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ForumsGames[necro] Paladog

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Post and discuss your favourite strategies/equipment/summons!

Personally, I'm a soloist, going through most levels with just Paladog himself, maxing out on the mana and mace skills. Seems to work. At least for now.

  • 104 Replies
413 posts

map 2 lvl 5: Now this is problematic. You at bare minimum need turtles and on a good level. Monkeys are also welcomed. And bring a meteoric mace, flame mace or turn undead mace of +5 or so.

To farm gold AND items with exp on top farm the second boss. It can drop up to +6 items, gaining the item you want is far from guaranteed though. Eg. I still wait for a better-than +2 food mace.
But with some gold-rings (or item-rings if you don't have quality golds) you can gain 5-8K gold plus the success-bonus, plus whatever you gain by selling items.

Also get 2 level in maximum food capacity, it is better that way. If possible.

units I used: lvl 8 kangaroo (easier to farm this way), lvl 6 turtle, lvl 3 monkey.
The problem of the level are the ghosts which passes your army, the sheer number of enemies, and that they are mostly ranged. So send forward a turtle, and pack kangaroos after it (beware, kangaroos are much faster than your other units).
Ghosts are reason to always send a turtle with the newly summoned stuff, except if you see you got lucky with the random.

I also had to change my equipment for this. +9 food regeneration ring in sum I had, +5 meteor mace and +5 healing. Food-spelling was minor issue at this point mostly for lacking mana for it.
The meteor spell and the very few monkeys were to decimate the large group of skeleton ranged units (fortunately they have low health, so they die in thousands).

Bosses so far were two:
- the first boss is nothing but a regular cave once more on the same level, lacking any special ability (caves spawn endless enemy too).
- the second boss turns your units to frogs, in which state they count as paralyzed, thus can't attack. But maybe they are invulnerable? No matter, this changes nothing. If you constantly summoned units as you should, you'll have way enough numbers to win.

lvl 6 will be chariot-walking, so that means heavy investment into monkeys. Will see.

413 posts

zone 2 map 6:
Big lol on me as I caught the red herring what is the monkey. I leveled it to lvl 5, when realised it is entirely futile. It is too slow to reach the front of the chariot at the later part of the map, and it throws its stuff very very rarely, so it is entirely useless, not just here but anywhere. Oh well.

What works here is lvl 7 tortoise (what I kept calling turtle what is the tortoise for water) with lvl 13 kangaroo. Actually you only need 1 turtle to release right at the start, it'll take some of the damages. Than just spam kangaroos. To start the level accumlate 90 food (so you can release tortoise + kangaroo combo).

You'll also need +5 Meteor Wand. I tried out some other stuff with no effect like +5 Flame Mace, and my turn undead mace is still only +3.

I also "needed", or precisely found very useful to incrise my max mana once. This Meteor-spell costs 50 as basic, and that is simply a lot, so let the mana accumlate, potentially exceeding over 100 (what is two time row casting).

Also had to swap in +11 food-ring summed to be able to call out my units.

That's it for today I think.

413 posts

So let's continue Paladog Hell Walkthrough:

zone 2 map 7-8: From this point on I pretty much see I leave behind my gold-rings (for a while) and just go with food-rings (+11 summed now).

The trick is still kangaroo-spamming, lvl 14 units.

Map 8 teaches a new lesson: if you have trouble fresh recruits reaching your front lines, leave behind the front lines and support the fresh ones with your aura. This way the front lines gets slower, and the newly comes have greater chance to survive.
And you guessed right, hugh amount of ghosts are the troublemakers. But a sufficient gang of your troops can punch them before they turn matter-less, so that's what you should try to go for: a very big army.

Oh, and I suspect the star-ranking system is depending on time spent on the map. Not sure of course. And if it is true, then this feature should be upgraded for the next game, because currently it is either 3 star, or fail.

map 9 on the other hand is easy. Just some witches (second part of zone one enemy) are coming.

About units unlocked until now:
- rat: weak melee unit. Its special is its walking speed
- rabbit: weak ranged unit. Its special deals piercing, what means it hurts every enemy on screen.
- bear: slow, dumb melee unit. Somewhere I read it can hit multiply (every) enemies in its range as special.
- kangaroo: an average melee unit. Its special is attacking four times faster (but very fast for sure) when it is in your aura. A unit you'll use for a very long time it seems.
- turtle: leveled up it can offer a HUGH amount of HP, especially if it is constantly in your aura. I suspect "defense" means it looses HP half as much when in your aura. Oh, and although it "can't pushed back", it very much can be knocked out, what means it will be thrown backwards. Also a note, that at least on Hell difficulty, healing is not too effective on this one.
And although both the rino and the dragon will have even more HP, AND will be able to attack unlike this one, this is much cheaper than those. Just tellin'.
- monkey: slow. dumb. weak. expensive. 'nough said.

413 posts

map 10 is just kangoo-spamming with trutle addition, lvl 11 called a new strategy. I used my gold rings, so it has a possibility in it, but more important is here (unlike on map 10) we again have ghosts. The trick is to call units in waves, meaning you summon your initial troop, then wait your food-meter to get filled, and summon a turtle + 3-4 kangoo. I also had to support my troops with meteors.

My current level is 37, kangoo was 14, turtle is also still 7. I am working on unlocking the rhinoceros. Maybe that way I'll be able to see that the minimum HP is what is written out, or it starts really with 7200 health.

413 posts

lvl 12, the 3rd boss-level is an interesting though annoying level.

Units I used:
lvl 15 rabbit
lvl 3 rhino
(lvl 14 kangoo)

To start with I called out two rhinos which even by lvl 1 turned to be a complete tank, so the stats at the "uncomplete" status is actually the units lvl 1 status.
The support these behemots I needed ranged units as this map has nothing but ranged units against you, not to mention the precious meteor mace a those skeletons come in groups (fortunately so to say).
During the middle of the map I called out a third rhino to not run out of meatshield.

This won't solve everything as melee units can't hit any ranged unit spawning in the cave (the wall of the cave is way ahead), and I don't have unlimited mana.
So it was crucial for success to store up maximum mana (150 at the moment) and release all of them on the advanced group spawning when the little silver triangle shows. Also at that time I called out a couple (1? 3?) kangoos because I could summon them faster than a rhino. They also served as meat-shield.

When the cave blew up the boss appeared. Its special is to kick back your troops (like a giant knockout-effect), so you have to constantly go backward while shooting meteors to eliminate the remaining of the enemy troops.
Actually this boss does not seem capable to spawn infinite amount of troops (luckily).

413 posts

Good news:
lvl 13-14 is just rhino + rabbit spamming (rise rhino to lvl 4!)
lvl 15 I was worried about, but I managed it. It is a conveyor-belt level what gives kangoo, turtle monkey. My lvls in order: 14/7/5
The spells you get are: freeze, lightning, meteor. Let them close to you initially for the limitations of your stuff and your aura. To make a note now I have 2 levels in size of aura.

PS: The second boss threw lvl 6 items at best, at this point random monsters gave me a +5 stuff. Just to be clear what are your chances for items.

413 posts

lvl 16: rhino + archer works.
lvl 17-18: spam rhinos. Lvl 17 is actually "easy", so with two gold-ring I can farm it if I want.
lvl 19: start with rhinos and add monkeys to them. The small mummies have greater range compared to the rhinos, meaning at the cave the rhinos can't hurt them, so they accumlate. I found spells not do enough here for my damage vs health ratio.
lvl 20: give yourself 2 manareg ring, and you'll completely dominate here if you spam release in all row spell

413 posts

For the previous pst: lvl 19-note is for lvl 19 and 20, lvl 20 note is for lvl 21.

lvl 22 says it'd be reasonable to add a level to the rhino, but still works. I had my food/mana accumlate so fast I had to summon a monkey at the beginning to not waste any, and it was basically enough (maybe just got lucky with getting barely any mumies).,

413 posts

lvl 23: I came up releasing 2 rhinos, than accumlating 4-5 monkeys, than spamming rhinos. This made it easy. Oh, since lvl 16 for sure I used on the regular levels the food-regenerating rings, and will do so if I don't tell otherwise.

lvl 24: a boss-level. Pretty standard, no special skill as far as I can tell.
To beat the level monkey is too expensive, so make it a rhino + archer combo.
Max. equipment-level goes at least lvl 8.

413 posts

Map 3
lvl 1-2: spam rhinos.

lvl 3: change your rings to HP-rings because that's the only which will have any effet here being a conveyor belt level
It has:
wands: freeze, poison, turn undead: spam the poison, preserve 1+ freeze in case a ghost gets through. Not sure about the Turn Undead ones if they cast on the whole of the field, or just the middle.
units: rhino, monkey, kangaroo. Mines were: 5/6/15. But I also think the level depends on RL luck too.
Kangaroo is weakest, so you should spam them with some monkey-support until the second flag, and hold the rhinos in case a ghost slips through. They should work out things until, and than fall.
The second skull-wave is the worst, you should try to keep your units close, as many as possible held within your aura. But don't let them too close, else they'll push back your units, reach you and kill you.

Farm gold for this level at the 4th boss, no matter that you can not wear gold-rings, you'll have serious income, AND possibly new equipment.

lvl 4: major amount of ghosts here. Rhino-spamming works, and to be honest I don't have any other idea for now. From time to time go back to lead the new arrivals to the front, because ghosts WILL pass through like your troops wouldn't even be there. And don't tempt me with kangaroos, ok?

At this time 200 basic max food you definitely should have, and should go back farming a little as the next level is a little trickier than it looks.

413 posts

lvl 5: rise rhino to lvl 6 than spam them. Earlier I tried lvl 5 rhino + archer support, but it didn't worked as I imagined (there are lots of ranged units against you here, that1s why I tried archers).

lvl 6: oh the infamous chariot-levels. Start with rhinos as long as you safely can. 90% of the enemy will be ghosts though, so watch out. When things start to slip out of your hands call in kangaroos. They are MUCH cheaper, so you can summon them oh-so-more frequently, what considering the ever-slipping ghosts will be welcomed.
Also, you'll have to provide heavy support. for this mission I used a lvl 8 lightning mace for its much cheaper cost (I don't exactly have high mana regeneration at this point, as I consider Paladog only secondary important).
My hero now is lvl 45, and beats me what skills it have.

Oh, a word: your mana regeneration rate and maximum mana and how soon the first enemy arrives determines what you can and can not use during the missions. So it is at this point practical impossibility to summon a Pink Dragon for example, so that's why I invest into rhinos, and not try to unlock more stuff.
Although with some grinding I likely could with all the stuff sold I gain more than 10K gold from the 4th boss in one go, what is not bad if you ask me (this is with no gold-ring, and 0 point in gain more gold skill).

413 posts

lvl 7-8: zounds of ghosts incoming, this can easily prevent you access from new groups. The only relatively reliable strategy is, if you counter them with numbers, so your units will constantly knock back the ghosts before they can go immaterial.
So instead of rhino-spamming use rhinos only as group-leaders, and make the groups primaly from kangaroos.
Also, changing your maces sounds reasonable. This is the first time I'd use a Fist Mace, as ghosts tend to stay separated instead of accumlating.
Note: as you'll have to pass a semi-large group of ghosts to get to your coming second band, it will not be bad if you already gained a bonus to pala's hp or less dmg to pala skill.

lvl 9: get 2 manareg ring and spam lines of units.

lvl 10: spam rhinos using Food Mace until you reach the cave. This is important, because when the cave-wave will come that'll contain a ton of ghosts, so your support won't reach ahead. Also all enemy units here are otherwise ranged, so bring a Lightning Mace. It is slightly unreliable, but when you are at the cave it looses a lot of its random targeting, and is half as costy as a Meteor Mace (not to mention I have a lvl 8 LM compared to my lvl 5 MM).

Note: here my food could again exceed my max food at the beginning (200 at the time, and I wear lvl 12 food rings summed), so if the chance arise, I'll invest another point here, making it lvl 5 (this just happened).

lvl 11: like lvl 7-8 but with bigger ghosts as regulars

lvl 12: a very stupid boss. The map is full of hordes made of small ranged enemies, so for the first half you'll need the rhino + kangoo combo supported with lightning-mace. Also ,you're better off with manareg-boosting rings instead of food-production here (of course this might depend on your actual skills a bit).
The boss itself is a ghost, which can pass through you troops! It also can go /teleport?/ backwards while being invisible/immaterial! With this going on your fast(er) melee troops will pass the boss itself, so you'll need archers covered with occasional kangoos (you'll have to spam out units to constantly be able to hit the boss no matter where it appears).

413 posts

lvl 13: combine rhino with archers on a 1:2 ratio, so you'll have enough knockback to deal with the soon-arriving masses. Store mana to cast lightning and heal your troops if you have a lvl 8 mace for it.
Another level to the rhinos seems reasonable though.
(mines are currently still lvl 6 and 15 respectively)

lvl 14: same as above, the importance of the healing being more important. Also as I did not gave another level to the rhinos, I needed at the start a bit of help by kangaroos (they died fast, but bought me enough time).

lvl 15: stupid special mission
wands: lightning, meteor, fist
units: rhino, turtle, monkey
ways to die:
- in the beginning you don't get any melee unit
- in the beginning you only get turtles and spells
- you get too many monkeys
- the enemy push your troops back too much

As the level seems to depend mostly on defensive strategy, a maximum (lvl 3) aura can be actually useful.

my troops were: lvl 12 tortoise, lvl 9 monkey, lvl 6 rhino. If you still get stuck, I'd try 15/10/7 for a reliable solution. At that point I feel only major disasters can make you loose.

413 posts

lvl 16: this level swarms you sudden, so you don't have time for big units. Instead you'll have to rely on smaller, cheaper units, meaning tortoise and rabbits. Send like 5 turtle to the front and occasionally heal them while making a HUGH number of bunny-army.
Also, for weapon here I suggest Fire Mace.

lvl 17: For this level I had to grind again. The enemy arrives relatively fast, so I tried a couple of different strategies, none worked. Turtles get massacred like nothing, and spells are questionable against this many.
What looked promising was rhino + rabbit + turn undead, so that1s what I did. Rabbits were risen to lvl 20 (maxed), rhinos to lvl 7, what might not sound that much, and definitely demanded healing, but is far from being cheap.
Note: grinding was made on map 2 final boss, with 1 food ring and 1 item ring. The price of items exceed from now the amount of raw gold you can gain.

lvl 18: Now this is fun. I had these:
maces: lvl 6 meteor, lvl 7 food
With these I quickly sent out 2 rhinos to the front, than spammed bunnies. I constantly supported my army with meteors (tried other maces with little to no success). And it worked.

413 posts

lvl 19: rhino + rabbit + healing. The goal is to accumlate as many rhinos where the healing exceeds the possible damage they suffer. The rabbits are mostly supporting knockback at the beginning and crowed-control to some merit.

lvl 20: this is again a tricky one. Bring turn undead mace, or else. At the start along the rhino + rabbit combo also send out some turtles, because they are cheaper, and the piercing shots counts more. Support your troops by eliminating hugh amount of enemies from the field by the turn undead mace.
Once you can solidly advance rhino becomes the prime priority as meatshield and damage.

lvl 21: purple level. Ok, the enemy seems to come in waves too, and they are ranged, but they still have 0 chance if you wear two ring of prayer.

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