animals within the sea first. Which, in turn, went onto land and then into the air, so it does in a way correlate with science.
Well, I don't actually own a Bible in my house. But I looked up online and it didn't really differentiate the days so well. Also, it stated he made animals within the sea first. Which, in turn, went onto land and then into the air, so it does in a way correlate with science.
Can you provide this link? What I'm looking at doesn't say that at all. This is what I use for quick reference. http://bible.cc/
(God creates birds.) Genesis 1:20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."
(day ends) Genesis 1:23 And there was evening, and there was morning--the fifth day.
(beginning of the next day God creates land animals) Genesis 1:24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.
Doesn't say anything about sea animals going onto land.
Evolution is obvious but it does not disprove creation but some of the creationists. Some Abrahamic scholars is also mentioning probabilities of it and construe creation as chain convertions. People seem to forget their purpose on this issue long ago. The absolute truth? No need it where we can imbue people with our truth.